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Everything posted by SPHERIC

  1. N-O-M-O-N-E-Y C-A-N-T-P-A-Y-B-I-L-L-S N-E-E-D-S-T-O-S-E-L-L-O-U-T A-L-E-X-G-A-T-I-E=N-W-E-A-R-S-T-H-E-P-A-N-T-S
  2. So does that make it the truth about the way you feel? Joey & Zoya? or does it lesson the wall we put up and allow our real self, or our id(inner self) not identification,to come free?
  3. In this case, shopping would kill her more!!!! My poor little Bratnik!!!!! Lola, can you fix her?!?!?!?!?!
  4. did you read your pm from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I was just thinking... We have spoke about this on the board before but, when you are drunk do you think it makes your true emotions come out, or is it just a distorted reality of how you really feel at the moment. I'm extremely curious for everyones answers!!!!!
  6. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!!!!
  7. Call me on my cell phone!
  8. I believe that people who are experienced in sex, whether or not they were in long or short term relationship, are the best lovers. Analogy: When you rode your bike for the first time, you were terrible. Now you can probably ride just fine. To take it to the extreme professional riders are capable of doing so much more, stunts, tricks of the trade, endurance! get it!!!!!!! sorry to cheapin the thread with my bicycle analogy! *mwha*
  9. From what I know: The main promoters of the night have confirmed that they will be dropping money from the ceiling out over the main floor crowd for sure! This was still in action as late as yesterday. They sent out a mailer and spent a lot of money on the passes. This should happen. Probability it does: 90% - 100% Why would they risk burning their bridges with all of you loyal clubbers??????
  10. "Holidays be gone" your so cute!!! Ba humbug!! The grinch, does he ski??????
  11. We could have the first ever club nyc snowball fight meetup in central park!!
  12. Forget it, I'll explain later. You missed the j/k!!! *mwha*
  13. Attn:Joey, It isn't anybody or anything, I'm a victim as well as a victimizer over the past year. I been called and I have called. I'm just trying to figure out if I/they mean what they say, and if this is a struggle for all people to understand. Answer: yes There is no right or wrong answer this is purely an opinion only question! Thanks for yours.
  14. Just some factual info: Right now tickets are on sale for $75 dollars, there is a limited quantity of them, the next ticket will be $100 dollars, then $125. 2. $150 gets you 5 hour open bar, food and v.i.p. entrance and status. 3. $500 gets two people in super vip(the loft will be super vip????) the five hour open bar, the food and two bottles of viva clique' champagne. Dj Boris, Tony Draper, Anthony Mundy, Carla, X-ray, and celebrity guest dj Grandmaster Flash. Anti-gravity, which is a performance troop derived from cirque d' soliel will be putting a brand new original performance. I'm not a promoter but I have tickets for$60 bucks, no joke, but not for long.Any interest just pm me. Just the facts!!!
  16. Where have you been???? I pm'ed you yesterday and no response. Let's see, you left the other night without saying goodbye, not responding to my pm. two strikes!!!
  17. It's christmas all year round for you then!!!!!!(hahahahaha)
  18. Hey Z! Your lucky, it definitly must be major holiday season up there by you! A little snow would do the trick!
  19. I'll feel christmasy when I have off on this coming Monday! I need to go buy gifts for my niece and nephew, and everyone that has been naughty and nice! I just don't feel it, the spirit of the holiday ya know. I actually felt it at the americas meetup
  20. I can't seem to get into the Christmas spirit yet and it's almost here! What is wrong with me????
  21. Good morning everybody, hope today is a great day for all!
  22. You know... China club, dressy; music pretty much all the trendy places(or at least a majority of them IMO) music . I think I just like using this smiley!!
  23. My firm is doing their Christmas party there thursday night. It's over at 10:30. That's going to be me afterwards!!!(not from your djing, from drinking)
  24. Oh really! I'll tell you right now, you'll probably hate the music, but it is a lot of fun!
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