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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. \ Same shit with Jennifer Lopez. She's got a great body but a plain- jane, rice & beans face that needs a nose job. Yet, you have suckers drooling all over her. Beauty MUST be in the eye of the beholder. -iliana
  2. WOW, you just go home and smoke up everyday?! Don't you find that it keeps you from doing IMPORTANT things in your life? Each day I do different things after work. I hate routine's and there's no way I'm gonna live in a box! -iliana
  3. Throwing water on other people? God How fucking annoying! It sounds like you girls were acting stupid. No surprise you got pulled out of the crowd! -iliana
  4. For all you people who are defending quoth on his 'personal' problem, just realize that Mike chose to air his dirty laundry out in a PUBLIC FORUM. MIKE CROSSED THE LINE IN TAKING THIS PERSONAL TRAUMA AND TURNING IT INTO A SYMPATHY FORUM FOR HIMSELF. It doesn't take a genius to anticipate the Negative and positive remarks that would be offered to him. Mike, next time, keep your problems PRIVATE and discuss them with REAL friends, not a message board. I'm sure your mom would not appreciate this. And for the rest of cp....GET A LIFE, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO 'THREATEN' OTHER PEOPLE OVER THE INTERNET. -iliana
  5. I feel your pain. I am currently involved in a legal battle with my co-op. It appears that you're experiencing harrassment. If you really like your apartment and the landlord continues with the bullshit you can def look up an attorney-you have MANY rights. You also have a right to play your radio at moderate volume till 11pm. If certain rules were not brought to your attention PRIOR to you moving in (such as no radio playing at all within the premises), then the landlord rented the apartment in bad faith. Then again, if you're blasting your radio in an apartment with paper thin walls, I suggest you knock it off and show your tenants some respect. -iliana
  6. What a bunch of CRAP! Stop reading Kittie kelly novels! -iliana
  7. Myoplex is nasty!!! I prefer Strawberry MetRx..MMMMMMMM!!! Plus, is that your pic under your name? Why don't you show your face? -iliana
  8. People like you search for simple answers and have faith in nothing. Every action committed on earth is linked to something else. It's not up to you to question God but it is your responsibility to grow STRONGER and WISER because of all the bullshit that goes on. -iliana
  9. Anyone who picked Danny over Jesus, just remember that when you die and you reach the gates of heaven only to be rejected for your STUPIDITY! -iliana
  10. Save the auto biography for Barnes & Noble -iliana
  11. That's the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Waste of conditioner! -iliana
  12. Don't forget little cock Boy, you THOUGHT I was pregnant...but I just robbed you of $600...DUMBFUCKINGASS!! Remember, that was the weekend your girlfriend was bitching about you taking her to White Castle for your anniversary! I'll never foget the look on her face! Poor baby had to come to my house afterwards to get a good lay! -iliana
  13. Lame attempt at humor?!?! Actually, that's your face! Bwaahahhaha!) -Iliana
  14. LOLLOL...actually, that was the trannie you were sucking off in the dark.....hmm...isn't she your girlfriend now??? Plus, what have I told you about going to those pathetic cp meetup's????? Honey, it's bad enough you wear spider man underwear and piss your bed.... but to meet up with more geeks like you??? Not Good! Tsk TSk -iliana
  15. LOLLOL You sound hot. I love computer guys!!!! -iliana
  16. Ewwww If it weren't for her tits she would have nothing else going for her!!!!!!! -iliana
  17. The only thing repressed is your asshole.....it's in dire need of a shot of cum Baby!!! -iliana
  18. Bitch, why aren't you picking up your cell????? You think I have time to stop tricking to fucking wait around for you to pick up your phone????!?!?!??!!?!??! ASSHOLE!!! -iliana
  19. Nah...i'd rather stop by your girls house, she's a better lay than you are....can't pass that shit up! Yummy
  20. Well whatever happens, I think all Club Planet peeps should sponsor GAY PRIDE since you're all a bunch of faggots!
  21. As I said, people who can't afford a REAL trip out of town go to Jersey.....so tell your trailer park barbie wannabe whore friend to cash her welfare check, get her nails done at Sheneneh's and have fun in Newark at New Jersey's finest bar/club "The Bridge and Tunnel Hideaway" LOLLOLOL :laugh: -iliana
  22. Thanks BARBIE, (You wish!) for your pointless rant in reapeating everything i said. Next time get your own material stupid jersey bitch! -iliana
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