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Everything posted by wizard

  1. glad to see you're back joel, what do we have to do to get a Paris review on this board?.... peace
  2. yo, i hear you have a date at webster hall?....lmao.....what up with dat?...talk to me!! steve
  3. this is the end of the last week of this contest, yeah?...so everyone will finally stop lobbying for the big prize, and all the fluffy posts will go away?...lol we shall see... peace
  4. anyone, anyone....what's the word on mr. eclectic, himself... steve
  5. yeah yeah, i was thinkin bout that yestaday. joel s is still away too....and don't forget rally....altho....i don't really miss him. lol later ------------------
  6. yo...did you sneak out on them and go to Vinyl last friday as planned? how did your friends enjoy their trip? cool to meet up with you... peace ------------------
  7. New Party This Thursday! Free for Direct Drive members This Thurs. Only!!! Feat. in the House room: David Hollands of Minimal Wage & Twilo Mr Robb of Elastik Records and DUB Solo 4 of Supa Beats and DUB Feat. in the D&B room: Carol C of Direct Drive Darkstar of Bedi Massive w/ an Old Skool Set DJ Seoul and Cassien of Tech Fu-Do and Direct Drive Thursdays @ Aria (539 W 21st Street btn 10th & 11th ave) $8 b4 12/ $10 after 21 & over 100% Legal Dance Venue Air Conditioned 2 Rooms & 2 Sound Systems Lighting and Visuals Art Installation by Ran & Abby Next wk: Billy Shane & Sean Hall (The Touch Bros), Jose Santiago, Mr Robb, Doomer, Saskai, Cassien, and Seoul. Thanks and hope to see you there getting your drink and dance on! ------------------
  8. yeah yeah, dig this topic... and im loving all the enthusiasm outta you peeps on this one. i've had a few interesting times over the years, it seems springtime in specific brings on some kind of jekyll - ron jeremy kinda action in my hormones. (but admittedly ron's packin more heat than me) lol i've had the opportunity to recieve TONS of "highway head"....nice stuff if you can get it, thats for sure....it's when you're in traffic that makes it particularly interesting. at first i was a little embaressed by it, but i got over that fast. did it once in my father's office, closed door but high risk of getting caught, in fact, was our first simultaneous orgasm...might have been our only, i've gained more control since..haha. have had lots of house party bathroom sex, i enjoy that spur of the moment action... but most notably to date, but to be rivaled for certain...was at this scam of a new years trip i got involved in. was supposed to be at a ski cabin, was actually a hill, with a two roomed shack with like a dozen bunks in each room. cheesy ass bunk beds with with like eight couples and a few stragglers in each room. we did it every night and morning and in the shower. thought we were quiet enough, but came to find out that everyone knew what was happening, and also that i was the only one who had a girl willing to in such an environment. i wear it like a badge, it was unique indeed....lol....aaahhhh....those were the days..... i feel like singing that barbara streisand song memories..... peace ------------------
  9. errr, uummm....voucher even... yeah and saint, i posted you a message about that book, it's further down on the list...can't remember the author tho...i'll leave another later.... peace ------------------
  10. yo...what they fax you is a certificate entitling you to the tickets...it's a vouvher of sorts.... peace yo jack, you makin a comeback here or what?... ------------------
  11. yo man..."guidance", lol...im not sure i gave you any of that, and damn you made me feel like an old man with that word. the book is titled "Writing New York"...it's an anthology, about 1000 pages or so, really nice collection of works, everything from willa cather, thoreau, whitman, langston hughes, melville....you name it. it covers from about 200 years ago until now. short stories, poetry, verse, etc,etc...and all in relations to nyc and these peoples experiences. i dont have it in front of me at the moment, but i'll snag it this afternoon from home and give you the isbn #, and you will be in biz. be cool.... stephen ------------------
  12. yo... i read your reviews on tracks and cd's all the time and respect your opinions regarding. i havent heard this one yet, mainly because i've been dragging my feet getting a copy from blueangel and her man. anyway, the point i wanted to make was that the only other two PVD cd's in my possesion are also complete production by him as well. seven ways and 45 rpms are all his original shit. which is why i respect him as a dj first and foremost, because he writes and produces most of his music. (obviously not everything he spins live, but...) he's not just remixing and not just spinning records. im glad to hear that you dig it... peace ------------------
  13. i think the title pretty much says it all doesnt it?....."MESSAGE BOARD".... peace ------------------
  14. lol....you realize that i wasn't agreeing with you right?... now, come to think of it....if you reply to me, you won't exactly be practising what you preach, will you?..... peace ------------------
  15. im a big fan of this "designer drug" label honestly....it's amusing to me that it gets the label from people who don't use it. is the drug popular because it is "cool", or because it feels good?...the funniest part is, that the people in the media who are labeling "club drugs, rave drugs, designer drugs"...they are the same hypocrites who snorted all the coke they could handle when it was the chic designer drug back in the day. when will they have a tv special about all the little kiddies sniffing diesel (H), like its going out of style in the suburbs?. i think thats a far greater problem we face. one Steve's opinion... ------------------
  16. personally im staying at twilo unless very inspired at the end of the night to go see danny. deep dish is two guys, whom have referred to DT as their 'motha"...he took them under their wing at an early point in their careers and their styles are similiar. if your into DT, you will like these guys for certain. i don't know what cholo is talkin bout, in fact, DD is from DC, so i would expect them to rock it there especially. ive seen DD only twice at twilo, and both time in the past six months and they are phenominal. the crowd at twilo should be half of a PVD night, which makes it just right in there.... there are a shitload of us..(as of this moment on this board anyway) meeting up at about 1:30 upstairs bar by coatcheck.... peace ------------------
  17. at least smile when you say that...it's friday for christ sake!!.... steve ------------------
  18. yo....why don't you wear a name tag Steve, and some kind of official event organizer tag...or maybe a bullhorn or something... peace ------------------
  19. saint...it's all about the curves my man....and that young lady has got some. and a lovely smile as well.... yeah ------------------
  20. it's like a "coming out" of sorts then?.... congrats ------------------
  21. yeah yeah....im in, most def not missing this night. CM, i'll give you a shout tomorrow evening to let you know if im gonna make it to Circa......you know what happened last time...lol. but either way i'll be at the upstairs bar at 1:30....come to think of it, thats where i was the last time we were supposed to meet up at Twilo....remember?....hehehahahoho.... later on.. and yes CAsey, once and for all...*wink* ------------------
  22. hhhhmmmmm........gonna try, but not till after seaman and deep dish, pretty much depends on my how beat i am at the end, and what time i feel like leaving twilo. Nolimit mentioned he was heading to Vinyl from twilo as well, so you might see him there. either way its going to make for a long work day on sat....lol.....always does... peace ------------------
  23. yo, whats the deal with that rave, is it general admission tickets or do i need them in advance?...if i go its going to be a last minute decison...thats why im hoping to get them at the gate....meetup is a good idea tho.... peace ------------------
  24. i'm somewhat curious myself, and i think we were on the same page about him last week...im wondering now if anyone went...lol steve ------------------
  25. human.....listen close to what Nolimit is telling you, every word he says rings true. Seaman and Deep Dish is the real deal, hands down top choice beats. The Honorable Mr. Tenaglia is not "housey"...he is HOUSE.....NYC house that is. and he is the law.... be cool ------------------
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