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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Omg, I would seriously like to know how old you are? Plus i would liek to know if you're so much older and experienced and wiser, how you spend all this time on a shat board antoginizing people?? Yeah..you're sooo much older and smarter. and since when does the drama board have "private arguments'. Everything on here is on public display dumbass. ( Oh no,more name calling!!!!) Well..think about it monkey brain. would he EVEN GET IN with a boombox if there's bouncers at the door...NOOOOOOOO!!! Again...totally irrelevant. (Anyway, smoke vaporates unlike "music") Get a better example please. -iliana
  2. soee ohh u wan som powk fie rice??? oooooooo :grin: -iliana
  3. Ugh, no I wasn't refering to that retard. I was refering to your useless examples with God and balckholes. Keep dodging..you have nothing worthwile to say -iliana
  4. Shnarff Shnarfff I actuallly use chinks as crutches since they're soo tiny. -iliana (Sukkee sukkee five dolla)
  5. Ok, now you have a tight ass PLUS no sense of humor Bwaahhahaaa -iliana
  6. OF COURSE! Now bend over and pull that stick outta your tight ass! -iliana
  7. Much like yourself since you failed to answer my last post to you. (STAY ON TOPIC BITCH! LOLOL) -iliana
  8. I think Eddie and Grammar Police stated excellent points that should shut brooklynkid up. "why should people impose their vice on me" sounds more like a personal problem. (Like a kid stomping his feet). No one is imposing anything on you. You can easliy move away if there's smoke. You should stop your bitching. -iliana
  9. The difference between you and Grammar police is that GP IS INTELLECTUALLY SUPERIOR and you're ARE NOT. -iliana
  10. Thank you Grammar Police. What this dumbasses don't get is the same way they're trying so hard to sound like smart individuals with relevant points, I bask in my brash statements and fun name calling. Guys, stop TRYING to impress on clubplanet ! LOLLOL -iliana
  11. no one was trying to take aways anyone's liberty when they stated "the world is flat". What does that have to do with banning smoking? Wy don't you stay on topic, huh? True. And ther are no HARD FACTS that second hand smoke kills. Hey, again STAY ON TOPIC! but to answer you, Wether God exists or not, has nothing to do with taking away my right to smoke in a bar. Your examples are useless. -iliana
  12. Again, let me re-state that people who "swallow" information without getting a solid fact, proof, or evidence is basically a dumbass, much like yourself. SO you're saying things are either black or white??? MY GOD YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID! What things are true that we know nothing about?? I would like to know.. Oh wait, you can't tell me becasue YOU DON'T KNOW!! lolllol (FUKCING IDIOT) I actually like this idea. At least I can still smoke in a bar. Kudos to you! Actually, to state an ARGUMENT, you do have to bring up various points concerning "health andvarious forms of drug use and its affect on the public" SO WHY DON'T YOU ADD TO THE TOPIC INSTEAD OF TRYING TO BELITTLE OTHER PEOPLE'S ARGUMENTS WITHOUT INFORMATION TO BACK UP YOUR SHIT? HMM?????? -iliana
  13. Again...since assholes like you have a hard time comprehending, if you don't like cigarette smoke to the point where you get soo sick, I'm sure you wouldn't be frequenting bars. You have a choice to go to a smoke free restaurant and have your drinks there or go out clubbing with your friends and (HACK) breath in all that horrible smoke ... ewwww -iliana
  14. So what? You're going on other people's ASSUMPTIONS? That's real smart. Evidence is a prerequisite to truth, no? Now who's the fucking imbecile? In that case let's outlaw trucks and power plants, because they ALL IRRIATATE MY THROAT AND EYES. And powerplants can cause cancer with their toxic fumes. AS I STATED BEFORE, LET'S OUTLAW EVERYTHING TO ACCOMODATE CRYBABY'S LIKE YOURSELF. So which is worse? Social costs or health risks? To put emphasise on one over the other is to provide a disservice to yourself and your overall future. To preach about the ill affects on second hand smoke and then to deny that other people's drug use will affect society as horribly as smoking is VERY SHORTSIGHTED. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES. -iliana
  15. Hey asshole, since you failed to get my fucking point, I was pointing out how second hand cigarette smoke should be the LEAST of a person's concerns when they go out. I'd rather be stuck in a cigar bar than in a non-smoking frat house where drunk assholes can get out of hand and REALLY PUT SOMEONE'S LIFE IN DANGER. GO FUCK YOURSELF!! -iliana
  16. Actually I basically ignored everything you said ...so yeah. i didn't know that you cared less. (Judging by your passionate responses to what i had to say , i thought otherwise) Talking about the attention span of a walnut..it takes one to know one. If you REMEMBER i stated i was a SOCIAL SMOKER. I don't do the smoking out side thing during work hours. What's the matter?? You weren't paying attention?? DUMBASS!! -iliana
  18. Yes I learned that brooklynkid is a dirty rat bastard that does not like smokers at his local bar!! I hope you suffer more cigarette burns on your fake canal-street armani shirt! And you eyes tear every time you walk into a bar/club establishment. And your k-mart panties reek of marlboro red's ALL DAY LONG! Suffer suffer, hex, hex.. haah ahahaha -iliana
  19. LOL Hilarious! Keep schooling me so i can be ever so wise as you! I want to learn MORE and MORE through your profound intelligence! LOLLLOL -iliana
  20. I wouldn't call you perfect. After all, you do post here. As far as adding something constructive to this debate...i was waitng for you to fall through on that. You haven't yet. -iliana
  21. WHy don't you relay that message to your asian friends at exit when they're all strung out on e, on the floor, and I have to trip over them to get from point A to B?? ???? -iliana
  22. Now, now. We shouldn't pass judgement on people with VICES. I'm sure you must have some of your own. It's your opinion if you feel I have nothing INTELLIGENT to say (Or, um, don't understand myself??!?!?!). If so, I wonder why you even respond to my threads and get so heated up over this? hmmm??? -iliana
  23. The smokers who are arguing the merit of the new law feel that way for different reasons (they want to quit or they don't want to smoke as much) as opposed to me or people like me who enjoy lighting up in a bar. It seems that you're unfounded assumtions of me not "UNDERSTANDING" this thread may come from the fact that you don't like what I'm saying. SO with that i say: GO FUCK YOURSELF! LOLLLOL -iliana
  24. No, I'm not considerate at heart but i have to be in public places because it is the law. So i only smoke in designated areas. That's fine. I think Wendy's is hiring. No smoking is permitted there. Exactly! -iliana
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