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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Um, yeah, any moron can PROPOSE anything..but the Accept pr deny process involves lawmakers to question the proposal and bring "case and affect" into play. "Perhaps" is not good enough in awarding soemone money for their accusations. It's not a question of CAN i prove they didn't get lung cancer through second hand smoke, it's more a question of HOW can the PLANTIFF prove that that he/she did? No one said anything about proving the case frivolous.....what was questioned was the credibility of the plaintiff. It's still a question isn't it? Have you ever met anyone that was so severely sick form frequenting bars because of other smokers? When we are disussing medical problems "persuasion" doesn't come into play. You can "persuade" someone to vote on your bill outlawing immigrants for REASONS other than the obvious. (SUch as a senator happens to be racist and wants to keep minorities out ) Does that make it right? Absolutely not! There are problems with these studies....you have a hard time comprehending that don't you?
  2. Well you keep jumping from one action to another. Now you mention the PRACTICE of law. And you are correct in stating that law makers offer opinions when DISCUSSING law. To CREATE laws, however, is another ball game. You don't creat a law "because you want to". You have to support your basis for creating a law. You can bring anything into a courtroom. The courtroom is the bottom of barrel for SOLVING a case. It has nothing to do with 'creating' laws. The law is NOT at it's finest here because of all the different aspects and examples that are thrown in order win something. A judge can be bought, jurors can be bought.... It has nothing to do with creating laws. Not to mention, I'm sure we can question the character and credibility of this person suing "because of second hand smoke". Someone making a quick buck? with that in mind, then You shouldn't judge second hand smoke as a "hazard" just as much as I shouldn't deny its harm to the person next to me. Yet, what fairness is there in taking away my smoking right in bars/clubs without PROOF of it's deadly affects??? OUch, such anger. (LOL) But you have proven that you are full of bullshit....this article and whole case doesn't exist probably. Keep making up cases sweetheart...it makes you sound somewhat on point! LOLLLLLOL Aside from Eddie, i also worship Satan! (lollllol) I'm pretty well educated on how our gevernment works. Tip: Learn how to structure your statements. Saying things like: " law makers don't need any evidence to pass laws. they pass what they want" Make syou sound like a bigger schmuck than you already are. Plus it proves that YOU don't know how our government works! Laws change when new problems surface surroudning the topic. As far as abortion, there was a question as to how late a woman can abort and for what particular reason... so on and so forth. To say, "it's against the law to smoke in this pub do to the health hazard it casuses other patrons' without one justifiable medical research that CAN SHOW US this accusation, shouldn't be tolerated. We're introducing the 21st Century to a new form of prohibition. -iliana
  3. When a judge is about to give a verdict (or even after) he states his/her OPINION on the case. A judge does not sit there and MAKE UP laws. (God, you're stupidity is baffling) Exaclty. SO how can you come to a conclusion or use the research conducted as your argument of that research IS NOT 100% FULL POOF?? You're riding on the coat tails of ASSUMPTIONS and that's making you look like an ASS. (Plus you're asking all your lawyer family! LOLLLOLOL) Ahh...you can't provide this article? ( That's what I thought) You're a liar because if it's in appeal than NO ONE WAS AWARDED MONEY! (liar liar pants on fireLOLLOL) Hahhahahha OMG! I'm sure eddie has a life..unlike you. And you should really stop watching "as the world turns". "WHy has he abandoned you" LOLLLLLOLLLLOLLLOl fucking classic! Oh yes..i look unto other clubplanet post junkies to BACK ME UP!! LOLLLLOLLLLOLL . I'm Sooooo abandoned!! Perhaps in communist cuba! Everything you just stated has a 'cause and affect' attached to it. You don't jay walk becasue you can get run over....it's been PROVEN. Abortion is legal because after much debate the right of a woman outweighed the ethical ramifications and the health risks in aborting was PROVEN so they made it legal. -iliana
  4. Wow...in that case you should write text books for law schools. I'm sure you would show fine examples. I want to see where you got this information from and I would like to read the whole story that you have If that's possible of course. No. Law is not about OPINIONS. It is about the theory of cause and affect. A law goes into affect in order to restrain or enable a CAUSE. In order to do this law makers have to have sufficient evidence to pass a law. It goes into researcdh, statistical data, and so forth. Read up on law deputy dog. Again, it's been stated that those research tests has errors. There's NO HARD EVIDENCE of second hand smoke. If you find me reliable evidence I would be glad to accept the outscome. Actually, I don't give two shits about your touro college family members! YOU were the one who through out "IVY league" out there! -iliana
  5. You got the right touch...BABY..Love the way you turn me on... LOLLLLOL :laugh: :laugh: "Djing at your local CHEESE venue.." -iliana
  6. Cute website. Who do you think you are? A fucking New Kid on the Block??? LOLLLOL -iliana
  7. If it's in the bar exam review...then it's a fact. They are not going to offer students "opinions" to ponder. You fail to tell me these wonderful Ivy league schools your family attended...why are you keeping so mum?????? The evidence, from RESEARCH SCIENTISTS, is out for you to read. Judges make their decisions through evidence from these reliable sources. ANd you know that my opinion from the start is not to outlaw cigarettes in bars/clubs. It seems that you have a MAJOR problem with my opinion and that is why this thread has progressed the way it has. -iliana
  8. As i said, if you stack up your family member's law degrees from touro college ..it will probably amount to a management position at McDonald's. And he wasn't offering an opinion,,,he was offering facts. But YOU have admitted to offering an OPINION..so let's see YOUR FACTS that support your crappy opinion. Don't waste our time with second rate opinions! -iliana
  9. As i said, if you stack up your family member's law degrees from touro college ..it will probably amount to a management position at McDonald's. And he wasn't offering an opinion,,,he was offering facts. But YOU have admitted to offering an OPINION..so let's see YOUR FACTS that support your crappy opinion. Don't waste our time with second rate opinions! -iliana
  10. Oh yes, I love that point that someone else made. I love it because you can't beat it and it proves you wrong. You can't fess up to it, no matter how hard you try. That's why you will resort to throwing cheap shots at lil ol me and I'm enjoing every minute of it! ---Face it...you a dumbass nigga! -iliana
  11. LOL I'm sure they were laughed at when they applied to mediocre schools like Pace and Cuny Law. Now, YOU know that they couldn't even afford the application fee to the good school so stop day dreaming sweety! Ignorance IS bliss...especially when you get your brother, sis and dad reported to the disciplinary commitee for legal malpractice and crappy advice to their clients. Tell them to brush up on workers comp law biatch! -iliana
  12. My god, please tell your brother, sister, and father that Touro college is NOT quality education. Maybe that's why they gave you crappy advice! -iliana
  13. And barvybe, don't be so sure you know what the fuck you're talking about, cuz you don't. We already have HARD EVIDENCE. lolollol -iliana
  14. Hooray for you if you don't find it offensive. (Wondering why you're making a big stink about smoking in a bar especially if there's no proof that it causes harm) But yes, second hand smoke (it's smell) has been considered "offensive". -iliana
  15. Hello????? People describe cigarette smoke as "offensive". Stop playing fucking stupid. And you STILL DON'T GET MY POINT...because "strip Joint" is only used as an EXAMPLE OF NON SMOKER WALKING INTO A BAR EXPECTING NOT TO ENCOUNTER CIGARETTE SMOKE. Wether I'm using nudity as a non-physical example of offense is not the point....the point is DON't walk into a bar if you are soo offended by smoke! -iliana
  16. No barvybe, my hypothetical example DOES work because it's used to describe a NON-SMOKER being bother by second hand smoke. It's not used to describe an establishment. -iliana
  17. Try more: Your pea brain has nothing to retort with and now you realize how your way of thinking (as far as public safety is concerned) falters. Now go fuck yourself you fascist anal retentive asshole! -iliana
  18. Try more: Your pea brain has nothing to retort with and now you realize how your way of thinking (as far as public safety is concerned) falters. Now go fuck yourself you fascist anal retentive asshole! -iliana
  19. Honestly..I think you need to get a REAL job if you're soo much older and have all this time to fuck around on a message board. You still live with mommy and daddy?? And god forbid if there are people on clubplanet that don't want to be associated with my view....GOD FORBID.....my life has ended!!! (bwaaha) Hypothetical---ahhhh just like my little example of being in a strip joint and then being offended by the nudity.... Glad you picked up on it (finally). And the simple solution is, again, if you're sooo bothered by it, then don't walk into a bar! Tell me, where you a overwhelmingly happy when they closed down tunnel, limelight and twilo??? These clubs were labeled as nuisances to the surrounding neighborhood and as dangerous places for our young kids to go to. They were closed for overall public safety.... That's what I think of all these laws that are slowly prohibiting the general public, slowly taking away what they find pleasurable. Think about that sucker! -iliana
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