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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Crowded? You obviously haven't been to Twilo on Friday night. THAT is what I consider crowded. Or what about Exit on a saturday noght, trying to get from the bar to the dance floor. A good 30 minutes to fucking walk there. There was more than enough room at Factory. Depending on where you were, either there was a draft, or it was really warm. This is one of the first times n my life that I actually saw people turn around and apologize if they accidentally push/shove/step on you. Everyone was sooo curteous. I was really in shock. I'm used to the Twilo crowd not giving a fuck if they shove you against a wall. And I'm def used to the nasty attiitude the people and security from Exit give you. But even the security guards at SF were soo mad friendly, just chilled out, not harrassing anyone, just going around making sure everything was in control. Very good first impression and I want to apologise to anyone I pissed off with my former anti-sf post. That was a while ago but I'm sure you guys HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN. -iliana
  2. Just curious, where exactly did you "hide" the drugs??? -iliana
  3. I have no fucking clue! It's weird..it's like the whole night at least one thing went wrong for ppl. I guess this was my fuck up. -iliana
  4. Musical fucking analysis? Man, either you like what you hear or you don't. Either you have fucking fun or you don't. IT"S YOUR PEROGATIVE IF YOU DON'T HAVE FUN, DON'T LIKE THE MUSIC, DON'T LIKE THE CROWD ETC. At the same time I'm pretty sure that no one wants to read a five page essay of why it was good. Just go and see for yourself (which is the same advice some ppl gave me on this board) and get a fucking clue. -iliana
  5. Soooo I lost my virginity last night because it was my first time at Factory, Got there at 5AM....DIDN'T LEAVE TILL 4:30 PM. Mind you, the party wasn't over yet. The crowd was beautiful. Alot of hot girls and cute guys. REALLY FRIENDLY VIBE. The music was hot! This is saying alot coming from someone who hates vocals. But JP KNOWS HIS SHIT and HE DOES IT WELL. He can get away with playing a song for 3 fucking hours because HE HAS TO BE THE BEST FUCKING MIXER/DJ IN NEW YORK CITY. The down side of the night: I took 4 1/2 pills.....NOTHING HIT!!!! I was sober the whole night. Which leads me to my next point: You don't have to be a crackhead to enjoy factory!! It's official: Exit can burn in hell and I'll leave Twilo for the late twenties gay crowd. *FACTORY FOREVER* -iliana
  6. Thanks for the info but that wasn't my point. I know E is bad for you. Now that I know about these energy pills maybe I'll stop rolling for good. But my point was, a responsible drug user (i know that's a major contradiction because being responsible means not using drugs) would never mix cocaine and acid. THAT'S JUST STUPID. You would either do one or the other. All that candy flipping bullshit I'm not into. So I wanted to know the affects of e and energy pills. For all you know that combination can cause a heartattack. -iliana
  7. That's what I was thinking! Mixing health/nutritional products with chemical products is a bad idea. It's putting your body in a very vulnerable state. All that chemical hyper-activity going on in yout body can surely lead to serious side affects. If you're straightedge, then stick to red bull and stacker2000. If you like drugs, then stick to that. This is only proof that ppl are running out of "highs" and they're reaching for something else. -iliana
  8. Question- Ok, so the ripfuels are for the nights you don't want to roll. And they work well with red bull. But what if you roll, and you take ripfuels when you start coming down? How dangerous is mixing e and energy/vitamin supplements? Just curious. -iliana
  9. Hey, if your friends like Louie Devito's NYC's Underground Party 3, then they'll like exit fridays AND saturdays. Enjoy. -iliana
  10. On a good weekend there are usually comps, so I end up spending $25 on Long Island Ice teas. With rolling, depending if I want to be a gluton or not, I'll shell out either $20 or $40. But it's rare if I do 2 pills. ABout 2 water bottles, $10, plus tip, another $12 rounded for the whole night..So my clubbing for the week ends up costing me $67. *Keep in mind I NEVER do 2 clubs in one night. There's no cab fare cuz I have my own car and I steal cigs from my boyfriend. -iliana
  11. Roll Hard. Just stick to your group of friends. Drink Vailla shakes with hot choclate fugde. And EVERYONE eats Burger King hamburgers with McDonald's fries! -iliana
  12. Just like why do you bring your cell phone to a club??? THAT"S the stupidest shit I've seen. Like you're gonna HEAR anyone, plus you'll end up losing it and then coming on the clubnyc message board to complain about precious cellphone. Leave it in the car for Christ Sake! -iliana
  13. It's ok. I Like it because of Courtney Love. But honestly if you're not into indie-like bullshit it won't really entertain you. Save it for a rainy sunday afternoon and a fat blunt. -iliana
  14. happykittn...thanks for the website,,it's fucking awesome!! -iliana
  15. Bodacious..You're Beautiful...more power to you!! Where is private eyes?? I've been planning to go to a strip club with my boyfriend. Maybe we'll try out your place. -iliana
  16. ohhhh....THAT candy. Sourpatch kids are my fav. But swedish fish comes in a close second. -iliana ps. as far as "other" candy. Shamrocks take the cake. -iliana
  17. You mean that ever so fabulous grunge anthem was put to techno??? Oh please do enlighten, I want to get that too, it must of been amazing. -iliana
  18. LBJ, per request from the CIA. -iliana
  19. Dante is on Macdougal. They also have the best ameretto cake. I love it there. I've brought every boyfriend there! LOL I'm starting to hate New York. But I'll always have a soft spot for Hotel Venus. The only sopt in New York worth actually leaving your apt for. That- and the Chelsea Piers. Amen for that! -iliana
  20. Nightlife? It's Cuba not Southbeach. Maybe fancy supper clubs with showgirls from European-owned hotels. Aside from that, communists are not too fond of debauchery! Say hello to the Comrades! -iliana
  21. India..YOU ARE HOT!!! Permission to have this picture as my wallpaper??? -iliana
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