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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Well, personally, I'd rather live without electricity and water instead of moving to Florida and catching ANTHRAX. Good luck Sucker -iliana
  2. It was NOT a boeing 767 heading cross country. -iliana
  3. HA! Reeeaaaaal classy. Keep doing what you do..you education is paying off real well. Bawawwwahahahah -iliana
  4. YOU go to school for law? If you're going to be the future of America's legal society thanBRING ON THE TERRORISTS!! But you're probably taking paralegal studies from Katherine Gibbs or PCDI.....not the same thing bitch!!! HA! -iliana
  5. My oh my, where the hell is Al Sharpton when ya need him?? HOLLA!!! LOLLLOLLLOLLLOLLLOLLLOLLOLLLOLLOLL :laugh: Stupid ghetto ass!!!!! -iliana (holla!! LOLLOL)
  6. :laugh: LOLLOLLOL!!!!! .....and in the end, iliana got the worst out of you, my work here is done! LOLLOLLLOLLLOLLLOL :laugh: --------> Will be moving to Howard Beach soon to get his black ass kicked! -iliana
  7. lesbiandog....Hooking is not a profession that requires education. So you're ok whith that. But for your part time job at White Castle, you might have to learn how to count. Best of luck slut! -iliana
  8. [/quote Hey STUPID BITCH- Whens the last time you saw me posting about all the E and K I consumed this past weekend????? Exactly, you never have....so SHUT THE FUCK UP, you busted-ass bitch!!!! However, I'll fill you in on all the "fun" I have this weekend, while your sorry fat ass is sitting home with nada to do!!!! AKA...sitting behind the GD computer screen:mad:
  9. Bigpoppa....I think I like you....... -iliana
  10. Hmm...my own fan club. I'm so over whelmed!! I already wiped your picture on my ass after A GOOD LONG SHIT. It was funny watching you being flushed down a toilet. You really couldn't see the shit cuz, you know, you're already brown and stank! LOLLOL -iliana
  11. What's wrong hun? You're jealous because I get the guys AND the girls and you get your right hand at the end of the night? It's ok hun. I lend you one of my lesbian sex tapes I made so you can jerk off to it. Maybe now you won't feel so lonely Saturday nights. *Kisses* -iliana
  12. Ha! I forgot, your picture reminds me of Ms. America -ghetto style...you being the crack baby of course. Too bad you're not even a cute black girl. Now I know where all this bitterness comes from. Plus: 1. People are uncomfortable with you being there because you're ghetto. 2. Yeah, you're right, there's nothing wrong with people defending where they came from. So if one day you walk up to your door and there's a huge swastika on it, don't worry, it's only a bunch a nice neo-nazis being proud of where they came from. 3. I'm not the "empowered black woman" here. It's not my job to know about black culture nor do I have any interest in it. As far as I'm concerned Mrs. Huxtable works just fine as a model for an educated black woman. But I suppose you're an "educated" black girl with no ambition- to be proud of decrepite neighborhoods, gang violence and ghetto hoods. There's a difference between acknowledging where you came from and endorsing and defending that type of environment for the rest of your life. No one in there right mind would dream of there kids growing up next to the projects. Stick to your nigger neighborhood. That's what you love and that's where you belong. It's obvious that you don't know any better and thank God because you would get a fierce beat-down elsewhere. Now go cash that welfare check whore! -iliana
  13. Exactly..do or die "niggas". All you fucking monkeys like the violence and the drama. That's your facade.."do or die". And guess what, most of you assholes get WACKED. Ok Moesha, so you've "made it", you walk around in a two piece suit...but you're trying to "keep it real" and stay in your ghetto...why? Maybe it's because YOU would be out of place on Madison Avenue or in Tribeca. Perhaps you're comfortable around all your lowerclass minorities- Because YOU'LL always be one. AN educated black woman doesn't defend the "ghetto". She GETS OUT of the ghetto to live a better and healthier life. You're a far cry from a Mrs. Huxtable. NOW THAT"S AN EDUCATED BLACK WOMAN. SHE CELEBRATED BLACK CULTURE NOT THE GHETTO. Get that straight. So keep on representing moesha. you obviously have no fucking clue. -iliana
  14. Make it in YOUR neighborhood? Oh you mean walking around acting all hard and loud and shit? Yeah..it takes alot of guts to do that!! Fucking pussy! 98% of you are all bark and no bite! Does anyone "MAKE IT" in YOUR GHETTO neighborhood? I think you've been watching too much BET. Newsflash: Niggers in gold chains and flashy cars with gold teeth acting all tough, have not "made" it . They ARE ghetto and will always stay that way. Now isn't it time for you to go visit your relatives at rikers? Send them my regards. And.. to each one of yo babies daddy's lol bitch! -iliana
  15. I decided to fuck your dad instead. He's a MUCH BETTER catch than you! -iliana
  16. Born and raised in the ghetto? Amazing. Word of advice, don't put that on your resume. It doesn't flatter. But it seems that you want to stay ghetto and you have it in your heart, so maybe you should call that number and go chill with your peeps in these new projects I'm building. I'm doing it to unite society..hence the picture of jon. Note the sarcasm? I didn't think so. After all, you went to school in the ghetto which means you were deprived of an education. Ready for ghetto life? Um, no. I'll leave that privileged part of society to you. Go fester in it. BIOTCH! -iliana
  17. Oh yeah, let me post about all the e and k I consumed over the weekend ..that's not ignorant at all! STUPID BITCH!!! -iliana
  18. Pussy Board?! Great Idea! I LOVE PUSSY !! Maybe I can finally hook up with some hot slut who frequents factory! Let's email Dave on this topic, shall we? -iliana
  19. I see you've been watching your dad's porn tapes that he made back in the day with your mom(trannie in training) and sister all cumming on each other's faces. I tell ya, a family that fucks together stays together. By the way, why you sweating my dildo for? I smell a closet homo! You're damn right my dildo is bigger than your cock. Why don't you go teach that to your after school kids. Maybe they'll stop "looking up" to you and realize what a fucked up smalled dick cunt you really are. They'll probably realize that you forcing them to go down on you is not part of the learning process. Maybe I should print this thread out and send it to them.. hehe -iliana
  20. That's not nice! After all they've done for our country??? (they do suck) But seriously, if you don't know how to be patient when you're driving than you're a worse and more dangerous driver than someone who's going 15mph. I started appreciating slow mileage when I passed by a gruesome accident one day..and the guys body was torn to pieces! Ouch! Thank God for slow drivers! -iliana
  21. Hehe I'll also pick up "The Nigger's Guide to Male and Female anatomy" Just because your mom was really a transvestite doesn't mean ALL women have dicks! Silly Rabbit! Crack is for Niggers!! -Ms. Escobar
  22. "You the fuck are you? " Ok while I'm at borders I'll pick up "The Niggers guide to writing English" By the way, I wrote "Dummies Guide to Prostitution". It was intended for your mother. When she told me she was pregnant..i chased her into the belt parkway and watched her get hit by a car....but she didn't lose the baby! FUCK! Oh well...there's always drive by shottings. -Ms. Escobar
  23. Escobar Realty is the newest joint venture to emerge in the Tristate area. We have just signed a $30 million dollar deal with Trump and Silverstein Properties to construct affordable housing in the Howard Beach section. YES! that's correct- Howard Beach. This 30 million dollar plan has been approved and applauded by Mayor Juliani, in efforts to make New York City a more diversified and cultural city. It's our job to bring minorities into the Howard Beach area to start enjoying the brand new projects and bodegas that we plan to build. That's why we need your help, to ghettofy Howard Beach. Apt prices start at $200/month for a studio. Welfare recipients and crack heads are strongly urged to apply. WE guarantee you state of the art features and a beautiful neighborhood to enjoy all your ghetto needs. Kentucky fried chicken, white castle, McDonals'd, Momma's Fried chicken, 99cent stores and local santeria shop will be opening real soon. For more information and application please call Escobar Realty at (718)ghe-ttoo. Escobar Realty
  24. Why don't we all move to Howard Beach, get the shit kicked out of us, and SHUT THE FUCK UP! -Ms. Escobar
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