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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. ...see below [This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-20-2000).]
  2. Glowball... Don't concern yourself with my insults that are directed toward Iliana....you'll make yourself look like more of puss than you already are...before you defend someone else, learn how to defend yourself first. You need to.... As for you Iliana... Repetitive is the only manner of speaking you seem to understand. I can see from your response that you finally get the message..you went through it carefully enough and it is more than clear that you took your time. Good job... You continue to make me smile...keep working hard...Dumb ass.
  3. mmm..Glowgirl I can smell the freshness
  4. He's Circle Jerkin.... Congratulations to him.
  5. We are waiting for you..........heh heh heh Just kidding
  6. Lol...it wasn't done to me...if it was, I would most likely go ballistic. I was just curious because I fuck my girl up the ass all the time and I was thinking of how I would react if she did do it to me. Thanks for the answers though....you guys think just like me.
  7. Half Tit? I dont remember calling you that, dumb ass....read carefully...you obviously have a problem doing that. As for him answering his own question, I doubt it, since no one posed an answer that satisfied the question, which explains my answer to him. The only thing meant for you, was the pointing out of your stupidity, once again. I needn't come up with anything new, since I am not trying to insult you, rather, I am pointing out the obvious stupidity of you, (and you're right, it is monotonous...your stupidity). Stupid people such as yourself can be repetitive and tired with their commentary, as you have shown. Nothing more to say really....I can see your understanding of things seems to be dying, so you might want to consider shutting your mouth Overall, things are the same, and you're still "half With" the idea of being interesting with your commentary, you tired, weak little shit. Slice of dick? that's good...you're sounding different there...saying something other than your usual tail chasing commentary, I commend you. Try not to say too much however, you might have an aneurysm. Keep it up, dumb ass... [This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-17-2000).]
  8. I am curious.... This question is for the men: You're with a girl for a long time and you discover that she has been cheating. During this escapade that she endured, you learn she has been fucked up the ass by a man with a humungous cock. Now, you love this girl severely....would you try to repair the relationship and work it out with her? Or would you be too angry, thinking about the ass dicking she receieved at the hands of another man?
  9. Once again, you've misconstrued, Iliana..The response was meant for Sonicgroov. Sadly enough, it shames me to say: You're still dumb You're still a half ass You still cry about stupid shit on this board....and sound even more ignorant in the process... Sorry You still continue to make me smile with your worthless, stupid commentary though...please keep it up, Humor is a necessity in life, you fucking retard.. Damn Iliana....Still the half ass who's "half with" the idea of seeming legible and comprehensible. Now....fuck off...and...go cry about something stupid on another board, you worthless slice of pussy. tee hee
  10. I doubt it, all of them are bootleg. That doesn't necessarily mean JP wouldnt have done it, but I find it hard to imagine such a high profile dj at this stage in his career, doing bootleg cd's like those compilations. Most of them seem like they are put together by basement dj's who have the rare tracks that many people want.
  11. That's very observative of you Iliana,Congratulations... you finally noticed something of use: You're a half ass. Now shut the fuck up. And as for the Sound Factory Cd's, You can usually pick them up at Deccadance in the city, or Mother's music out in Suffolk County. Pick up vol. 15, it's pretty phat. [This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-16-2000).]
  12. If you truthfully think I would need help with such a simple response, then you really are a half ass Iliana. if you need help reading and writing, don't assume others do. Average responses such as the one I wrote to you demand no serious time. I am glad you feel you affected me though, since in my simple writing, you can find something deeper. If you feel that response is deep and "well worded" as you put, then you must be stupid....or maybe just isolated from common knowledge? doesn't matter, you look stupid either way, continously. With every response you write, you seem like more of a half wit, and it makes me smile to read something so funny. Thanks for the compliments, and please, continue to be the dumb ass that we all know you can be. You piece of vagina, you.
  13. I am not very sure about the preference of others on this board, but I have to admit that the picture posted by Phoenix of that girl is gorgeous. She is definetly hot. Overall though, none can come close to Heidi Klum, she's too fucking sexy.
  14. yes, and contradictory to your statement that I couldn't comprehend deep conversation, intelligence has nothing to do with conversation. You fail to realize that in so quickly associating it with intelligence, sounding even more stupid while reitterating my point. As for us having something in common, I doubt it. I criticise and point out the stupidity in you with careful insight, while you ignorantly cry time after time, sounding like a child. HOwever, what you have in common with the many patrons of this board is a love for wasting your time, therefore, your criticism of them falls short since you are one of them. Rather than reassume my point and make it even more evident in your replies, you might want to think before you write. You wouldn't sound like such a half ass when you write, searching for evidence to base your half assed critiques on, when you do nothing more than nitpick at the obvious. You aren't stating anything surprising, what you are doing however, is making more than clear, how monotonous, lifeless, and ignorant you can be. Take the limited thinking somewhere where it can be of more use....perhaps your parents could help you make better use of your time and in the long run, your criticism will sound better as well. As for stupidity, no one can fix that for you, which is why you have view yourself as separate from those on this board....You are far too stupid and limited in thinking to realize that in criticizing others for their habits on this board, you criticize yourself. You are part of the same shitty, useless pattern of one tracked, inexperienced thinking that you criticize. Overall, your reply comes down to useless outbursts that all relate to shit, since that is what you know well. Keep it up, it makes me happy to see you fuck up over and over, you sweet piece of vagina you.
  15. Criticizing another for becoming a product of Club Nyc is a bit half assed, since through your predictable replies, it is clear that you are exactly what you chastise. As for deep conversation,lol, don't put yourself in a situation where you can be embarassed. Intelligence has nothing to do with conversation, and someone who is truly intelligent doesn't need to forge him/herself under the false pretense of intelligence being defined by that. However, through your usual, haphazard commentary, you have made that more that clear. You don't really have an idea of what conversation should consist of, you dilligently criticize what you categorize as feeble commentary, when the majority of your unused time is spent criticizing others for speaking of topics that are unworthy, or simply shooting your mouth off with useless criticism. Rather than do that, try productively to use your time, don't be a half ass that sits off on the sideline, and tries to criticize, but has no real intelligence or power to do anything about it, let alone make any difference or have an impact of any kind. As for you being a piece of vagina, that hasn't changed.... as for your powers of criticism, your intelligence, your idea of conversation, your ethics on what is relevant, your stupidiy.....well, that all been reinforced once again, and stupidly enough, not by anyone other than yourself. That, if anything, is the most sad disposition for someone like yourself. [This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-10-2000).]
  16. That was amusing Iliana...I also find it cute that you amuse yourself by assuming time lengths of other's responses...When you make yourself look like more of a half ass... here is a Hint: 1) Don't be stupid, even if you really are, don't make yourself seem that way...you will only be embarassed more and more in life. 2) I see you have a habit of labelling people "ugly." Is that a feeble attempt at satisfaction? If so, it doesn't take much to satisfy you. Perhaps because your a dumb girl. Try something more original, like attacking my self esteem...something deeper than my looks because when you do something so trivial it makes you seem like more of a dumber cunt than you do on the other boards. 3) Don't try to sound condescending, you aren't of the intelligence to do that. Rather, stick to simple shit, like.....whether or not your period has arrived, whether your asshole has healed, whether your vagina is infected, or even better, whether your father has impregnated you. 4) rather than speak to others regarding how much time they have to reply to "stupid shit," try admitting to the same shit you frown upon. You don't sound knowledgable, you sound like a baby trying to get her point across...but sadly, she doesn't know how. That will improve with time, hopefully. 5) Finally (and on a lighter note) your parents did a horrible job raising you, you crusading cunt of a girl you. LOL...rather than ranting on about other's looks, worry about that face you see in the mirror everyday. Who knows, you could be pretty or very ugly, it means very little. However, you're not only stupid, but monotonous with your tired, lame ass points (if that's what you would like to label them), that you try to make. Don't spend too much time on the computer (which is what YOU, as well as others do on this board...and I am not criticizing you for that). What deserves criticism is your stupidity, nothing more. Until then, fuck your entire family, and may they all die the same way you do, you beautiful piece of vagina you
  17. What you should try doing is not wearing a condom ever again. Try your best to fuck your young girlfriend without a condom in the future and above all, try your best to have a kid. You don't want to miss the chance at wrecking her life by giving her a child, that could be very nice indeed. And dont forget, once you've gotten her pregnant, try your hardest to leave her, it will serve you well. I will be praying night and day that you two have a child, don't worry. Later
  18. Hardly... Rather, my commentary stemmed from my knowledge of your father's late night afterhours session with you. You see, your father has quite the reputation for fucking his family. Your mother seems to be supportive of his habits as well. As such, your asshole received the semen I mentioned previously. Tee hee.....you useless sperm bucket.
  19. Deep inside your ass, with the rest of the semen.
  20. That is one song that will never be played out, it is a fucking classic anthem. That tune gets me on the floor, regardless of when it's played.
  21. If my girl, or any girl for that matter ever snow balled me, I would drag her by the hair down the stairs and make her blow my dog. As for snowballing, I dont mind when one girl does it to another girl. That's fine.
  22. Out of sheer curiousity, Any women on this message board ever let their boyfriend/husband cum on their breasts/neck/face/stomach/pelvis/etc and simply let the semen sit there? If so, why did you let it sit there and just exactly how did it feel once you realized it had been sitting there for quite some time?
  23. I was watching an interesting porn flick the other night titled, "Anal Extreme." It includes among many stars, the lovely Inari Vachs and 3 other slightly less popular names. This tape had a very interesting penetration session, it involved two men fucking this woman's ass at the same time. It was interesting, and it was far from a gentle ass-cocking. Rather, it was brutal (in true underground fashion). That seems like it would be an interesting venture for any girl who fantasized about being with two men. However, speaking from the male heterosexual perspective, I can't imagine how a man could enjoy such a dicking session, feeling another man's cock rubbing against his. Overall, a woman's asshole is a gift from God. God bless you, New York...for providing the raunchiest rectum.
  24. Wait until this lucky Brazillian arrives in the states, then allow him to penetrate. However, remember above all things: When you let him penetrate, allow him to go from vagina, to ass, to mouth. Overall, enjoy your venture with the Brazillian and good luck.
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