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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Shunji Moriwaki - Shirushi O'Chodai The Bushmen - Guided by the beat 68 Beats - Magnetic Groove Kult of Krameria - Voodoo Drums (Club 69 rmx) 68 Beats - Can you handle
  2. I am sitting in my final class today and I notice a small flyer to the right of me that reads "Twilo." I read the card, and it seems as if Brian Speed is promoting a party with the same name as that of the late great nightclub. I'm sure this topic has been mentioned previously, so I won't beat it to death. I can't believe that Brian Speed has the audacity to name one of his bullshit, childish venues "Twilo." If the name were to be used again, it should at least be used by those who once promoted the old Twilo and ran the club. But to name a lame ass Brian Speed venue "Twilo" is just pittiful. Like every Brian Speed venue, it will last for two months and then die out. Knowing what kind of promoter Brian Speed is, as well as what kind of crowd he caters to makes me all the more angry that this fat pussy would name his venue after Twilo. And Brian Speed, you're a fucking faggot, without any due respect. You've done nothing worthy of respect as of yet, and as such, you deserve none, you fucking child.
  3. MSoprano, Right now are you currently in High school or another college? Whatever your choice may be, you'll be fine. Keep up the good work.
  4. I am so sick today. I feel drained of energy.
  5. Let the Music Play (Junior's remix) Airwave - Rank 1 (Junior's Remix) On and On - Donna Delory (Junior's remix) Everybody Ready - Junior The Lightning - Future Primitive The Future - Future Primitive Darkside - Future Primitive Ezekial 25:17 - Josh Collins Raise your Glowstix - Josh Collins The Beginning - Xavier Jacome Guided by the Beat - The Bushmen Shirushi O'Chodai - Shunji Moriwaki Magnetic Groove - 68 Beats The Chocolate Track - Whachamacalit Caned & Unable - HiGate Be Strong - Boris & Beck Ihr Seid So Leise - Aquagen Partyalarm - Aquagen We Will Survive - Warp Brothers (Aquagen Remix) Let's Go All the Way -React (Johnny Vicious remix) I Get a Rush - Fisher Project Saints and Sinners - The Clergy Moni B - Strip Victim of the Night - Dj Spoke X99 - Junior Vasquez Man = Drugs - Lula Voodoo Drums - Kult of Krameria The Drums - Cosmic Gate Running (Out of Time) - Cosmic Gate Your Love is Taking me Over - Knight Breed The Worst of all time: Got the Groove - SM Traxx
  6. Junior Anthony Martinez Xavier Jacome Josh Collins Aquagen Cosmic Gate Rob James
  7. No. Maybe you did. For someone who values the significance of Free speech, you abuse it so sadly by sounding like an ignorant little kid. Don't embarass yourself.
  8. Anger is undertandable, but ignorance is just shameful. There is much to be angry about regarding this entire dillema, but useless generalizing is continually making the situation worse. Perpetuating violence does nothing, and making half assed generalizations does very little as well. All it does is serve to create even more static in our own neighborhoods. There is enough of that shit. Every ethnicity has their bad seeds, and with all the ignorance that has been directed toward various ethnicities, one should rethink their comments before posting such useless shit.
  9. Very motivational rhetoric. Alter something in your life to make a difference or perhaps help in some way. Otherwise, save the one sided, limited, useless shit talking. You haven't fought for shit, so don't even have the audacity to mention what "we" fought for, or even imply that you understand what its about. Anger is one thing, but ignorant commentary is something totally different. Relax, and don't think too hard.
  10. It probably wouldn't do that. What it would do (much like your statement) is show that you have a very limited way of thinking; not just about this issue, but anything. Take a nap.........you need one. When you wake up, there will still be useless shit to talk, so don't worry. You won't be missing anything.
  11. Being angry at such a time is more than reasonable. And being politically correct carries with it alot of bullshit as well. But what you just said is just stupid shit.
  12. This attack that happened today in Manhattan really reminds me of how insignificant everything I do in life really is. I get so caught up with everything that I fail to realize that shit like this could end everything, if allowed to prevail. I'm not trying to sound rhetorical or negative, and I apologize if what I just wrote rubs any of you the wrong way.
  13. I saw that documentary about him, it was narrated by the late Orson Welles. It was called "The Man who Saw Tomorrow." He did foresee some incredible things, and considering how long ago he did it, he was very close with his quatrains. I remember part of the documentary suggesting that the attack would happen between 1999 and 2000, I think. He was a few letters off with his Hitler prediction, so I wouldn't be surprised. God help us if this situation drives us into another World War. This country has never faced an adversary that is willing to go to such lengths. I doubt they would be very hesitant regarding nuclear weaponry and what not. Supposedly, according to Nostradamus, life is supposed to be erradicated as a result of the War, and some plant life will survive making it possible for another life process to begin. Some of it sounds a bit far fetched, but thinking of it scares the shit out of me.
  14. I used to have alot of Arabic friends in high school, and I remember after the first bombing of the World trade center, many of them seemed really supportive of the violent methods used. It was most likely due to the fact that they were young and naieve, because I doubt that even they realized that regardless of how strong of a muslim they were, they would have been bombed as well. I've dealt with alot of old fashioned Arabic Muslim adults from Pakistan, Turkey, Africa, Russia, Norway, and Afghanistan where I used to work; some of them, regardless of how old or experienced, still had an age old hatred that has been instilled in them. There is nothing that can even begin to reason with such hatred, and to attempt to do so only causes further violence. Some of them (who believed that violence was necessary to make their point) thought that there was some unity among all muslims that spans the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. I doubt that whomever was responsible for the WTC incident (whether he/she be Arabic or not) gave a fuck about whether or not fellow muslims were in the WTC at the time of collission. I can't even fathom that shit; I saw one particular camera shot on CBS of the plane crashing into the South tower; it was a shot from the ground near the building, and it showed a closeup of the plane. The plane spanned almost the entier width of the building, and when it crashed into it, it basically went through it. I mean, I couldn't even begin to wonder how the fuck someone could plan such an event and then be like "Fuck it......Let's do this.." and just fly a jumbo jet into a skyscaper. Aside from the fact that it's fucked up, I would be shitting a brick as the pilot of the plane. That's some major league shit, and it is really frightening. I kept thinking of the flight the person flying the plane must have had on his way toward the tower. What the fuck must he have been thinking? He most likely knew that the first plane already made contact, and I can't even begin to think of how he felt at that moment. The only thing on his mind being the destruction of this monument, not even thinking of his own welfare. I still can't believe that the World Trade Center is actually no longer standing. I'm not trying to sound repetitive, but just thinking of how one could go through such measures to do such a thing; hijack a plane, fly it a certain distance, and just fly straight into a fucking building. Jesus Christ. The select few Arabics who choose to convey their message in this way make it very hard on the others who actually feel estranged from their own surroundings here in America as a result. As fucked up as it is, I have even felt some deep rooted hatred toward some muslims/arabics at times, but I realize it doesn't solve anything. This shit is never going to go away; the few who are willing to give their lives for their religion as well as use their religion as a means for mass murder, are far too involved in what they believe to be a justifiable interpretation of their culture to even begin to see another way of life. That shit has been passed down for decades in their heritage. The hatred they feel is so deeply rooted that they are willing to die; that alone makes me feel uneasy. There is no other way of life for them, and they are drastically introducing a new wave of terrorism that will most likely be impossible to deal with.
  15. The Boyfriend that Christina Aguillera always shows up with at the award shows looks like a fucking pussy. He's a Batty Man.
  16. I actually liked the song she sang last night. It was very good, and unlike anything she usually sings. What is the name of the song, and is it a song that is on one of her albums? She looked good as well. I wouldn't mind fucking her up the asshole without a condom until she cries.......and such.
  17. Does anyone get the beer shits the next morning after a night of drinking? It often happens to me, and I can't even describe the relaxing feeling of taking a long beer shit in the morning. When I used to smoke cigarettes, I would take a few drags from a Parliament and that would trigger an immediate shit reaction. I love taking shits.
  18. Chula, Was he a foreigner to New York, or did he live there?
  19. You get the cheesy beverly hills feeling out here? I suppose alot of people do drive nice cars at the school. There are so many girls there that are worthy of anal penetration. I didnt realize they did something to the cafeteria in the student center. What did they do to it? Any other members of this board go to Hofstra, or neighboring schools?
  20. I would agree with you regarding the women. I go to Hofstra as well, and the girls are delectable. The school has a beautiful campus as well, so I have to agree with you there as well. Overall, the school is a bit wierd, however. I've been lucky to have some very good professors for the most part, though. I might be going there for grad school too, I have no idea.
  21. Does anyone on this board attend school anywhere in Nassau/Suffolk Counties? If so, where, and how are you liking it? What are the pros and cons of the environment as well as the school, if you have any?
  22. If that is going to be the case, I will make the occassion more often that I do Factory on Saturday evenings. I enjoyed the previous birthday party that he had, and I miss the saturdays at Twilo. It would be good if he did spin there, Boris didn't seem to be doing much for the Saturday night venue, even though he is a superb dj. For a crowd that really appreciates quality house music, Exit will be a perfect place. Junior is truly a raw talent; his music is so well developed and controlled. His music literally controls the crowd unlike any other dj, and I would love it if he spun there on the regular after the renovations are made.
  23. Those numerous bottles of cologne in the corner that they have looks mighty tempting. I wonder if they buy them with their own money, or if it is supplied by the establishment. I suppose that if one chooses that line of work, regardless of the reason, they must supply their own stuff. I'm always fascinated by the little odds and ends they have in there, such as blowpops, now and laters, Bonkers, cologne, perfume, cigarettes at a slightly cheaper price, condoms, and once in a while, an ice pack. It would be nice if they had female bathroom attendants in the male bathrooms. That would spice things up a bit. Looking at a sullen male individual standing in the corner with a sad look on his face, doesn't do much for one's enthusiasm. Many of the attendants don't seem to be very jolly.
  24. Chula, What kind of restaurant did he take you to, and how was he acting within the establishment to make him seem as if he was out of place?
  25. I don't really give a shit. As long as she doesn't have any unsightly moles, bad breath, a fat ass, huge tits, or bad hygiene overall. I can deal with shitty personalities if the looks are good. I am never looking for relationships, so it is hardly a problem. If a girl is more than willing to partake in unprotected anal, then that is definetly a plus.
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