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Posts posted by thomaskm1

  1. I don't think that there are any set ingredients, but when mixed properly you can taste it. Though the idea is subjective, I think that what we are all alluding to is that 'I am so full of life/energy/passion that I am going to burst feeling' and when you look around you see it in everyones eyes around you. It collectively radiants from the room.

    I love the jump around circles that pop up before a big break or change in the rhythm... I want to touch the ceiling sometimes...


  2. Hey, I am and would like ot meet up with everyone. I am trying to put together a day at the beach (south) with DJ's, BBQ and a lot of sun and fun, probably the end of the month.

    Tonight there is a great party @ Nezzermans lounge near the ferry, good house music and a chill vibe.

    come by I will have a grey hat on.


  3. Who gives a rat ass how it's mixed, I want the fu*ken CD! I got a copy of Seamans mix and it amazing. As most Boxed CD's the first is mellower, groovy house that slowly builds to some trance house. The second is straight up groove trance. A lot of unique vocals thrown in as only he can. The kicker tracks are a 1-2 Way Out West punch on the 2nd disc.

    -I know we are talking about Danny, but it is related. I will can GU's PR company tomorrow and get the scoop...


  4. The whole idea behind his latest PR campaign has been to stir up controversy. From his album cover, to making homemade porn to busting on trance. He is a punk, semi-educated, and the press is all over anything he says.

    Different strokes fuel different fokes, so what, everyone has a sound to voice their beliefs and move their feet. Fuck'em, anyone who hates is a racist, Armand included. Glad I didn't buy his album or support/play/review/promote it on the site and I won't.


  5. There is a certain allure to vinyl that you will never get from a cd. Why do you think they add all those 'turntable' feature to CDmixers.

    I use CD's only when I get freshly produced tracks that won't be pressed for months and thats it.

    Pep- First off, its all about supporting the artists, promos are cool to get and we can all pretend we are cool with a stack of white labels and unreleased maxi-promo discs but in the end its the skills. Respect those who flame your passion, buy their shit.

    CDJ's- if you need a machine to do all the work, what does that make you? BAck when I used to skate, we called you a poser. I about .1% respect for you cats, sorry.


  6. I agree with the house. You get to a point after you've been playing records yourself that when you go out you want to hear a DJ who not only tight but of a higher caliber of skill and programming. It's no longer a matter of just songs played but of programming and technique. If it's not there most of the time it's just not there.

    Its not a bad thing it's just a refined sense of taste.

  7. Hey,

    I am living in SI too, Westerleigh. The communte is a bitch but I love the neighborhood's quiet allure. Not Manhattan but thats fine with me.

    Also you guys should check out Nezzermans lounge on Thurdsday nights, great music, late night kitchen and a good crowd. I played there last night and the vibe was great, not to many people but everyone there was on the floor getting down. Stop by next week.


  8. No matter how you slice it, the ultimate decision is in the hands of the mother-to-be. And as far the future presidents thoughts on the subject, it does not matter. Right now we have a liberal Supreme Court that will not overturn any previous rulings. People can talk all they want about this, morally this country went down the tubes long before Roe-V-Wade, it is a right of a person to decide what best suits their health.

    I was faced with this once, and I never want to do it again. As far as I am concerned all life is sacred, from flies to flesh to your two feet. Going against that killed a part of me that is now lost forever. But we made the choice not to have, it and I have to live with a constant wondering of possible outcomes and situations, but at the moment we didn't feel responsible enough to raise a child the way we knew we had to.

    Don't try a man unless you have walked in his shoes.


  9. Hey,

    We are giving away 10 pairs for Comps to Thursday (8/3) night's Limelight party with guest DJ's Billy Nasty from the UK, Dylan Drazen of Spain, Alan Sax, and a host of local talent. Nasty is on of the UK's reigning hard house/ techno champs who has ignited dancefloors worldwide for the last decade or so. This is a rare NYC appearence by a true master.

    To win, send an email to LISTINGS@CLUBPLANET.COM w/

    'Limelight Thursday' in the subject.

    Everyone who doesn't win will be placed given reduced admission, $15, on the clubplanet.com <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> . All entries must be received by 3:30 PM Thursday afternoon,

    good luck and don't miss this great show.

    See you there,


    [This message has been edited by DaVe (edited 08-02-2000).]

  10. There is actually a very big club scene in Vegas right now. A lot of the hotels have great clubs nights with quality jocks. Also there is a spot call Utopia which is good. When you get into town hit one of the local record shops for more info

  11. WORD, that is a true rep of his sets, I like the fact that they even put his sweaty grill on the cover. Boy that man know how to sweat and groove. The crow blurbs were done alot better than that Oakey cd and don't really bother you at all like O's narsicitic 'we love you paul...' did. You have to pick this one up people/

  12. I start thinking how funny it is that people could believe what some people start serving up and then something tells me people are just playing along , and everyone is just being facicious, then some one starts to get angry about its so much so that they have to coment on it and even that is still just a plug to drive you to another club that night instead.

    Thanks and F*$# all that I am sitting here think so much about a gasbag comment.

    thank you

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