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Everything posted by COCKZILLA

  1. CPI.....SORRRRRRYYYYYYYY i'm from boston
  2. nice vox fliz...add to that a couple more information society - think 2002 (sound de jour) elle patice - emotions (tony moran)
  3. wasn't feelin their shit for a while....but then i heard *Nikki Costa - Everybody gots their something*....wow that's a damn good track....their best work since *Now that I've found you*....what do u other peeps think of this production?
  4. who's the artist of "think 2002"
  5. feelin the shit u guys been droppin....real dope beats...i just got think 2002...bumpin that shit!
  6. u probably have a slight case of gyno, short for gynocomastia....this is when the glands in the male breast enlarge due to estrogen...and become overly sensitive....have u ever done any steroids? cuz juice can definitely cause some gyno unless u take other pharmecuticals to prevent it....gyno can also naturally occur...but it's much more rare...
  7. coast 2 coast - be with me
  8. did "like a prayer" leak??????????????????????
  9. u should have paid no more than $20 in "la farmacia" in mexico...
  10. and btw....if u did some good coke...which is by no means pure....u would damn well know it pretty much instantaneously....when i rail back some good coke i'll sit right back and give out one of those sighs of pleasure...lol
  11. anyone that tells u they have pure coke is a moron.....u think people deal for fun?
  12. go 2 one of those pill test sites.....pills NEVER EvER EvER EvER test positive for coke or heroin....i cant believe ppl still say that...if it's not MDMA pills sometimes test out as MDEA, MDA, DXM, caffeine, and very rarely speed....but never coke or heroin
  13. i've always wondered if theres a burning program that will do this.....say i have an 80 minute mix that's 1 big file....can i burn it as separate tracks without actually splitting them???
  14. 1,4 BDO is a precursor to GHB, as well as GBL...meaning that once ingested...it turns into GHB
  15. check out the "orange factory" mix of 'in my dreams'.......its alot better than dezrok's
  16. i was gettin DT'ed when i was on probation...and never flunked a test....a MAJOR factor tho is how fast ur metabolism is...cuz i smoked weed everyday and started getting tested a few days after i stopped....and i didnt even test positive for marijuana....but see here was my litte trick....3 hrs b4 my test...i would start pounding water....so it would flush the system and i'd piss a couple times....i'd continue drinking it and let the kidneys fill up with pretty much pure water and hold it for my test and piss almost clear....this may or may not be a problem for u...cuz they could possilby accuse u of dilluting the sample....but with me i had sum sketchy character right at my side watching me...so when i handed him my very lightly tinted urine he'd be like jeez how much water did u drink....but he couldnt do shit ya know......NEVER give ur 1st piss of the morning as a sample or hold a piss all day...cuz if this will be the most contaminated.....the key is to give a sample that's only been in ur body for a very short time.....it makes sense
  17. there's a mixshow edit floatin around....
  18. there's alot of different kinds of d-bol man...5mg, 10mg...IP makes 50mg......and 40-50mg is a bit steep for a beginner....he proly wouldnt be 2 happy when he sprouted titties lol.....for a beginner i would recommend 20-25mg
  19. i've taken d-bol before as well as other steroids...and i dont have low self-confidence dont be so judgemental...u sound like a hypocrite
  20. i can see how E might fuck u up a little more by stickin it up ur ass cuz ur stomach acids ruin alot of the MDMA.....but if ur snorting coke...u might as well just friggin snort it....cuz its just absorbing into ur nasal membranes anyways.....and part of the experience of doing coke is blowing back a line....getting a little drip...ya kno....i wouldnt wanna get like sum weird feeling in my ass lol
  21. one of my friends bumps K all day EVERY day lol....he's a friggin character...lemme tell ya
  22. i dont fuck with that shit no more....it's like playing with fire...i've never done any drug that fucked me up like it....sometime u can take like 2-3 caps...feel great....take 1 more....out cold....my last incident with was what changed my mind...i found this connec online and was getting the 1,4 butanediol shit mad cheap....and i was takin it @ a party at school...i was also on sum aderalls so the upper effect was evening out the ghb downer effect....well i guess the aderalls wore off....and the 7-8 caps of G i took caught up with me...next thing i kno i wake up in my dorm room...its 5 PM....im covered with sweat and puke....felt like i had been asleep for a friggin weak...and my roommate and my friend were like shittttttttt.....he's finally awake......heard some fucked up stories about the night b4 and didnt like it 1 bit......NO MORE G 4 ME!!!!!!
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