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Everything posted by wizard

  1. btw, his website is excellent, check out the video he made for one of his recent tracks, you can view it online. it's from his last album, but i can't remember which track it's for. www.laurentgarnier.com be cool ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  2. ditto to what Jilly said... good lookin. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  3. 2 grams? p00h, we need to have a talk about this... you should never come home with more than left with. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  4. would love to hit this on thursday, but my holiday partying funds are already allocated towards other events and so on. how about this cazz "buddy", you go to HMV, buy the cd, give me the receipt, and everyone is happy? el oh el was worth a shot anyway... be cool, stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  5. damn, you give something away FREE, and they come out the woodwork like vultures.... myself included of course..... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  6. Nice, he's spinning one of Richie Hawtins "minus yellow" mixes.... bad as hell. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  7. do you sox fans recall last year whatsoever? the yanks had pedro's numba, he couldn't do jack against them. i'll take the shy quiet underated Andy P, who by the way, has like 2 less wins than Pedro in the last 6 years, any day. pipe dream man, pipe dream. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  8. freshly burned for my listening pleasure... im jones-ing to hear him again, what a night he's got planned for us, he's genius! one other thing: i don't have a light show happening here in my home office, and still the music is on point! be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  9. you can't honestly compare these two, the beatles started that genre of music. Zep is excellent all the way through, but not really comparable to the beatles. if you wanted to compare Led Zep to someone more logical, i would say pin them up against The Stones, or The Who, at least as far as commercial success, i would add The Kinks, but commercially they couldnt hang with these guys. althout Ray Davies is a genius. the beatles were groundbreakers, they paved the way for all the others in more ways than one. you can't simply break it down to parts and try to add up the sum. for example, Zep were better musicians at the type of music they were playing, the harder stuff. i can't imagine what the beatles version of "Whole lotta love" might sound like... yes, i believe the beatles were better songwriters, but only its a matter of preference, i like tons of zep songs, most of them. but crackorn, don't be sorry about believing the beatles to have better vocals, they simply did. john and paul both had PERFECT pitch, that's hard to match up against, but still in some instances i'll take the wailing of Plant any day. i also wouldnt call a lot of the beatles hits flukes by any means, they started earlier, thats what the industry called for. without the beatles audacity, bands like zep may never have been. by and large i prefer the beatles body of work to led zep, but thats just one guy. good question man, made me think. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  10. true Penix, True. i was wondering if that note would be heard much about this year or not. i havent heard the media say much about it so far. be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  11. a couple short notes... the old skoolers who don't post anymore didn't leave this board because of the imposters. if anything a couple of them stayed only as imposters to point out what the board used to be like, and try to deter more of the nonsensical trash that inundates this board now. granted i don't condone the racial garbage, but the mainstay of the phony name guys has been pointing out hypocrites and contradictions which personally i think was and is necessary. not to mention the straight up monotonous dribble that congests this board like nothing else. all things change and thats what should really be noted, this board won't be the same again. so like many others, if you don't like it then perhaps it's time to move on. i miss how it used to be, the one thing i enjoyed the most about this place was, arguements aside, you could learn something. not everyone agreed, but not many spoke without the knowledge to do so. several other things to take into consideration... if your feelings have been hurt by someones comments on this board, you really need to check yourself, because it aint all that serious. if you think that twilo security is going to single out the CNYC posse your nuts, they probably think you're just another bunch of loonies in the house. im certain that these words have never been whispered over their headsets "you see that crew on the stairs with the sign, that's those Clubplanet heads, their bad little kiddies, it's time we put an end to that"! be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  12. thank you, that needed to be heard! stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  13. in fact, the same guy who did the effects for Matrix did them for this film. he teamed up with the most infamous choreographer from the era of old school kung fu films. at first i was skeptical until i learned all this, coupled with the director, and Casey's early review, im sure it's excellent! stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  14. joey- i know a guy, a vulture of sorts, an oportunistic scumbag really, who thrives on the annual x-mas hot gift. he's got an in at a toys r us somewhere, and gets a bunch of this kind of thing every year, selling them for outlandish prices to desperate people. i havent talked to him in a while, but if you want i'll check into it for you, tell him it's for me and see how bad he'll rip me off. best i can do. on another note, what do you know about the LL thursday night D&B party? i heard on the down and low that there might be some new additions/subractions happening to the lineup. be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  15. these things are all over lately, any outfitter/outdoor store, and office supply mega stores are stocking them too. if you're shopping for price i can't tell you the best spot. i made a stop at EMS (eastern mountain sports) in the village yesterday and they had them. i wouldnt be suprised if officemax or staples might have the best deals on them tho. be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  16. if my memory serves me, i've been to this party 3 times in the past year, and Sven never fails to amaze me. great party for a number of reasons, but the fact that twilo is actually spacious is both excellent and disturbing at the same time.... can't wait stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  17. the man, the myth, the legend... Sven Vath is spinning, the Cocoon i yr anniversary party at twilo. won't be a night for everyone, but it never lets me down. peace stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  18. i try to avoid that level of enthusiasm normally. on top of it, every time i do ROTFLMAO, i get covered in dog hair which is wholly unpleasant. so i too, stick to the LOL generally. thanks for asking stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  19. i read anything i can get my hands on, several music industry mags Mixer, DJ, Wax, science mags Discovery, Discover, Nat Geo, outdoor mags- Backpacker, Outdoor Life, and two fishing mags that i dont recall the names of... (i got suckered into a mag club thing where i get tons of mags i dont even want, thankfully its almost over) Artsy mags like Blackbook, Flaunt, that benneton one, ummm Colors i think its called, and also a couple new york publications... as far as books go, im not reading as many as i had last year, but im currently reading mostly american classic lit as i found my literary diet had been starving for something from home. end of last year i read ALL of Steinbecks books, lot's of Hemingway, Langston Hughes, joseph campbell, to name a few, also been reading my norton anthologies for some nice examples of ben franklin, melville, lots of classics. on top of that im always digging through a history book of some sorts, mostly native american history books. im not bullshitting, when i have the time i plan to get my masters in lit hope this helps stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  20. i read anything i can get my hands on, several music industry mags Mixer, DJ, Wax, science mags Discovery, Discover, Nat Geo, outdoor mags- Backpacker, Outdoor Life, and two fishing mags that i dont recall the names of... (i got suckered into a mag club thing where i get tons of mags i dont even want, thankfully its almost over) Artsy mags like Blackbook, Flaunt, that benneton one, ummm Colors i think its called, and also a couple new york publications... as far as books go, im not reading as many as i had last year, but im currently reading mostly american classic lit as i found my literary diet had been starving for something from home. end of last year i read ALL of Steinbecks books, lot's of Hemingway, Langston Hughes, joseph campbell, to name a few, also been reading my norton anthologies for some nice examples of ben franklin, melville, lots of classics. on top of that im always digging through a history book of some sorts, mostly native american history books. im not bullshitting, when i have the time i plan to get my masters in lit hope this helps stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  21. do you do any shopping at the YoShop?....they have free shipping with orders over $50 in the US, you should check out their site, it's nicely done. btw, i like that track you made for those metal guys, i can hear the influences in it, and can def hear how you might have made it harder. will they simply use it for layering? stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  22. deep dish is all i have to say... and that should be enough! i won't be leaving before 12:30-1am with my lady, one quick stop in wayne to pick up a friend and i'll be there 2am the latest. be cool ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  23. peote is the cactus to which you refer, and not only is it hard to come by, but highly restricted. a friend researched it for 10 years, before venturing to south padre island tx, and coming homing with the motherload. harvested it during a specific set of weeks in a month, he was very thorough. it's not for the people with weak stomachs tho, most people get sick, and the buzz isnt the same. it's the worst tasting thing on the planet, and it's not water solluble like mushrooms, so tea is out of the question. needs to be ingested in a powder for for top effect, (you can put it in gel tabs if you prefer, it tastes vile, have i mentioned that?) another thing to take into consideration before taking what you have been told is peote, which is actually mescaline at it's purest form, not the rat poison they sell as micro dots... one tablespoon will send you out there for approx 20 hours, pure energy... it's not as high impact as say lsd, very interesting stuff tho if done properly. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  24. "take two and pass, take two and pass, take two and pass so the blunt will last..." guru ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  25. my understanding on coke is not more than 48 hours depending on metabolism. peace ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
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