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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. It's pretty pathetic that you have to come on this board and brag about your new bachelor status. It shows the level of maturity you have is about zip. What's even more pathetic is that it took you 4 long years to realize she was a heavy weight on your shoulders. Man, you sure ain't a fucking rocket scientist!! Oh and by the way, she's not "your" girl anymore. So stop saying it. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  2. :::scccrreeeeaaaccchh:::: What, in THAT movie?! He looks too much of a crackhead don't you think? He's pretty decent looking, but i'm sure you ladies can do better. I heard pee-wee Herman was single...now that's a hottie Vavavava voom!!! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  3. I'm doing very well, thank you. How's my least favorite overweight skanky exit promoter? Hun, I think YOU should invest in some university street smarts. After you do, you'll see how fucking stupid you were for letting your boss rob you and you did nothing to stop it. I know you just "work" there to get in for free. Retard. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  4. I think the both of you should shut the fuck up and burn in Exit. ps: Soundfactory IS the shit. Stop the jealousy. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  5. Jealous??? Why? Cuz everyone and their mother is going for that??! I think not bitch. Let me see you scrape the back of your sofa to pay for first class to monaco and REALY HAVE FUN. You're just part of the flock...a stupid sheep (ugly as well). Baaa baaa baaa bitch!! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  6. Yo ulinger too hun, I can smell you from here!!!! Ewww need to douche don't you?! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  7. Blah blah blah ...ok can we enjoy the weather now?! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  8. Make sure you get lost! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  9. Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  10. Sounda to me like you got blue balls and now you're all mean and bitter..ewww. I say force yourself on her....then throw the bitch out the window like the skank cunt rag that she is!!!!! *long live hot live steamy wet girls* Rape that prude hoe! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  11. Let me begin by saying that the fact that you people question the difference between heroin and jack daniels shows the level of morality and intelligence that is greatly lacked on this board. I'm the last fucking person to be moral...or even fuckign preach about it. But the point being is that common sense will tell you that having a couple of martinis is not the smae as shooting up AFter you finish smoking a cigarette you don't act stupid and dopey, you can still operate machinery, you can still drive in heavy traffic. Weed fucks up your senses. (* note that it's a crime to drive drunk..so there ARE restrictions on alcohol itself) Heroing, weed, coke, all destroy your body in an immediate way. People don't usually nod off after have a drink, nor do they waste all their money on cigarettes and liqor like a crack addict would. I'm sure you all have heard stories about doctors and lawyers become junkies during the crack epedemic in the 80's. DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL BECAUSE IT CAUSES DESTRUCTION TO A SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. And even though liquor and cigs causes long term effect, they are not controlled by underground drug dealers and they are not fatal, unless used irresponsibly. With e and coke, etc, one sniff or drop and you could be dead. It comes down to fatality. It comes down to dealing. The government will allow ppl an addiction like cigs (which they are slowly taking away) only because THEY control it and they can tax it and PEOPLE CAN STILL FUNCTION NORMALLY. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  12. double post..sorry [This message has been edited by iliana (edited 03-22-2001).]
  13. Stacey..before I respond to you in my ususal manner, I just want to know how old you are? Because you sound pretty fucking stupid. Especially if you have no clue about how the DEA gets thier info. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  14. I felt this comment deserved it's own thread. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! I just really don't understand how e is getting lumped in w/ drugs like heroin and alcohol is perfectly legal. It really amazes me. Logically and factually it makes no sense. Whatever Heroin is legal? ON WHAT PLANET??! And what exactly don't you logically and factually understand?? -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  15. With that said, I think it should of been very befitting for Madonna to have used some of my previous posts in her video. Greta minds think alike -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  16. With that said, I think it should of been very befitting for Madonna to have used some of my previous posts in her video. Greta minds think alike -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  17. Sweetie, SKIP THE CAT! Get yourself a nicely trained pitbull. Let him try something slick.He won't get past the lawn!!! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  18. Bwahaahahahahahhaahhahah AM I losing the bet??????? hahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahhaha -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  20. fucking duh. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  21. WHy phrase it like that? There has too be a reason why you didn't say "MY 2 real good friends died". That would tell us that you were close, at least, to one of them. Well, I extend my sypmathies to you. They're in a better place right now. But you kinda bummed my day ... ugh -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  22. Close? What's your definition of close if you haven't seen someone since highschool? Plus you admit that one of those ppl you weren't even close with. Please spare us this morbid gossip shit. Go to an aol chat room for that. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  23. LOLLOL!! but anyway.... can't we just all get along???? -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  24. LLLLLLAAAAAAAAMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE And...it's been done before. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
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