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Everything posted by SPHERIC

  1. I was so sick last week and thank goodness I'm feeling much better. I missed the boards and hope anyone else that is sick gets better fast. It was a 48 hour flu with a nasty chest congestion. Makes you really appreciate when yor healthy!
  2. The needle was probably bigger than you!!!
  3. Happy birthday baby! I know you'll have a great time at SF. Maybe I'll see you at Virgo on Thursday or Sunday (we're doing it Sunday night for no work the next day)!
  4. Definitly Sapronos, then G-string Divas next! Only for the sociological content of course!
  5. Well did you see the cast? It's a bucnh of twentysomethings that are all pretty much models and most of them are looking to launch their careers. Look at what has been happening for all the survivor people! I can't lie, I'll be watching at least the first episode!
  6. I'm trying the tea with honey and lemon theory for this f****** chest cold. It has worked in the past for me, but The coughing is making my head and back and chest hurt. Sorry I'm whining but I hate it. It better be gone by the weekend, It's a three day weekend!!!!!
  7. I'm getting a crazy chest cold. I hope it goes away very soon At least it's helping me not want to smoke cigarettes. Everyone around me is getting this chest cold to. From brooklyn, anybody else getting this bug and where are you?
  8. I see that guy every night at Exit on Saturdays, cool guy. Don't let the muscles fool you, he's really nice guy!
  9. You don't have to get mad... I just was saying what I heard... Doesn't make it a fact. Although you seem very defensive
  10. I just think this is so funny. This thread has spun out of control. A wish is a wish is a wish! Whatever. Giving somebody 10,000 and asking them what their wish is is two very different things. I really don't care but I find some of this boards intellect unusual. A thread about donuts always turns into apples anyway. How about this, I wish everbody in this thread good luck!
  11. No doubt... Whenever you want we'll have a session!!! I know divalicious will be down
  12. I just thought it was shallow to think that a bum wouldn't wish for more then the stereo-typical necessities! Why wouldn't a bum want health wealth and eternal happiness. Just to be fair if a bottle of whiskey equals all of the above then so be it!
  13. I don't know how a thread like this could possibly cause drama, but how shallow of a statement is that: Happiness to a bum is a bottle of whiskey and a blanket... That's a terrible thing to say, I'm sorry!
  14. What up Bratty!!!! How was Saturday night? How you doing? How's things?
  15. JDSU is definitly oversold. What a great company. I've been moving shares of JDSU the whole way down. It is time to rally!!!!!
  16. I really wish I could stop. I haven't really bought a pack in the last two years, but as soon as I have a beer or alcohol... Boom! Where's the cigarettes! I'm known as the kid with the lighter but no cigarettes!! It's so fucked up!
  17. Yey!!!!! I love hanging out before I work!!! I had a good time Saturday night, I hope you had a good time also. I hope this Saturday is off the walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I've always told myself that if things seemed so bad that I saw no other way out but to kill myself, things could only get better! Keep your head up!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. If your into the trendy downtown scene, don't mind hip-hop and a mix of the model crowd type music, Spa is the bomb place on tuesdays! Happy B-day!
  20. How about this, I thought they were undercover cops! Somebody told me that they were??????????????????
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