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Everything posted by wizard

  1. interesting you say that, im getting married in approx six months to a woman i met in an online chat. wasn't looking for it but it happened, and i couldnt be happier. i was never a person who had problems meeting women before this, ive had several relationships that could be considered long term previously but... with Sena, before i ever met her face to face, i will have to admit that i knew her more deeply than i had ever known any woman i had been involved with. funny thing is i had told myself i would never have a long distance relationship again until i met her. i live in jersey, she's from istanbul, and was living there when we met. been together a year and a half, been living together for six months and it's perfect. the net makes the world so fucking small these days, it's a fascinating place. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  2. interesting you say that, im getting married in approx six months to a woman i met in an online chat. wasn't looking for it but it happened, and i couldnt be happier. i was never a person who had problems meeting women before this, ive had several relationships that could be considered long term previously but... with Sena, before i ever met her face to face, i will have to admit that i knew her more deeply than i had ever known any woman i had been involved with. funny thing is i had told myself i would never have a long distance relationship again until i met her. i live in jersey, she's from istanbul, and was living there when we met. been together a year and a half, been living together for six months and it's perfect. the net makes the world so fucking small these days, it's a fascinating place. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  3. D- i posted a message to you yesterday, but with all this traffic they don't last long. this friday, deep dish is is coming on around 2? second question, how is your party at FUN working out? stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  4. delaware ranks right up there, but texas executes by far the most each year. by FAR! that's your new president people, deal with it. one other note, texas and oklahoma are home to many other states super prisons. many states in the midwest who cannot accomodate their prison population send tons of inmates to these states, they have become private enterprise of sorts. gov regulated, and ultimately funded, but corporate enterprise. discovery channel baby... stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  5. ultimately i put in 80 - 100 hours a week as well as at least one other sick bastard on this board. weekdays start at 6am, and generally stop between 10-11 pm. my weekends are irregular hours, not like the weekdays, but i still put in more than i want to really, both days. normally when i go out friday nights i leave the club and try to be on the phones by 8-9am saturday morning. most friday nights are sober ones to boot. the price of self employment. be cool, stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  6. i don't play any of these, haven't since i discovered girls actually, but i recall having fun back in the day. whatever floats your boat is cool with me, but i couldn't help thinking how much fun the imposters are going to have with this one. el oh el be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  7. i agree with the consensus, a decent multi and an extra C and/or E will do you justice. i dabbled with the expensive packets for a while, and turned out to be what my trainer at the time was quoted as calling "expensive urine" stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  8. im with whoever said plants on this one. most specifically, get her an orchid in bloom. they are fairly easy to maintain, and the costs range from $25- as much as you can imagine. a medium priced one, i would guess more than $50, can stay in bloom for months, and if the care directions are followed it will bloom year after year and keep on giving. for example, of the three that i have, the cheapest, most simple variety i own, has been in bloom for 8 months, and still has two flowers about to pop. some have fragrance, some do not. either way you can't go wrong. be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  9. to have faith, a set of beliefs, a moral guideline to follow, are all admirable traits. the basis of an organized religion is not necessarily a evil thing from the beginning, or was it ever intended for anything but the good of "man". the idea of the "church"... not the building and not in the literal sense of the word, but the entity of the church itself is a hypocrisy. thousands of years provide millions of examples of the church not "practicing what it preaches". religion is not a bad thing, but blind faith and ignorance are. faith doesn't run a church, money does. essentially people buy forgiveness for their sins, and i for one don't believe that was in the fundamental writtings of any theology from day one... uuhhmm, that's enough for now.... be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  10. leave on your tie too, i think socks and a tie make a fine statement together. white tube socks with red and blue stripes preferably... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  11. only half naked? these guys are more sensitive than i had expected... for all you know they might even cuddle for a while before the next occupant arrives. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  12. cazz- does that happen before or after being stuffed in a closet? im not sure which would warrant more concern... stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  13. D- two questions, 1) how is your party at FUN taking off, good turnout? 2) this friday, is deep dish opening or closing? be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  14. that is disturbing... im guessing you blocked it out for a couple days. i mean, that sounds like something you might have posted immediately, as opposed to tuesday. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  15. i read as much as possible, anything i can get my hands on, zine's of all kinds. im not familiar with EQ though. im eagerly awaiting this first issue your putting out Steve, i hope your shipping to jersey. another industry zine that i like that i don't see mentioned is a uk mag called "wax" i think it's pretty well put together. be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  16. b2b- you best chill out with all this, someone might accuse you of stalking my man richie. as for those live sets, i don't have them in front of me to say which i have, i know i have one at least that is not identified that is vintage to say the least. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  17. www.DTenaglia.com ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  18. really like this track, vocals are incredible. from top to bottom the original version of this one is unreal. sorry p00h, as much as i dig that kosheen track, this one beats it in the vocals department. my only question is, when is Danny gonna make it darker? be cool, stephen "i had a dream my trip would end up at you, and now i know paradise"... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens... [This message has been edited by wizard (edited 12-02-2000).]
  19. i too have an affinity towards getting burned, all the time, with whatever. the worst time was at this club in istanbul, this girl extinguished her smoke on the backside of my upper arm, i swear she did it on purpose. hurt like hell, the end of it, including some still burning tobacco stuck to my skin. still have the scar. that bitch will pay for that!! lol stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  20. i think you're being too kind jack... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  21. i left MY wallet in el segundo... that vibe i def caught Ali. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  22. my chest also hurts..... from laughing... peace stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  23. it's been quite a while, but i may be able to help with Faust but i think you can handle it... Joyce on the other hand, anything besides Finnegans Wake i can handle, but i've held my own personal battle with that one for several years. one day i'll get it... peace stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  24. hhhhhmmmm, doesnt seem to be working......... sorry ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  25. let's see if this works, i thought this was interesting. stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens... [This message has been edited by wizard (edited 11-28-2000).]
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