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Everything posted by acura

  1. That is a great philosophy.
  2. Scott Steiner is genetic Freakness
  3. I always do. Word. It just does not seem complete without the seal. That is no fun.
  4. Rob is not the all talk type. If you have a problem with him or he has a problem with you, you will know in person, not just on the messageboards.
  5. LOOOOOOOOOL :laugh: Whoever thought these up has a cool ass job
  6. That was not directed toward you in any way. It kind of got caught up in the mix of what I was saying.
  7. Well then I guess I am a fool. I'll turn my back to terrorism from now on. I thought CNN and these other news sources were so "unreliable"...Everyone seems to have the inside scoop, yet forth this is put forth? I would suggest reading Swan Song by Robert R. MCcammon. Very good read and pretty impactive.
  8. Oh I am sure they are just there hangin out; they would never plot anything serious against us. If they were, I am sure Saddam would be sorely dissapointed. Gimme a break. Where do you think the network has fled to? Come on now. Al qaeda = 9/11 and there are al qaeda ties to Iraq.
  9. acura

    i <3 mssabina

    You will feel the fusion.
  10. Excactly. A lot of the people that do not agree with the US, are the people that migrated here for one reason or another. Bottom line is that I am a patriot. I love my country and the people that populate it, for the most part. I love my freedoms and I love my rights. Now this is threatened. NOW THIS IS THREATENED. Not to sound harsh, but why would you live here, educate yourself here, make yourself wealthy here if you have such a distaste for our country and its policies?
  11. You bring up a valid point with the potential to open up a whole new can of worms.
  12. You want facts? Regardless of history, our NATION AND OUR PEOPLE are being threatened. FACT. The only way to alleviate the situation is to DISMANTLE the opposition. FACT. Bottom line, we have to act.
  13. That is because the "rest of the world" does not want to become a terrorist target. When their towers fall and their civilians are murdered, it would be a different story.
  14. It is not about the country, it is about the people in leadership, in this case. Saddam is evil. He has nothing to lose.
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