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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. It has very little to do with taking a small or "miniscule" problem and turning it into a big one. Some individuals (in matters of love) behave very irrationally. Some individuals will go to the lengths of frightening their beloved, or doing any confused or irrational deed that may border on illegality; more importantly, many of these individuals who claim that love causes irrationality are very rational when it comes to explaining how irrational it is. Some individuals have no reservations about making one's life a living hell, as long as no one else is aware of the real situation. Some individuals act like children only to gain what little satisfaction is left to be gained, and then claim that love is the reason for their behavior. One who makes up one's mind regarding another who has hurt him/her will hardly need "luck" in finding any kind of peace. Peace is already found, and it is all the more enjoyable without hopeless persons prying into that individual's life. I wish the purest of luck to those who are discovered to be conniving, despite their attempts to hide it. Those are the individuals that will need the luck, both in the short and long run. As for the commentary about "girl talk," it really serves no purpose other than restating the same rhetorical bullshit that some individuals (male/female)like to believe.
  2. I'm not feeling anything very new, but I've been listening to these songs alot lately; they're among my all time favorites: Airwave: Rank 1 (Junior Vasquez) Caned and Unable: Hi-Gate Express 2: AC/DC Saints and Sinners: The Clergy Let the Music Play: Shannon (Junior Vasquez) Passion Lights the way: Lightforce To the Rhythm: Pepstar (Junior Vasquez) On and On: Donna Delory (Junior Vasquez) Strip: (Moni With you: Nomad (Junior Vasquez)
  3. These two starving bums are walking through an alley when one of them sees a dead cat. He runs over, sits down, and starts to eat the cat, tearing the meat from its limbs. He says to the other bum, "Hey, I know you're hungry too. Why don't you eat some of this cat?" "Hell no!" replies the second bum. "That cant's been dead for days. He's all stiff and cold and smelly." The first bum says, "Ok, suit yourself," and continues to eat everything: skin, muscles, guts, and all of the skeleton. A few hours later as they are walking down the street, and the first bum says, "Oh, I don't feel so good. I think there might have been something wrong with that cat." And just then, he vomits up a huge puddle of rotten cat flesh and guts with stomach bile mixed in , all half digested and looking like mush. The second bum sits down next to the puddle and says, "Now you're talking! It's been months since I had a warm meal!"
  4. Gaypodisback, Why are you editing all of your replies?
  5. I can understand your grievance. Nonetheless, I want to fuck her up the ass without protection, and then cum upon her face.
  6. I want to fuck her up the asshole without a condom, and then cum on her face. She's been turning me on lately.
  7. I remember when all the wrestlers from WWF eventually went over to WCW. Around 1996-1999, WCW was a sick federation. As a child, I never thought I would sell out to WCW; I was always in love with WWF, but during the period of their downfall, they sucked balls. I don't watch WWF anymore, it's a bunch of bullshit and the wrestlers have hardly earned my respect. The veterans are the true warriors, and they made the WWF what it is; I watched it for them, and when they went to WCW, I watched them there as well. WWF is more succesful now than it ever was, but the wrestlers are just sickening. I can't stand to watch it. And without the real WCW serving as an alternative to WWF, there is no reason to watch wrestling anymore. Now that WWF has taken all the federations under it's wing, there is nothing left to enjoy. My favorite wrestlers of all time would have to be: The Incredible, the Imortal Hulk Hogan. Not the best technician in the ring, but his showmanship and role model status for me as a child has earned him a spot in my heart. The British Bulldogs: Dynamite Kid (Master of the Snap Suflex), and Davey Boy Smith (Master of the running powerslam). Two of the best technicians in the ring, and one of the sickest tag teams. The Powers of Pain: The Barbarian and the Warlord. More could have been done with this unstoppable tag team, but WWF fucked them up. They were the most powerful tag team ever, and they would have foreshadowed the Road warrios if given the chance. I remember the wars between The Powers of Pain and the Road Warriors back in the old NWA. Those were the good times. The Warlord: When he went on his own, I still watched out of loyalty. The Barbarian: Same for him. The Macho Man, Randy Savage: Charisma, technical abilities, agility. Nothing more to be said. Elizabeth was a piece of ass as well. Hercules a.k.a. Hercules Hernandez (for those who remember him back in the day). Flawless physique and awesome power. Billy Jack Hanes: Master of the Full Nelson, and the wars between him and Hercules left me in awe as a child. Superstar, Billy Graham: Awesome power, sad ending due to roids. Ken Patera: I loved the whole drama that arose between him and Heanan during his come back to WWF in the late 80's. Andre the Giant, the 8th wonder of the world: Just amazing to watch. During the latter part of his career, he looked rather pittiful. Ravishing Rick Rude: When he first made his appearance, his physique and style was to be reckoned with. One of the most impressive abdominal areas in the history of the WWF. Seeka: The nasty bastard was interesting to watch. The Young Stallions: Jim Powers and Paul Roma; two flawless minor wrestlers that were given a shot at tag team action. No one really felt them, so they didn't last too long. They were both excellent wrestlers both in tag team action and on their own. Power and Glory: The second tag team for Paul Roma to join along with Hercules. Even as he got older, Hercules showed he could still hang with the best of them. Agility and power made this tag team more than worthy of its name. The Killer Bees: Jumpin Jim Brunzel and B. Brian Blair. The only wrestlers to wear Converse in the ring, lol. Great wrestlers though. The Hart Foundation: Attitude, charisma, power, agility; they were both awesome talents. Bret "The Hitman" Hart: One wrestler that earns my respect above all. S.D. "Special Delivery" Jones: I loved watching this guy in the ring; Good showmanship and overall, a likable guy. Tony Atlas: A TRUE powerhouse due to roids. Sad ending to his career and even sadder was his brief return as "Sabba Simba" The Undertaker: Not the new, flabby, slow, biker, talks-to-much Undertaker, but the "Power of the Urn," Paul Bearer, Get-up-after-every-hit Undertaker. When first joining the WWF back in 1990 at Survivor series (as Million Dollar Man's mystery partner), he was introduced as "Kane, the Undertaker." Since then, he has been one of the most unstoppable forces in the WWF. In his Pre-body fat days, he was one of the most agile and powerful wrestlers to watch in the ring. He hung with the best of them, and went through every wrestler at one point, proving himself as a true veteran. The fucked up when they started letting him talk so much. Jake "The Snake" Roberts: Flawless character, and his ability to amp the crowd was and always will be unrivaled. Hands down, the master of the DDT. Jake had the "Snake Pit" show back in the day; I loved it. Rowdy Roddy Piper: One of the sickest bastards in wrestling. I loved the show he had on WWF called "Piper's Pit." "The Natural" / "The Hacksaw" Butch Reed: Awesome power and agility, and when he merged with Farooq in WCW back in the day, they formed the tag team "Doom." They were more than worthy of that name. The Ultimate Warrior: The warrior indeed, going toe to toe with some true veterans. Sad ending, however. He made a brief comeback in WCW, and his body was almost too sad to look at. He was still cut, but without all the juice it looked like someone let the air out of his body. He looked hurt the fuck up. That Gorilla Press Slam used to get the crowd riled up. The match against Hogan in Wrestlemania 6 was a milestone. Demolition, Ax and Smash: "Here comes the Axe, and here comes the smasher..." That song was off the fucking hook. Both of them were unstoppable back in the day, and they killed other tag teams. Smash's return as the repo man left me a bit disturbed though. Terry Taylor, The "Red Rooster:" One of the most boring, stupidest fucking wrestlers. Infamous for his dumb ass matches. "The Outlaw" Ron Bass: One wicked son of a bitch with that Whip, and the blood he drew from Brutus Beefcake with his spur sent chills up my spine back in the day. The REAL ROCK, The Magnificent Don Muracco: A powerhouse in hiw own right, and a remarkable wrestler. His old tag team partner "Cowboy" Bob Orton made him even more deadlier. Pedro Morales: Just a veteran that I can't ignore. Ivan Putski, "Polish Power:" AWESOME power, nothing more. Mario Mancini: King of the minor "get your ass kicked by every wrestler every sunday on Wrestling Challenge" wrestlers. Iron Mike Sharp: One of the strongest minor wrestlers. Kamala: Funny fucking name, scary fucking face. I cried as a child while watching this guy walk down the aisle to that scary ass music. The Orient Express: Great tag team. "The King" Harley Race: For his age, he was a great technician in the ring. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine: Not a very interesting wrestler, but worthy of mentioning since he is the true king of the Figure Four Leg lock. Brutus Beefcake: Good wrestler, but his return as Brutus "The Barber" beefcake was fucking sad. Bruno Sammartino: He sucked, but he is a veteran. Gorilla Monsoon: God bless the late Monsoon, who was an admirable wrestler in his day, and an even more admirable commentator with his sidekick Jesse "The Body" Ventura. That's all I can think of at the moment. God, I miss the old wrestling days. I used to love getting up on saturday morning to watch Pee Wee's playhouse, Muppet babies, and wrestling. God bless all of those shows.
  8. The Godfather Part III is a superb addition to the series; parts 2 and 3 are actually my favorites. I always wondered what happened to Tom Hagan (The Corleone family lawyer who was played by Robert Duvall in parts 1 and 2) in Godfather Part III? Was he in part III, and if so, who played him? I was watching some behind the scenes footage from Godfather parts 1 and 2, and there were old shots of a young Robert Deniro auditioning for the part of Sonny, which was eventually given to James Caan. I never understood why Robert Deniro recieved the oscar for the Godfather Part II; Pacino's portrayal of Michael Corleone was FAR better than Deniro's portrayal of a young Vito Corleone. Pacino was, is, and always will be a far better actor than Robert Deniro. Unlike Deniro, he has not become typecast in his old age. Pacino has had his bad films, but not nearly as bad as Deniro's; the only film I felt Pacino really sucked in was "Sea Of Love" which was done after a long absence from the screen. I am glad that James Caan recieved the role of Sonny; he played him very well. As for Pacino, his ability as an actor on both the screen and the stage, are unrivaled. On that note, I also find it hard to believe that Kevin Spacey recieved the Oscar for Best actor for his portrayal in American Beauty. His portrayal in that movie was hardly great, and Russel Crowe's portrayal of Weygant in "The Insider" was FAR better. "The Insider" was also a better film.
  9. I remember the defintions of "Fuck" dating back further than the Victorian period in England. The OED dates it back as far as England under Edward IV. It wasn't always "Fuck" as I remember correctly; fuck is a variation on an earlier English as well as Irish term that I can't remember. There was also an essay I read once on one of the first English novels "Beware The Cat" which deals with several euphemisms regarding Catholic treatment of the Irish in Spenser's age (and before); some essays were written about the book some 70-200 years after the work, and one in particular that stuck out was an essay written by Sir Thomas More (before he wrote Utopia or History of King Richard III), titled "Grievance of Majesty" that included a long elaboration on the usage of the original form of the word "Fuck." It was most likely used before Edward IV's rule as well.
  10. So I see that the relationship between stopit and Blow didn't end on a happy note. Now that I think of it, the name "stopit" seems rather interesting. Stopit, if you are reading this, did you conjure up that name as an implied hint to Blowflyii or something? I just find it a little funny. Well, I hope your relationship with Blowflyii was satisfying while it lasted; it's a shame it had to come to such a disgusting end (with the harassment and all). I've never known anyone to become obsessed in such a way. What lead you to press charges against him? Was it one particular act that pushed you over the edge, or was it a result of many acts that just left you a bit uncomfortable? I couldn't imagine what it must feel like to be stalked, and even more disturbing, I couldn't imagine why Blowflyii would post anything about his stalking habits on a public forum. I mean, if one is going to be strange about one's habits, one should at least keep it a secret. Overall, I hope everything works out. And I hope that you and Blowflyii did have some good times, regardless how how he may be acting now.
  11. Showing too much love can at times seem rather strange to some, especially if they are on the recieving end of it. Were his antics worthy of charges being brought against him, honestly speaking? Was he doing anything that may have been misconstrued as harassment? It sucks that his situation was made public; that is truly embarassing. And aside from his love for Stopit, why do so many people seem to hate Blowflyii? Did he post something stupid, or perhaps something that was not to the liking of many individuals?
  12. This seems like drama of a different magnitude. What exactly was it that enticed Stopit to bring charges against Blowflyii?
  13. Wall Street is cheap on a Thursday. If you want to go get fucked up and bullshit with a few friends, it's an ok place. It isn't something to be frequented, however. The bartenders are always handing out free passes as well.
  14. The relevance is that it deals with the issue of a woman not being able to cum as well as the issue of a man faking orgasm (which in the case that was pointed out in the reply, the man didn't). The only difference between the two scenarios is that the male individual (myself) didn't fake an orgasm because of the female's innability to cum. The connection is hardly difficult to notice.
  15. rudeboyyouth


    If you were flirting to the point where your tongue somehow started tickling my balls and then you decided to stop, I would get very angry. Such flirtation is not only upsetting, but dissapointing.
  16. I have been in a situation where it was taking the girl a long time to get off; but considering the fact that I didn't do much to turn her on prior to fucking her, I can understand why. When the situation presented itself however, I just faced the realization that she wasn't going to cum, and I fucked her even harder until I came. I can not fuck and not cum. It not only leaves me feeling uncomfortable, but it gets me very upset.
  17. Very beautiful, Vivenfoxxy. I would love to fuck you up the ass without any type of protection.
  18. I would fuck them all up the ass without any type of protection. One or two of the chicks with the pacifiers in their mouths are in dire need of a serious dicking........ ...........unprotected.
  19. Bottle of liquor, eh? You like getting open, don't you Msoprano. Under the driver's seat nonetheless... ...tisk tisk.
  20. Well, no one really seemed to mind the lyrics when they succeeded the original bombing.
  21. This is how "The New Twilo" got it's name: You have an insignificant promoter who promotes nothing more than horrible teen parties on Long Island. His venues never last because they are terrible. The talent he brings in is absolutely horrible. Such a promoter caters to a local long island crowd who doesn't really know shit. Which is a shame, because long island is a nice fucking spot to party. However, the promoter (Brian Speed) promotes pussy parties to a crowd that doesn't know much about the venue they are going too; as such, he can name it Twilo and those that go will think that this is the infamous nightclub they've heard of in New York City. Any true patron of Twilo would laugh at this pussy, which they already have; they would know that even if the venue were to reopen, it would not reopen under such a promoter. I can't describe how fucking sickening it is. A pussy promoter is going to fuck up the name of one of the most infamous nightclubs in manhattan by naming one of his bullshit venues after it. Only an ignorant fuck would actually believe that naming a pussyhole venue "twilo" is a good venture. Disgusting.
  22. I can't believe a pussy promoter such as Brian Speed would have the audacity to do such a thing. I can't even begin to describe how stupid this whole thing is. Applying the name Twilo to another shitty, lame ass Brian Speed event is so pittiful. So now on top of making yourself look stupid, Brian, you are going to borrow the name of one of the most beautiful nightclubs to ever hit New York City, and apply to one of your kiddie fucking venues. Does anyone ever go to any Brian Speed venues? Brian: Fuck your mother, your father, and your entire family. And more importantly, may you and them suffer for the sin you are committing, you fucking loser.
  23. My girlfriend's mother is good friends with a woman who plays a minor role on the HBO series "The Sopranos," and she was informing my girlfriend that HBO has cancelled production of the series "Oz." If this is true, I find it fucking tragic; "Oz" is the finest series that HBO has ever created. The acting and writing is superb, and the storyline is far more compelling than any other series HBO produces. I hope the series continues its run on HBO; there is still so much that can be done with the plot lines, and so many questions still remain to be answered. I have a bad feeling that the cancellation might be true since there are never any commercials on HBO regarding the new series, nor were there any hints at a follow up season after the final episode of last season. I hope the series continues.
  24. Who gives a fuck about Paris? I have never kissed Paris's ass to get into Sound Factory, and I have been going there for quite a while. I never plan on kissing her ass. I can't understand why all of this fervor surrounds someone of such little importance. Soundfactory is a phat club, but it is definetly not worthy of any ass kissing. I don't see any reason why one would stoop to such a level. Paris does her job, and that is great for her. Other than that, I couldn't care whether she lives or dies.
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