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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. yeah. Because heroin is not as accessible as FOOD. People who use heroin WILL DIE FASTER than, let's say, someone who has been eating unhealthy for the past 25 YEARS. YOU'RE MAKING EXCUSES. "Ok,.so I roll and I don't care if it's bad becuase so is dinner at night, plus I don't take a shower anymore, because our water is polluted and I might catch something, which will ruin me going out tonight and rolling again. And, like my cell phone will give me brain damage, so I'll just help it out by taking even MORE e, and all these fatty foods are making me fat and depressed, but it's ok because E will give me a WORST DEPRESSION, and like ok, So I proved my point. {{Snort pop bump}}" -iliana
  2. ok let's go through this again. Granted, cigarrettes and alchohol are bad for you and are self inflicting forms of unhealthy practice. But as far as food goes, even if it's fat, it does provide NUTRITION. Gambling..again, is self inflicting. Driving a car...is a NESSECITY. Of course it's dangerous but so is riding the subway or a plane. But rolling and traveling shouldn't be compared. One is for fun the other is a PART OF LIFE. I wouldn't place shooting up with heroin uo there with eating McDOnald's. Let's be realistic. ANd bastardino, it's candy becuase it's 1. yummy 2. looks like it (or flinstone vitamins) 3. You get so used to it that you start popping it like candy. it's mmm mm good. for a while. -iliana
  3. vamp..i have a feeling that he was fucking with you. -iliana
  4. Lol Kicked you out on the roof? At least he let you stay in the building! Mike the hottie was prolly being nice. I hope it wasn't cold!! -iliana
  5. oops.. by the way im talking abou the new abortion pill. It's in response to a previous post. -iliana
  6. I'm happy about this soo. But i do feel a little guilty fo rbeing happy. Society has put this pressure on me.
  7. Aruba's awesome. Brings back bittersweet memories of childhood.
  8. cowboy hats!!! I can't believe these girls are still wearing them. So sad! But Kangols are cool
  9. Haven't been clubbing in a while. Maybe I'll be bad and go out on a work day. Any suggestions? -Iliana
  10. Will do...I'll def find out what's going on by friday afternoon. ANd since it closes at 4..maybe we can all head out for an afterparty. -iliana
  11. apparently it's pretty decent...my boyfriend works with one of the half owners of plush. there's a new party on Fridays called 'China de roc'. I don't remember clearly but it may be mostly asian. Dj scream spins. We were supposed to go last Friday but didn't make it. Maybe we'll show this coming one. 21 for girls 23 for guys. Dress to impress. -Iliana
  12. One day when you look back on your life you will realize EVERYTHING. Of course that can't happen till the very end when you've experienced everything. Damn..half of those questions can get me depressed. I htink it's time to smoke some..... hehe \ -iliana
  13. Can someone give me the link to Shawn's website please?? Thanks -iliana
  14. Glowsticks are fine. But when these kids dance to Amber and Zombie Nation with them it does get lame. -Keep glowsticks underground!!
  15. I'd have to choose Marilyn Monroe too,,, She was the most beautiful woman that ever lived. Iliana
  16. can you only pick it up at Twilo or will they sell it in record stores? How much is it? -Iliana
  17. ITALIAN MAFIA DEAD???? HA! NEVER! That's like ending the catholic religion! But ususally..no ..mobsters aren't dressed the way you see in films (unless they're somebody's dad and he's oldschool hehe) Bottom line, you're not gonna spot one unless your FRIENDS with one and then he tells you what the dl is. Yes, I am seeing alot of asian and russian gangs. But, in my opinion, they are never gonna reach the status that italians have. Just my .2 and by the way, im not Italian. -Iliana
  18. It depends how shady the owner is being. He sometimes has no gl on saturdays.
  19. Fill me in crystalmethodny...did anyone show up?? what happened?? Just curious to see if anybody else is curious about the ppl on this board. -Iliana
  20. PUUHHLLEEAASSE. Chyna is the shit and you guys know it! Go ahead and hide behind your computer becuause YOU KNOW she can kick your ass. Busted? we'll see who's busted after she's done with you pussies!
  21. Misskittie You better take care of that..because that's harrassment. In the work place you should keep a proffessional demeanor and guys who do that are just plain STUPID! Put them in their place or report them to management but don't let them carry on like that. It's disgusting! -Iliana
  22. Yikes. Sorry to hear all that. But instead of my day being bad..it's just too weird. I mean , the CEO of my compnay is missing!!! ANd instead of being hectic, it's way too slow of a day. Nobody's at work!! Everyone's been abducted!
  23. Not only are they stuck up, but they are fat and ugly too! If you're a size 12 please don't come around in a size 6 top you got on sale at Bang Bang!!!
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