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Everything posted by tepfenhardth

  1. I don't know if anyone or everyone is on the up and up, but Paris, or the tall chick is actually a tranny, biggest bitch ever, my friends are at the modeling agency where she is, and I also know the whole shit on when she changed over, total job done. Pretty crazy, I never really liked her and actually heard of too many fucked up stories about her/him..that is why i am mentioning it. I really do not care if someone does that since i used to hang out with a bunch of them at Twilo. Just a bit of FYI
  2. Let me begin by saying my view on Jewish people is distorted, because of the fact that my brother and I have been denied jobs because of our German last name, pointively at times. That to me is absolutely wrong but we would never be able to do anything to subjugate those employers to any penalties because the World Jewish council would never let anything happen to defame their position within American society, the same way they have lacked in their handling of the media in the Middle East. Perseverance is one thing but their lack of cohersion and assimilation into society and bigot views of some has led me to view them harshly. Experiences breed you, and unfortunately for my view towards jews it has leaned negatively. In terms of what the situation is right now, the US foreign policies of the past 50 years has a lot to do with the anti american sentiment in the Middle East. We created Israel in 1948 and decided that we should give them the land back, why (because of WWII, we had no right to take the land from those countries), should the U.S. have gone back into history and recreated borders and brought back old civilizations just because it can...
  3. Thanks You are very attractive as well, looked at your site, did not know you were latino, love them, i always had something for them. don't worry not hittin on you
  4. Hello everyone, just started using message board, here is my pic, hope it works, thing i did awhile ago in the city
  5. I just don't comprehend what is the point of making an inordinate amount of speeches in the U.S., telling everyone everything what we will do, does that make sense, does it make sense that our press knows every detail about our plans, let's keep some things a bit more secretive, would be a lot more beneficial for our own good. In addition, it is not Bush who will rekindle any of my security, he is a puppet of other people's creation, with a track record of lies similar to Clinton.. Who knows what will happen now, but having a gun totting baffon as a president with no sense for grammar and geography, and in addition history makes a spectacle of our country. Not showing bipartisan thoughts, but I do believe Bill Clinton would be much better in handling such foregin affairs. To think that Bush jr, graduated from our pride and joy universities Yale and Harvard, says either a lot about our educational system, or the lack of decency in our country to let someone as idiotic as him take the place of people with some intelligence.
  6. My review is horrible I went there to confirm my feelings about JP's spinnin which i already had, of course being the only sober person in that place makes for my feelings. But the music was tasteless and boring, in between putting some cheese women vocals reminiscent of KTU, and just some hard thumping bass, no buildups, far from being seamless, i guess thats what happens when you go sober to SF, unfortunately great DJ's do not go there because it would be fun if Sasha, Diggers and etc would show up. Vinyl two fridays ago was phenomenal
  7. Thanks man, I meant Stalin, and for some reason the name slipped my mind and Lenin was the first one that came to me, definitely not all the blame but a share of it can definitely can be put there.
  8. I am not advocating any of Hitler's ideas or pro any religion, but if we go back to World War I and II, we would realize that Hitler would have never come to power, if it was not for the UK, France, and the US, requiring Germany to repay war debts, which made it impossible for them to revice their economy, hence a psycho comes out of this mayhem with ideas to recreate the country, and only later on during WAR TIME did his maniacal ideas get full blown and at that time no one would question his authority because they would have been assasinated, similar to Lenin in Russia
  9. I am not going to get into a back and forth with anyone (this is my last remark), but there just seemed to be a lot of things noted that did not coincide with what the truth can and should be. A couple other notes - a few big vocabulary words were misplaced, i am assuming the thesaurus was not used properly. In addition, Wall Street does not come calling unless you received some sort of education in an area of Finance/Economics (considering the fact that people with MBA's from NYU and other top schools have no jobs in these down economic times, mainly due do to financial houses, i.e. Merrill Lynch/ JP Morgan/ MSDW, having an underlying interest in creating an IPO for all the dot coms and other e-commerce companies which had no value and/or potential to generate any revenues, new SEC act placed to put constraints on these kinds of actions) you will only be making cold calls during dinner hour to offer financial help, that is the only possible option if you have not received a formal education in the field. Going back to what I was stating, the schooling recommended for any business degree is at least two to three years, and if you were going to go to med school as you had mentioned then that would have been two to three more years of science courses (Chem, Bio, Physics and other lab courses) since med school does not accept anyone without these prereq's, plus the general requirements needed which would make for at least 7 years worth of undergrad (which would make you around 30) since I am assuming you have not received a Master's. Finally, if you were making the cash that these jobs represent, in all likelihood you would be getting a summer home in the Hampton's, instead of Belmar (no knock on Belmar because my friends rent a house there in the summer and it is a good time, except the girls there are just plain busted as sin, you get a good look at them on the beach and you really see what they look like, not a pretty sight, i would say that it would take me a 12 pack to get near any of those things).. An added fact regarding the pricing for the two, a trader friend that I know rents a house in the Hampton's for 75G for the summer, Belmar rental is in the vicinity of what 3-5G. Anyway, your comments were funny and good to analyze considering all the fallacies in your comments, but hey no knock to you or your buds, you do what you got to do, and if those lines work on girls, all the power to you (you have to find a way somehow, BTW - don't forget the W rule, just in case you and your buds get drunk, if her ass is bigger than a W, pass it on)....I guess you write this shit to get a rise out of everyone and it worked, LOL Have fun at DJay's, I prefer Bar A though, more room to move
  10. Hey there is nothing wrong with being confident, my girl is going to med school and I have been thinking about it as well, but I have a gripe regarding your comment about your friend being a surgeon soon. If he is in his 3rd year at med school, that means he has one more year of med school remaining minimum, if not more considering it usually takes longer, second when someone comes out of med school they have at least 3 to 10 years worth of residency because med school is not enough for him to become a surgeon as you had commented, the only thing he can become after med school is a GP, and that is all. If he wants to keep going only then can he have a more narrow discipline in the field of medicine. In addition, what bank do you work as a trader considering the market is shit, do you do personal asset management trading or corporate? I am not questioning what you do because for all i know you can be doing this profession, but I just find it easy for people to say that they work the most lucrative jobs since thats what you had pointed out for all your friends. In addition, since I know some about modeling through friends and also I, what agency are you with to do sports modeling, the only I know of in the city is the Lyons group and they are not doing well financially, in addition since modeling is usually a full time job, I find it kind of surprising that they are willing to work around your schedule since most work is done during the week, and since you are working it would be very difficult. If all your stuff is true, congrats and continued success, because it is very cool, and I am sure people are envious of it.. Late to all
  11. definite what kind of discount here, Louis V would be cool for the girlfriend!!
  12. Very true my girlfriend loves it, I am lean and have that V working down to pelvic area and she loves it, which is cool. Most girls I know like slim but muscular, my friends are models and have the same shit as well
  13. My experiences there have been only that, seeing people snorting coke and K and everything else, I also knew the house supply so it was kind of messy knowing what is going in there
  14. This past Friday Danny was sick, there is an undertone of Twilo crowd but its all good, I wanted a little more funky maybe but still sick as hell, was there sober had a blast. Great crowd, it is starting to feel a bit like a pick up joint though
  15. Hello to all, I am new to the message board, but I like to read it for laughs. Here is my viewpoint on this subject and everyone can reem me if they choose. I am 23 and have done my partying all over Europe, New York, Miami, just about anywhere. I have passed my phase of chemicals for a good night, it was fun but what I realized is that the music at that point was always an afterthought, you danced like a fool, but they could have been banging on a drum and that would have been pleasure enough. So I realized that sober is the way to go, no drinks, drugs or anything, if anything I will take a stacker or hydroxycut or even drink coffee, and at that time I party better and longer than anyone there, people ask me all night what kind of jelly beans (Florida term) I got and are stunned when I tell them sober, because they are all sitting on the side waiting for takeoff. I've went to JP nights at SF and yes the people there party there hardcore all night but when 90-99% are on some sort of chemical experiment you cannot tell me they realize what is going on as long as there is bass they are happy. I am not a kandy raver I am a just a guy who likes good beats from Sasha to DT to Carl Cox, and all those sober nights have been the best, last friday at Vinyl was unreal (Limelight Saturday was alright, music was okay but too many dropoffs, and too many 15 year olds looking for their friends, I was the guy with the brown fringed hat with sunglasses), DT sober is an experience on its own I may be deaf now but its all for the music. I am writing this in a passive undertone which means I am not showing any aggression or anymosity towards anyone, i am also bored as shit at work... Thanks to all Best night ever for me as an add on has to be Roselands last yea Sandra, Oakey, I am not a fan of his any longer but that night was banging, once again sober....
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