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Everything posted by acura

  1. These threats are not trivial, however. A lot of this hate from rival nations does not only invlove our politics and policies, it also involves jealousy of our freedoms.
  2. So we should sit back and let them kill masses?
  3. This is not only a war on Iraq, it is a war on terrorism. If we are successful, terrorist networks who pose serious threats will , hopefully, be eliminated. Iraq poses the most serious threat right now because, in part, of their alleged Al quaeda ties.
  4. No, but i can say you are a feg
  5. This is the bottom line. This is why these people have to be removed. Serge would your opinion change if a suicide bomber decided to take action in the middle of this war protest? These people have to be stopped. There is no reasoning with them; eilimination is the only answer.
  6. Valid points. We have reached that point of no return. I was reading an article about a group of 15 year olds that could not wait to forfeit their existence in a suicide bombing. It's almost as if it is what they were bred for.
  7. It doesn't get more classic
  8. Thank you. There is no talking peace with these people, they want death and destruction and we are their prime target.
  9. Who the hell am I? Are you an idiot? Do you think these people discriminate? They are after EVERYONE. Open you eyes
  10. acura

    a solution

    LOL touch your sack, not iraq. Funny, but I am with the majority here. I hope these people are wiped out.
  11. http://www.msnbc.com/news/871342.asp?vts=021120031325&cp1=1#BODY To the soldiers who have been called in to duty, I wish you the best of luck. There can be no peace with these people. I can only hope that we wipe them out, even if we have to do it on our own.
  12. acura

    men, would u?

    I think he meant if he had nothing going for him; shitty job etc etc
  13. Interesting concept. I wish I would have known about it earlier.
  14. And that is what I like to refer to as...
  15. acura

    Never Again

    Good Call Joe.... Feghat is catching on.....
  16. He is not jokin ladies and gentlemen.
  17. LOL leave it to the FLIDS... "one Long Island priest even took a young boy to the limelight night club to watch a gay sex orgy"
  18. I am so with you on that. Eddie Money-Take me Home Tonight
  19. Web Design is what I go to school for.
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