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Everything posted by SPHERIC

  1. If your looking for a better dressed crowd, with music that you can dance to at least and not throw up, Exit!. If your not to concerned with the dress code, and want some of the top international talent, Twilo! Two very different vibes, both good enough to enjoy for one night. I must say however; S&D after 5am one word... BANGING!!!!!
  2. I love the board, and after my first meetup, it's even more fun now! So if your addicted now, beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Bongs for sure, no paper to fuck you up, just the natural residue. However; I love a good dutchie any day!
  4. Great week to check it out! S&D are really great in that room. Have fun, be safe, party smart!
  5. You see! I wouldn't lie! I know it's not the same, but it does exist. By the way, the light guy is in control of the cold air, the lights, the smoke, etc. The only control that the dj has is the music and the horn! Glad to hear you had a good time!
  6. Your right! I actually like when it's not crowded, justbnot good for business. I know we don't like to say it but it is a reality. I love hanging with sll the board peeps, and it was nice finally getting to meet you at the dinner meet up!
  7. First of all why sad? Bad day, I feel you! My mondays are always a thrill. Elaborate on the sad part?
  8. Hey! Where are you momma? You didn't even say goodnight on saturday!
  9. Best 9 out of 10 times for me: MONEY worst 9 out of 10 times for me: Clothes from older relatives!
  10. Was it just me or this weekend did a lot of people take off from their usual hang outs?
  11. Actually, Virgo 64 is not that bad( I know the music on fridays can be) on thursday. Some of the board members have come down to hang. Although the music is mostly hip hop, there is some cool house vibes throughout the night! The crowd is older and well dressed! Some hotties, both boys and girls.
  12. Tool, they are by far one of the most talented bands today!
  13. Sven Vath is an incredible dj. I agree, probably one of the top ten in the world. 4 turntables, a 909 drum machine, effects piece. Truly a very stimulating technician. A must see if you never have before!
  14. Hi girls! I'm a bum. I just woke up! Late night last night! Lola I'll call you in a little while, Chek your pm! What's up Z?!?!
  15. I can give you my word, if it's worth anything to the people I met wednesday< They are definitly dropping money. I was at Exit yesterday and they were discussing how much. If it doesn't happen, ban me from the board!
  16. Mario, nice seeing you again. I had a great time at my first meetup. The pictures are great, see ya soon!
  17. didn't know that smiley threw up, how funny is that!
  18. Hey baby! It was really cool last night, missed ya! Virgo tonight or what?
  19. I agree, the market rallied on the supreme court ruling, or anticipation of... Now we're back to the fourth quarter worries. However; the fed meets on monday and we'll probably get a neutral bias which will rally us up, then in januarys' meeting a rate cut, may see the same conditions as last jan - mar., but again, in agreement, only the value stocks! Good luck!!!!!!!
  20. I had a great time last night,it was great meeting everbody! Hope to see you all soon!
  21. I hate to be the serious one on this thread but, You should spend time with your mom and dad no matter how dreadful it may seem. The reasoning behind this is that when they finally do pass on, no matter what your relationship is like now, you'll never be able to spend time with them. Give them the respect and time they deserve for all the sacrifices they have made for you over the lenght of your life. So what, you miss one night out. People will have to understand!
  22. I know your not bashing it, it comes out of the bottom of the first balcony. Come to think of it I haven't seen it the last two weeks! It doesn't actually hit the crowd but rather goes right above them. Looks like a hard stream of smoke but has a low frequency whistle sound. I love twilo, some of the best talent plays there, but I do like when people have to get dressed up!
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