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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. The Wednesday party's been getting pretty good. As always, I had a really great time. Place wasn't too crowded, and there were actually quite a few beautiful women chilling out. Enjoyed a few jack & cokes until about 2:30, then broke out. Definitely a phat spot to hit up during the week . Also, great music by Rik Santiago & Rob James.
  2. I'm including Long Island djs in my list, since they have rocked NYC out on more occassions than I'm able to describe: Rob James That Kid Chris Razor Chris & Kai L.E.S. Lord G. Anthony Martinez Remy Jason Ojeda Guido Osorio (even though he's not really a NY dj anymore) K.C. Anderson (didn't hear of him until I heard him spin one summer at Ohm on the Island, and then later at the former Nation party that was originally located in Commack, LI. He's a remarkable talent) Mike Whitmore (he's been killing it over the last year or so) Rik Santiago (excellent dj and producer, and a great individual) Junior (his dedication to the NY scene is undeniable) Shunji Moriwaki (from what I know, he doesn't even spin in NY anymore, but he did spin from time to time, both at the Tunnel and at other obscure little spots, and he threw down some crazy tribal; he's also an excellent producer)
  3. Slick Rick, the Ruler....and M.C. Ricky D....doing their smash hit, "Mona Lisa".....you know, like the picture. Anyway, I'd like to take this time out to bow before his divine majesty.........
  4. .....how much my appetite has increased over the past 3 or 4 years. I haven't really gained that much weight (maybe about 10 - 12 lbs), but I can eat almost two times as much as I used to eat in one sitting.
  5. Can't forget the Iliana drama. You remember quite a few older (somewhat insignificant) threads. I'm surprised. It was a funny thread.
  6. Damn, what warranted the resurrection of this thread? I can't believe I actually remember this thread. Some of the people who posted in this thread now reside at V.I.P., for the most part. Even the most "esteemed" posters have had their brief moments as drama queens throughout the history of Clubnyc/clubplanet (myself included).
  7. The crowd isn't always strong for the Sunday afterhours, even though, in my opinion, it's one of the best house music parties in the city. The club keeps bringing in great talent to spin for the Saturday / Sunday party.
  8. House music is one of my true loves. Not too enthused about the scene at this point (which is not to say that there aren't some decent parties going on right now throughout NY that are up my alley, because there are). Just don't have the time or energy to enjoy as many spots around NY as I used to not so long ago. My vinyl collection is pretty deep, and I still collect vinyl. As long as I have my favorite house tunes at my disposal to throw on the tables at any given moment, whenever I feel like rolling a phatty, that's all that counts. Also, luckily enough, some of my favorite NY djs are very good friends, so when we catch up for small get togethers, we all share our appreciation for one of the most beautiful, diverse genres of music. I've loved house music for years, and that will never change. It will always be a part of my life in some way.
  9. A little That Kid Chris followed up by some Peter Bailey & Ritchie Santana @ Disco will make for a enjoyable night of music. There are some good parties going on tonight.
  10. I've heard Whitmore spin on two occasions, and he turned out some disgustingly agressive, tasteful, well-programmed sets. I've heard Exacta at Disco afterhours before; he's an extremely talented individual as well, but I'm not too crazy about his track selection some of the time. Nonetheless, technically, both individuals are very talented.
  11. Whitmore is a fuckin maniac in the booth. Very talented.
  12. Stopped in last week, and both the atmosphere and the music were really nice. I'll most likely stop in again tomorrow night for some drinks.
  13. Fuckin Bolo Yeung. You guys are killing me.
  14. Very nice party. Really nice for-djs-by-djs type of vibe with superb, smooth house music, and a relaxed, chill vibe. Had one too many whiskey sour's last night, and wound up getting a little mangled. All in good fun though; I really enjoyed myself. Overall, a nice intimate little spot filled with great people and talented djs. Rik, Rob, K.C., Hurricane, and the rest - you guys threw down wonderfully last night. Very excited to see what is to come of this party. Kudos to Seniz & Rik for pulling off a great party.
  15. .....DJs Rob James (S.O.L.I.S., Burlington Boys) and Rik Santiago (Twisted) will be dropping some funky beats at Vapor this evening. Location is 143 Madison Ave. (Madison and 32nd st.). No dress code; free admission.
  16. .....to wind down and get some relaxation: http://www.plsthx.com/disp.php?type=m&id=82 Once the video appears, double click it to enlarge it.
  17. Yeah. I'm a big fan of Ira Levin's novels. He's one of the few contemporary authors who has been privileged enough to have some of the most talented directors interpret his written works. That's why Deathtrap - one of Levin's best works - is also on my film list.
  18. I don't think my inability to sleep, or my propensity to toss and turn, is due to the fact that I'm not getting what I need to get done during the day. I work with 4 different attorneys at a medical malpractice / employment / contract / tax / personal injury firm, and I get about 70% of the legal research, brief writing, motion writing, etc., so my job really isn't the type of job where I can go, get a fixed amount of work done, punch out, then come home. My hours spent on work really fuckin blow, and may span the entire day, well into the night, then into the morning again, only to still have more to do once I'm done. I really can't stand it. So, regardless of how much I get done before bed time, there will undoubtedly be even more that needs to be done. The work is literally never-ending, given the caseload we handle, as well as the quantity and quality of research that needs to be done. Also, my school schedule is right now is never-ending, especially now that I'm in the midst of studying for the bar exam. That probably explains why it's difficult not to have shit running through my mind come time for sleep. Also, I think I just have more difficulty keeping my mind at ease, and relaxing enough to get a good night's rest. Weed may not be the healthiest answer, but that shit sure puts me right the fuck out. Also, I'm hardly new to smoking (I've been smoking constantly since 1992). I have taken extended breaks, but I always resume smoking at some point. Weed's always been a part of my lifestyle. However, it's only as of lately that I've been smoking in order to get some sleep. Also, reading a book probably wouldn't help. I do manage to squeeze in some leisure reading from time to time throughout the week, but I barely have the time (and I'm barely able to make the time). Reading before bed is the last thing I want to do, considering that, right now, I basically read for a living. As someone suggested previously, the gym would probably be the best option, since I have no work out regimen right now, and I hardly get any cardiovascular. I need to start taking better care of myself; I'm not getting any younger.
  19. Hard to narrow it down to just ten, but mine are: Rosemary's Baby Deathtrap Dressed to Kill Sisters The Panic in Needle Park Cruising Creepshow Bad Boys (Sean Penn version) The Verdict The New York Ripper
  20. .....I've been resorting to a blunt of hydro to help me fall asleep. If I don't smoke, I wind up thinking about all kinds of shit, tossing and turning for hours.
  21. Why was this thread revived? Who the fuck digs that far back into the archives to dig up such a meaningless post?
  22. Good times this past Saturday night, Ozzie. We need to schedule a night of beats and booze at Rob's pad sometime in April.
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