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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. The Autobots defeating Voltron? Was that some kind of crossover from teh Japanese series? I wasn't aware of anything like that ever happening. And even if it were, it would seem strange, since they are both serving a good cause. As far as the Galvatronian wars are concerned, it was far from overkill. If anything, it was more interesting than the Megatron-Optimus wars. Knowing the whole history behind the autobots and decepticons, and the history behind how Galvatron was created etc. made the series all the more serious. The viewer was now faced with a new decepticon leader who was far more ruthless than Megatron ever was; Megatron was never forced to submit or acknowledge anyone as being superior to him until Transformers the Movie. I think that event with him and Unicron seriously impacted his behavior for years to come; he would no longer submit and be the subordinate servant that Unicron forced him to be. He declared all out war upon the Autobots on a level that Megatron never did; his temper was worse, and his will to assume absolute power was even more potent. If anything, the Galvatronian wars shed new light on the Transformers, and made the viewer realize that the Decepticons were going nowhere; they were truly a force to be reckoned with. As for Voltron and Robotech, fuck both of them. None of them can hold a candle to transformers, and the drama/history involved in it. Voltron was ok, but nothing near transformers. The only parts of Voltron I did like were the Russian and American versions of Voltron; I liked how there were two voltrons (one composed entirely of Lions, and the other of planes, helicopters, and other machines). They both looked sick when finally formed, and when they teamed up against their foe, they were unstoppable.
  2. Just glancing at that picture, it seemed like a fairly large piece of dog shit.
  3. I find it repulsive. Blood and sex do not mix for me. I am a fairly nasty individual overall, but blood is bit too much, even for myself. I tried it 3 or 4 times and it doesn't go well. If I am unfortunate enough to see the blood, I am going nowwhere near the pussy; I've always been scared shitless of blood, the bacteria within it, and the idea of someone else's blood upon my skin, or otherwise.
  4. I have a large portion of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series on video tape, from the original Autobot landing on earth (1st episode), through the Galvatronian wars. As such, I have the theme songs, but only on video tape.
  5. A very good movie that also deals with drugs/drug problems is "The Panic in Needle Park" starring Al Pacino in his first starring role. It was shot in Manhattan, and it deals with a young thug (Pacino) who takes up with a young street girl (Kitty Winn). At first, both of them manage to survive using street smarts, but they soon enough become involved with heroin. They both become addicted while living on the streets and their lives continue to take a turn for the worse. The ending is very powerful and also very indicative of the type of lifestyle often lived by heroin addicts who (like the couple in this film) are dependent on one another. Throughout the film, Jerry Schatzberg does a beautiful job of depicting Pacino and Witt's dire need for one another in their drug infested world. Powerful performances by a young Pacino as Bobby, the street crook who is all that Witt has to latch on to upon leaving her drug dealer boyfriend (who is played by a young Raul Julia). The film was shot in 1971, I believe, and Al Pacino (as always) outdoes himself unlike any actor. "American Me" is also another superb film that centers on drugs. Edward James Olmos (both star and director of this film) plays an aging drug lord (Santana) in Folsom Prison. After being imprisoned as a juvenille, Santana organizes the hispanics into one of the largest sectors in the prison; controlling a large portion of the drug trade within the penal system, Montana is able to focus on more important ventures in life, such as getting paroled from prison. Upon his release, he is faced with the up and coming gangsters of the street, and more importantly, the vastly changing conditions within his own empire. The storyline is typically that of other coming of age drug movies such as "Carlito's Way." An aging gangster trying to retreat from a life that will not permit any exits. Superb performances all around. Olmos even used real prisoners as extras in this film. "Bad Lieutenant" is a shocking film starring Harvey Kietel as a morally corrupt New york City detective. His drug habits alienate him from his own family, and other habits even put him in debt to the mafia. Keitel continously poisions his body, mind, and soul throughout this film, and as an attempt to redeem himself, he swears to find the culprits who rape a nun at a local church. Amidst his corrupt lifestyle, Keitel is able to see that there are certain things that still remain pure. Abel Ferarra does a beautiful job with his stunning camera work, and Keitel delivers a powerhouse performance. A more humorous drug film "Naked Launch" stars Peter Weller (Robocop) as an exterminator (Bill Lee) whose wife becomes addicted to bug powder. His wife drags him into this hallucinatory world of sniffing bug powder, and Weller begins to recieve odd messages from Giant Mutant Bugs. The drugs (or bugs) begin to control Weller's mind, and he loyally follows the bidding of the bugs and becomes a writer, who oddly enough, recieves storylines from his typewriter (that is a bug as well). Superb acting on Weller's part.
  6. I had a nice time last night, considering how tired I was before going. I also broke my ass dancing. I was dancing on the wooden floor between the two seating areas (by the side door) and I started getting open. Due to some water on the floor, that openess was soon closed. My legs went out from under me and bashed into a girl's legs, sending her toppling down as well. I heard the "thud" of her body behind mine, but I didn't get up right away; I was very tired and drunk. I stood still for about 5 seconds or so, then I was helped up. I looked around to see if anyone was hurt, but the girl had already gotten up and walked away. If you are the one that I hit and you are reading this, I am sorry if I hurt you or caused any embarassment. You're voice sounded sexy as well (the little bit of it that i did hear while you weant "ahhh!") I can never dance the way I want to when I am drunk. I went to 56 fighter's club as well on Friday night for my friend's sister's 27th birthday. That wound up to be a fucked up situation as well; they held a weak hot body contest which my friend's girl was part of. When she was on the stage, she refused to reveal any serious cleavage; as such, the crowd was displeased, and upon leaving the stage, she was prithee to comments such as "Bitch" and "cunt." My friend heard the comment from one individual in particular and responded with hostility. This got us kicked out. Kicked out of 56 around 11 in the evening.....before midnight. Pittiful shit. We wound up going to Jillians after that, and I enjoyed some more beer and boneless buffallo wings. I got alot of drinking squared away this weekend, and all the tension has been released for the time being. I had a great weekend. And to all of you that made it out to CPI, thanks for making it a phat night. I really enjoyed the vibe. I liked the Madonna that Ojeda spun at the end of the evening. Nice music to end the night with.
  7. Well done, Chula.... Well done.
  8. What can lie flat on it's back 100 feet up in the air?
  9. Is anyone on this board West Indian? If so, where are you/your parents from?
  10. It looks like a stupid movie. There's nothing really funny about Chris Tucker anymore. Come to think of it, there never really was, other than his voice. Go see Pootie Tang, that shit was funny. "Wa da taa.....Seppa Tay." Alot of the cast from the Chris Rock show, and they make the movie hilarious.
  11. It means someone shot a load in her eye and now she has what the media would label "Pirate Eye."
  12. It is a phat song. I like the Green Court remix.
  13. I fucked my ex up the asshole to the song "Muzik" by Orang'e. It was either "Muzik" or "More Muzik," I don't quite remember. She started giggling at the part where it slows down and the Deep voice comes on and says "How do you feel?.....How do you feeeel?" Both songs are phat.
  14. Was he comparing Exit with Soundfactory Saturdays? I didn't notice that in his post. He probably meant Fridays; and both of them fucking blow on friday nights.
  15. I doubt that clubkid is being "Uptight." It has very little to do with uptightness and more to do with stating the obvious. Tony Draper has been around for a while, even before Exit when he was spinning at Metropolis and Hempstead. He's not a skilled dj that can play a beautiful continous circuit mix with style and good beat matching. What he does is he drops records, nothing more. I was actually surprised when I heard he was spinning at Exit some time ago; he literally went from small venues to spinning at one of the biggest clubs in New York City, overnight. He selects hard banging tracks and plays them one after the other without any real concern for style. Anyone can do that, and rather than view this as some insult to Draper, just view it as a statement of the obvious. When you have individuals who know house music, and know good djing, it is hard for them to sit back idly while other individuals write about how Draper has "off nights" etc. Off nights are for dj's who spend hours in their studios putting music together, creating music. He hasn't established a definitive style to have an "off night." There is nothing to his style. There is no vibe that can be felt because there is no complexity to the way he spins, and one can easily hear that. There is nothing wrong with Dropping records one after the other; I am sure Draper is aware that he does that. He doesn't mix. He plays music for a mainfloor that likes hard beats; whether the type of music and the way the music is played is tasteless is up to the listener. Draper is no stranger to house music, and if he doesn't know how to mix and match beats effectively at this point, then that doesnt say much for his skill. It's safe to say that the majority of the crowd that goes to Exit isn't there for the appreciation and quality of the music, they are there to enjoy a humungous nightclub and get fucked up. I don't really think that type of venue needs any style to survive; it seems to have a continous turnout every friday night and it's doing well. But in regards to Draper's skill, the mainfloor at Exit is good for foot pounding and hand clapping. That's about it.
  16. I have this bottle of Jamaican rum that I just found in my boss's office. Now, I have a question regarding it: The brand of rum is "Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum." And underneath, the subtitle reads "Guaranteed Full Strength." Now, I am not sure about the quality of this rum ( I am guessing it is rather low quality), but does "Overproof" mean over 100 proof? It doesn't have a proof on it, so I am wondering what to make of "Overproof." It smells like some really strong shit.
  17. There's nothing wrong with that, and it's far from "sick." Just because one may not be not familiar with such thoughts, the topic you raise shouldn't be considered to be "sick." As long as you don't act on your impulses, you may feel what you want. And no one can really say that acting on your impulses would be wrong; you're not taking advantage of anyone. The only "wrong" would be the incestual factor of fucking within your family. But I've seen much stranger. If it were your sister, I would say that warrants some disgust. But finding your cousin sexy, and being turned on by her/him is not strange at all. As "Sick" as it may seem, I've always noticed (not only in my family, but in others) that many cousins often play around (verbally/psychologically) on a somewhat flirtatious level.
  18. I think you're on to something. Such actions can help you to attain unprotected anal from a girl. Good job.
  19. Dee Original Don Dodda Tell me fi seh so. Pull it up..........Easy now.
  20. It's obvious that you don't know how to read. The bottom line is this: If one speaks of something that happened when they went to a club two years "AGO" and then compares it to their experience in the same venue 2 years later (THE PRESENT), there is no implication that they have been going for that entire period of time. You took it upon yourself to assume that. As for the rest of your reply, stop crying. That simple point is far too difficult for you to understand, and you're actually looking very retarded while trying to make it seem right. Reading comprehension is a good thing; take advantage of it. Until then, don't even have the audacity to imply that what you pose is an argument or a rebuttal; it's hardly worthy of any such term. And yes, I am the "WON" who is mistaken. Get some rest; you need it.
  21. Here is my proof of your assumption: "How the hell can you notice something in the club from two years ago and not be going there for that long?...if he remembers it two years ago, that means he's been going there for two years." Let me break this down very simply for you, since you seem to have a very difficult time understanding. Whether or not it be one or four points I am focussing on, this point you made here clearly depicts your haphazard assumption: "How the hell can you notice something in the club from two years ago and not be going there for that long" The answer to this is very simple. If I went to exit two years ago, never went for a period of at least two years, and then went again in the present, I would still be able to draw my own conclusion about the djing skills of the dj. Regardless of whether or not my conclusion about the dj's skills are valid/fair, it is still a conclusion that can be drawn; what I remember (FROM two years ago) in relation to what I see (NOW in the present) would help me form that conclusion. "If he remembers it two years ago that means he's been going there for two years." If I went to Beefsteak Charlie's 10 years ago and remembered some guy cooking the steak like shit, I would still be able to remember the way it was cooked without having gone there again until the present. Your assumption (that was made very clear) was that the individual obviously had been going to Exit for two years because he commented on a previous period (that took place 2 years ago) and the present; your assumption is false. I could care less about seeming intelligent; that really wouldn't make any difference to me. What makes the difference is that you understand what you're writing before you try and write something you believe makes sense. This is not some petty exercise in argumentative skills and logic; I could give a shit about either of them. I could care less for your argumentative skills as well. Stop focussing on my "arguing" skills, and spend more time writing clearly. Your ability to "refute" me is bullshit. You never had a valid argument to begin with, and as such, I was never trying to refute you. I am correcting you.
  22. Him describing what Draper does now in relation to what he did two years ago, does not necessarily mean he has been going during that time lapse. If he had been going for two years straight, he would have said "For two years, I've never missed a friday." But rather, he said "Two years ago, I never missed a friday." Him speaking of the present in relation to the past is not enough to draw some haphazard conclusion about how long he has been going. It merely implies that he went for a period of time two years ago, and is also aware of the present because he went recently. It says nothing about the time in between. Don't assume anything about that period of time, especially when it clearly says "Two years ago." As for him not saying anything about his ventures during the two year lapse that follows, it implies nothing about the club being open for less than two years. If anything, it says that the club was open since the time he has gone; the present (which is what he briefly describes) minus "two years ago" equals a difference of at least two years. He says nothing about going during that lapse, only "Now" when there are 20 people in the booth. Now does not imply anything about the two year lapse, but only the present. Spend less time thinking about my tone, and more time thinking about what you write.
  23. Listen... Before you respond quickly, you might want to give something a little bit of thought: Because one comments on what one noticed in a club two years ago, this does not necessarily mean that one has been going to that club for two years. What it does imply is that one did go to that club for a period of time (whether it be once or more) two years ago, and noticed something. Nothing was said about going to the club anytime after that; something was only said about that particular period that the individual went to the club two years ago, however it long it was. "two years ago" the individual would never miss a friday, meaning that two years ago, the individual went to Exit, not "For two years I've been going." Read carefully next time, and don't assume too much.
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