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Everything posted by wizard

  1. actually have been looking at the tour diary a little. it's pretty well done, but there's no notes on the show i saw in new york, and im interested to hear what he thought of that one. as far a techno comeback is concerned, i think i'd prefer it to stay where it is now so i still have room to dance. although jeff mills PACKS the LL. later ------------------ Caaaan Youuuu Diiiiig It???....Cyrus
  2. very nice Andy, thanks for keeping it real. stephen ------------------ Caaaan Youuuu Diiiiig It???....Cyrus
  3. as for the dying breed bit, i can't imagine how, but it seems to be the truth. these guys are on the cutting edge and have been for over a decade. frome minusyellow, to the 'from within' project, not to mention theorum. they are covering all the bases. this is the kind of shit people should be excited about. im wondering when speedy j is gonna hit nyc... on top of it all, both the minus and plus 8 websites are extensive and on point to say the least. tons of info and music available at the low low cost of nothing. most def heading in the positive direction. thanks stephen ------------------ Caaaan Youuuu Diiiiig It???....Cyrus
  4. have you picked up the 'plus 8 classics' yet? and do they meet your expectations? also have you checked out 'electric deluxe' yet? interested in your opinion, i know how you're digging ritchie. i was listening to several of the real files from electric deluxe, real nice IMO. be cool stephen
  5. Ooooohh, 'guests', that does sound enticing... i wonder what's up his sleeve? the possibilities are all very exciting IMO. stephen
  6. i just read it somewhere that Jeff Mills will be starting a weekly saturday gig at LL in either April of May 2001. the dates are not solid yet, but the residence appears to be set in concrete. i couldn't believe it myself... all i can really say is that this is bangin news for NYC. stephen
  7. it's a typical problem with a real wheel drive car, that's also light in the ass-end. get yourself a set of studded snow tires, and put SOME weight in the back, 500 lbs is far too much. somewhere around 200 should be sufficient. stephen ------------------ Be YourMom...
  8. on top of all that, i just got off the phone with Mr. Van Dyk. to make retributions for my little joke about the sunglasses... everyone will be happy to hear that Paul will play his patented remix of "I wear my sunglasses at night", at 6am sharp. don't miss it. peace ------------------ Be YourMom...
  9. Diego- tell me about Laurent last night, spare no details. please stephen ------------------ Be YourMom...
  10. depends on the rave, but i was 26 at my last rave, and i felt too old... but i think it was because all the fucking dust those kids were smoking was making me ill... dust and teenagers is a fine combination if i may say so...oooohh, and don't forget super aggro-jungle to go along with it... stephen ------------------ Be YourMom...
  11. i hear you pooh, sarcasm is often wasted on message boards im sure you will agree. as for you b2b, i was speaking metaphorically about SF... although i stand by my convictions... stephen ------------------ Be YourMom...
  12. well on my way to 28... stephen ------------------ Be YourMom...
  13. well on my way to 28... stephen ------------------ Be YourMom...
  14. you answered your own question i think. for all i know, you may be an idiot for a completely unrelated reason to your father's predicament. my point was this, G. Bush senior, and his father, and his fathers father are all shady mofo's. from their secret 'phraternity' at Yale, the skull n bones boys have been involved in the dirtiest biz of all. i would consider GW Bush a failure in nearly everything he's been involved with except of course for riding the coat tails of his pops, taking all the advantages possible and still fucking them up. i can't stand to listen to him speak and see his face at the same time personally. anyway, why argue about politics when we can argue about how bad SF sucks, or one of the other more relevant topics on this board. about music, anyone listen to this parks and wilson essential mix? i know it's not exactly new, but it's nicccccccce regardless. be cool stephen
  15. both very funny and original, im impressed. don't take yourselves too seriously guys, thats the point. enjoy ------------------ Be YourMom...
  16. why not just get some CLUB NYC t-shirts printed up... or get those corporate id's with the barcode and pic on them that hang around your necks... ooohh oooh, or maybe everyone should wear a Gilligan hat... or there's always the old staple (and my favorite) of strapping a plastic dick to your foreheads. just some food for thought yours truly stephen ------------------ Be YourMom...
  17. no joke... incompetence makes the world go 'round. everyone must have forgotten how good a pres georgie's pops was. peace stephen ------------------ Be Yourself...
  18. just got LIFT-ED... it was a fine day for that... of that i am sure. stephen ------------------ conflict is what i predict...
  19. lets see if this upload worked... if so, im the taller of us on the right, in the halloween spirit, this is me at maskarave in, uuhhhmmmmmmmmmm '99 if my memory serves me correctly... peace ------------------ conflict is what i predict...
  20. for real, best kept secret in twilo land as far as im concerned. i got there early for a change, because i checked out Marwan his D&B skills at Downtime at like 10. nice party, very chill with the people who know. arrived at twilo at like 12, acquaviva was tearin it up, and was the perfect lead in to plastikman. couldn't help but to dance, which wore me out in the end. didnt close it out, had to boogie at 6:30, still sounded phenominal, but i couldnt stand anymore. my crew ran deep last night... lots of techno heads, ran into a guy that CM introduced me to, who thinks of ritchie as GOD. (yo steve, saw Mike there...lol) mike pointed out to me as we couldnt help but watch ritchie work the 909, that true to his tour, not only does he work the 909 like a champ, but he uses the efx to the limit, fabulous dark sounds, intriguing innovation. the peeps i was with like to camp out and claim the dance space to the left of the dj booth, by the corner of the bar. which works great because it's not a high traffic area. (i'll later be shot for giving up this secret, but if you like to dance and smile, you're more than welcome to join anytime) anyway, at like 3 i look up at just the right moment to see mr. tenaglia walk right past me, i did a double take, and looked at my lady to realize she noticed him too. we were sober, so there was no question. sure enough, he was in the dj booth with the heads until almost 4. at that time the thought hadnt crossed my mind that vinyl had gotten shut down again, just thought danny was paying his respects, which he certainly did by the looks of it. a few of us shook hands with him as he departed, paid him our respects, he greeted us with huge smiles and he was on his way. a nice touch to a perfect night.... hope y'all enjoyed stephen ------------------ conflict is what i predict...
  21. or maybe vinyl is just the newest target, pj's... but this news does explain why danny was checkin out ritchie hawtin at twilo from 3-4. he didn't seem overly depressed when we greeted him... whatever, in the mean time save your petty sf/vinyl rivalry for people who care about that type of drama. stephen ------------------ conflict is what i predict...
  22. what's happenin mang? peace ------------------ conflict is what i predict...
  23. do you have a liquor liscense available to you in this instance? many towns in jersey have NONE available, unless already existing at a location. there are ordinances as to how far you can move a LL from its original lacation to boot. as you know, the simple rule of supply and demand... if there arent many available, they will cost large sums of dollars. just in case you didnt know... as far as an after hours, i dont know the laws on it round here (im from your area), but if done right im cerain it would be welcomed openly. although you realise the pigs are gonna bust in every other weekend on drug raids, not to mention the insurance!! anyway, some food for thought, keep me updated peace ------------------ conflict is what i predict...
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