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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Teehee Shakespeare you're not. THis is what happens when you watch too much of Bob the Songe and jerk off to it. -iliana
  2. OOOo I'm shaking..lemme guess...you got my pic..ooooooo SOOO Original!!!!! Bwaahahhahahahhahahahhaha -iliana
  3. AHhh..so you were the 2" cock boy that she was laughing about. You're a fuckign bad lay asshole.....tsk tsk. Good thing you got AIDS. Hoep ya dick falls off. -iliana
  4. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fiesty over a fucking momma joke............... There's no room because your fat pig of a mother is taking up the whole room,,,,,, go watch Richard Simmons wit yo momma barfy! -iliana
  5. I heard the Elmhurst Seniour Housing is fantabulous for people her age. Check it out!!! -iliana
  6. Actually, momma jokes are inappropriate with people you DO know as well. But that's the beauty of it all. -iliana :rolleyes:
  7. It's not as nasty as the smell between your momma's legs. Bwaahaaaa -iliana
  8. LOLLOL Oh YES! I want to affect your life with this thread! And you talk about intelligence??? LOLLLOL -iliana
  9. Actually, my foot is up your ass. In a minute I'll make you lick your own shit off my boots. I suppose if these threads prove our intelligence than you must be a highschool drop out. I would expect more civilized educated respones from such an intelligent soundfactory patron instead of blatant responses. Tsk Tsk. -iliana
  10. On the contrary, Soundfactory is a wonderful club and I've met alot of great people. What's pathetic is the teeny boppers like you who would suck that he/she's dick to get in, plus get anal fucked by the bouncers while your friends watch. Gee, it makes you wanna suck more cock from people who know Paris 'PERSONALLY'!! "I'm not worthy!!!!!" Fucking moron. -iliana
  11. YIKES! I must of hit a nerve...Why are you so defensive? Are you one of those pathetic people? I'd rather sound like an after school special than a wanna be who praises someone they don't EVEN FUCKING KNOW. -iliana
  12. I think it's pretty pathetic how most of you WON'T stop kissing a DOOR PERSONS ass. A DOOR PERSON... Goes to show you're all dying to be 'cool' and LET IN to the 'hottest spot in town' Get your priorities straight. -iliana
  13. It's apparent that the majority of you are only familiar with Commercial Hip-hop. Your views are one sided. It would be easy to dislike electronic music if I thought KTU was the final word on techno. Hip Hop is definitly an art form that shouldn't be judged by Hot97 or BET. -iliana
  14. If you won't enlighten us then there's NO POINT in sharing an 'inside joke' on a message board. Proffessional dumbasses! -iliana
  15. Popapimple is still a teenager?! That explains it all. yOu fucking dumbass teenybopper.
  16. Wow, that's kinda hard....since I'm a MINORITY you fucking cracker!! Got ya fooled as always. -iliana
  17. hey big popapimple, DOn't you think it's time for you to STOP SWEATING internet personalities?!?!?! LOSER -iliana
  18. Britney Spears has stated that she doesn't want to be a role model. She's an entertainer- not Mother Theresa. It's the lack of parental influence and stupidity of your young cousins that gets them in trouble. - Not what Britney wears on stage. Stop using poor excuses. -iliana
  19. EXACTLY! Try taking your own advice, wench! -iliana
  20. Misses, If you go to a NYC messageboard or to a club to look for divine wisdom and friendliness than YOU are the asshole. Go find some common sense. -iliana
  21. What's your definition of shady? To me a shady person is tougher to spot. His hidden agendas are not going to be out in the open. This is going to open a whole new chapter in racism for the U.S. It's going to cause conflict among Americans against muslims and "arab looking" people. I don't think it's our job to keep a look out for these people. We should leave that job to the government. It's the best they can do since they already failed us once. -iliana
  22. With a quote like that in your signature, how can you claim to be scared? Contradiction don't you think? -iliana
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