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Everything posted by scramble

  1. whats up everybody just thought i would jump onto the bandwagon too, thats me in the middle, in XS a few weeks ago. later people... Chris.. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  2. sorry but i have to disagre with you on this.. DO NOT do that exercise, i have been dancing for about 8 years, and that is not the way to get rid of shin splints (i actually have a case of them as we speak) shin splints are micro tears in the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone, due to extensive use of the muscle(dancing like a nut for 10 hours in factory will do it to ya) the best way to rid yourself of shin splints is plain good old rest staying off your feet as much as possible , eating a good diet (lots of protein) elevating your foot or feet when your a resting helps take some of the blood and toxins away from you muscles in your lower extremities. excersice on the regular at least 3-4 times a week and get ample sleep. to keep shin splints from coming back you need to stretch you lower legs alot, most peole think to do this exercise that hits the front head of your calf, though the reason you get shin splints in the first place is because your calves are too tight therefore they pull the front of your foot downward and inhibits joint integrity. so when you do this exercise you know not only have tight back calves but the muscle in the front of your legs is now tight too. not good. stretching is the key to staying injury free. about the other parts of your problem, it sounds to me you aren't drinking enough water during and after your dancing stints. especially eating, you need to force yourself to eat if you must... but make sure you get a good few medium sized healthy meals in the day after(like 4-5) this will help your body recoperate and also help your brain recoop from the roll the night before(food is the building block of seratonin, and seratonin gets depleted when you do E) as far as your heart an chest goes, that i would have a doctor look into, never mess around when it comes to your heart, though he may tell you it sounds like a classic case of anxiety attacks (maybe from the E) but doing cardiovascular work is always good to keep up stamina on the dance floor, in the gym, on the courts, or in the bed, cardio is awesome for your body overall. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor... [This message has been edited by scramble360 (edited 08-14-2000).]
  3. whats up my red headed mama! i think the "let me be the one" was remixed by Hex if I am not mistaken. "let me be the oneeee, to hold on to your dreams," ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  4. I loved how you ripped up moving up I looked up and you were workin your ass off up there. good work bro. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  5. well well looky here, if it isn't father time I mean rally, were ya been hiding all day? and aren't you leaving for the hamptons in a bit???? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  6. don't be so hard on yourself buck theres always lite at the end of the tunnel it could be worse you could be like Old man Rally who can't get it up without his penis pump... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  7. nah hes just BUTT. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  8. hey hey now some of ou friends are involved in that "ass" comment!!! dirty? i like raunchy girls, the raunchier the better!! "dirt mcgirt thats my motherf@ckin name, love to flirt, thats my motherf@ckin game, ya see my name is da O. D. B. and ill eat your motherf@ckin pu$$y..." Olddirtydawggy WU WU WU WU ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  9. lmao!!!! no comment! i wish i did! lets just say i become a babbling fool around women ask Addaboy, "yo shes lookin at you" me:"huh? me?" Adam: "bro you make me wonder sometimes!" ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  10. kid you shouldn't even have to ask, you already know the answer.. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  12. Pussy huh? Now thats were i come in, stick by me Buck, i will bring them over to you, you won't have to do anything but lift your hand (the jarless one that is) and put it around there waist.... done deal.. mangled?? watch out for falling smokees! they have a tendency to melt into the bar.. Buck you gonna do your disappearing act again like usual? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  13. beat your meat bitch! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  14. what a mutant. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  15. Is this kid a fuckin numbskull or what?? bro go get yourself: A supersoaker, so you can wet yourself all day long, and play hide the nozzle. A dictionary and Funk and Wagnells volumes a-z because you seem to be illiterate. A tapon to stick in you whining mouth. And a gun so when your through fondling yourself to a picture of Denny Tsettos, you can do us all a favor and... ...KILL YOURSELF!!!! Have a fuckin nice day.... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  16. cool i went to south shore for HS,, ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  17. so basicly your gonna go to the hamptons on Smokees AND nicks Bday? WEEEEAAAAAKKKK, well one things for sure there are lots of juice heads for you to drool at overthere... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  18. in that case all RUMORS are TRUE, any lovely lady like to find out call, 1-800-2co-ol4u or 1-800-scramxxx or 1-800-blond-eee ext z-nutsss... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  19. give me a chance Sandra Bernhart! Kelly i don't gotta give you a compliment everyone knows your a hot blonde with a boomin body, but you didn't hear that shit from me... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  20. now that can be taken in many ways, i will take it as a compliment, though big head i am not so sure about.. the rest well you know right Kell?? p.s. where are you posting from??? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  21. Hey Smokeee, aint' you the bitch in friday always running from D-BO! well guess what motherfucker im big bad D-BO comin to rob your ass... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  22. wait its not over! you see, be careful of what lurks in the shadows!! as buck is leaving the ring, the lights go out, and a phat beat comes on with a loop going "juniorverse-j-j-j-juniorverse-j-j-jjuniorverse and Out comes Addaboy and Cuzin nick accompianied by j Vasquez, Vasquez gets on the mic and goes: Listen here, you wannabe fierce little bitches, you 2 down there ya thats right i am talking to you unclefestor and the blonde non-diva next to you, whats with that hair hun, let me tell you, go to concept elite please and have them do a junior special for you because you 2 aren't werqqqing in the least, and those outfits whos your designer stevie wonder?? I have some one i want to bring out k? Now all of you settle down and let my fiercest little chelsea boy werqqq his magic, (down from the rafters with a cowby hat on and jail digs comes cuzin vinny fresh from the pen) grabs blondeee kicks her in the ass, and grabs Buck and shows him his latest move called "comessary" buck is out and here comes the us marshalls , vin makes a b line to the factory... and thats all she wrote folks.. buck you should know by now you may get the girl but i ALWAYS get the last word!!! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  23. more RMWF matches to come in the future stay tuned!!! hahahahaha! i love it! Rallys finisher is the preperation h-bomb! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  24. ya i do work i work real hard to try and not do work!! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  25. ok ok I didn't want to do this too ya but you asked for it, yo smoke they don't know about us yet, well if you DON"T KNOW YOUR ASS BETTER ASK SOMEBODY!! WELCOME TO THE RMWF (REALLY MESSY WRESTLING FEDERATION) (program has already begun due to the presidents speach on how he does K in his living room with Chelsea) In the ring at this time is the tag team Champs Smokee and Scramble and there opponents Rally and UncleBuck.. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BOYS AND GIRLS, ANIMALS AND SPECIES OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES, THE CPBBS PROUDLY BRINGS TO YOU THE TAG TEAM BETTER KNOW AS, THE TERRIBLE TWOSOME, DOUBLE TROUBLE, THE S AND S EXPRESS, 2NOT2FUKWIT CHRIS SQUARED, SMOKEDAWG AND SCRAMBLICIOUS.... BARK AT EM SMOKE, SHOWEM THOSE TEETH!! GRRRRRRRRRR.... AND THE BELL RINGS THERE OFF, This is your announcer Lesz B. Mangled. With my play by play color commentary, and on my left is the dastardly D. V. NT-acts. And the lock up, buck and smoke in the ring first, rally and scramz on the outside, and I whip to the ropes by buck. Closline attempt but smoke just did a gorilla roll and head butted buck in the nads!! Buck is down, in comes rally and stomps on smoke in comes scramz, All 4 men in the ring, mayhem is breaking loose folks!! Ref breaks it up and sends the other 2 back to their corners, Start! Buck hits a suplex on smoke, buck goes for his finisher, the unclebuckfucker (a reverse anal penetration) but smoke trips him and blows blunt smoke in his eyes, (ouch that's gotta hurt) LBM: oh the carnage, stop this fight now, it's gone on too long, for the love of god!! DVN:shut up piss wad. Buck down, smoke stomps on him, for a bit and waves to the crowd, takes a pull, does a bump, and mashes buck somemore!! DVN: strange how those 2 Chelsea boys, scramble and Smokee, can't wrestle if there life depended on it, but they sure know how to dance, makes ya wonder.. (Scramble hears this and starts walking toward the announcement table) Meanwhile back in the ring... LBM: as the k starts to effect Smokess coordination, buck manages to get the tag. DVN: good the bad GUYS ARE GONNA KICK THOSE SISSY BOYS ASSSES!!HAHHAHAH ***GASP*** I --- CANN--T---T-- BRR-EAA----T---HHH--HH--HH.. LBM grinning) it seems to me DVN Scramble heard you talking: (Through the headset but from a distance) Scramble hear you bitch, give me this thing SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, give me that headset DVN; AHHHHH (being choked by the headset cord) Scramble: what's up NYC???? First and foremost I want to lay to waste some rumors circulating, first off me and the Dawg out there getting his hurt on have been thinkin: and we come to the conclusion that we will NOT TOLERATE bitchdom! Yes that's right bitch dom meaning pansy ass fuckers who want to flap there gums like and old toothless lady tryin to eat beef jerky.. (back in the ring) LBM: Rally is starting to get the best of Smokee there is clearly a size advantage. Smokee looks hurt.. And he's back to his feet staggering HOW DOES HE DO IT, talk about tenacity! He's got so much heart, you can beat him, destroy him break his bones, but as long as he's breathing he will get back up and come back at ya, OH NO SOMEONES GOTTA DO SOMETHING! STAY DOWN SMOKEE, please for the love of god STAY DOWN!! And he's up AGAIN!!! OMG! (Meanwhile at the ring announcers table) Scramble: and as far as your concerned DVN you're now my personal bitch! BITCH! And as far as you 2 mutants in the ring, well all I gotta say is smokes already taken care of unclenutterbutter and Rallygeriatricshoes how you even standing without you walker, want me to order the rascal 2000 for you? I will I'm good like that! RALLY: Fuck you scramble see your boy I am gonna do the same to you! (Smokee looks unconscious, and rally is still stomping away) Scramble: oh ya HIDE YOUR WOMAN AND LOCK UP YOUR BITCHES, CAUSE I GOT ONE WORD FOR YA, SAY IT WIT ME SCRAM-BLE-LIC-IOUS!!!!! I GOT WORK TO DO MOVE.. (Stepping on DVN's head) DVN: ouuuuuuuuccchhhhh!!!!! LBM: now scramble back in! It looks to me that buck and Smokee are both out for Sunday brunch... The lock up, blows exchange, its a fisticuffs people!!! It looks like a schoolyard fight, these 2 are going at it, talk about bad blood. Whip to the ropes, lariat clothesline, miss, scramble counters with a bulldog, picks up rally, set up for a running power bomb, too much momentum, Rallys breaks free, Counters with a frankensteiner.. oww that hurts. Rally goes for a Boston crab, but scramble quickly flips over and a kick to the head of rally, both dazed, scramble up belly to belly suplex, scramble going to the top rope! throwin up the 2 birds!!! Here comes buck and pushes him off. Scramble falling to the mat.. ouch. Rally up! Starts shit talking "I got you now punk!" I am gonna do my bouncing man dance all over your head as if you were a hard trance track!! Buck seems to be coming to his senses. Smokees still out of it. Dvn you ok down there? (DVN getting up putting on his headset) DVN: Im ok what day is it? LBM: Rally does his dance, but WAIT! Scramble is shaking he's HULKIN UP, and the kicks don't seem to effect him, now form Rally a flurry, a left, aright, a double fisted, a left, a ri… wait scramble grabs his hand, Rally with a look of fear, Scramble shakes his head no, SCRAMBLE!!!(yelling) NO ONE DANCES IN MY HOUSE BUT ME AND THE SMOKESTER!!!" Starts wailing on rally with his own walker! In comes buck, swings scramble ducks kick to the gut the DIAMOND CUTTER on buck! Bucks done! Rally whipped out side the ring, picks up a chair and waits until scramble comes out of the ring then plasters him with it, OH NO Scramble seems to be knocked out! Rally laughs Wait what's this who's coming, out, it's the blackout song playing that's Blondeees music!! Here comes Blondeee down the ramp. LBM: what's she doing, it appears she's undoing her top!!! DVN: puppies!!!More more more! LBM: She runs over to rally and flashes him! DVN: flash me flash me please!!! LBM:Rally smile and has that deer in the headlights look, wait what's happening, why is he shaking, I THINK HIS PACEMAKER CAN'T TAKE IT , HES GOING INTO CARDIAC ARREST, HES DOWN! It seems like his old heart couldn't take to see Blonde's puppies. Bucks the only one in the ring, and the ref starts to count 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Wait her comes Smokee in from behind buck and buck doesn't see him, he drops to his knee and gives the Buckster a low blow, Buck down… Now Smokee is fired up, a punch, a kick a stomp, another and another, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10crowd repeats with the blows! Buck down, Smokee gets up and the crowd goes nut! Smokeee jumps on the second turnbuckle and points to the crowd, they love the Smokester, and I think its TIME FOLKS, yes it is time, he's gonna DANCE! Smokee does his DUCKBILL DANCE and the crowd goes fuckin nuts (oops sorry FCC) Stomp on buck, picks buck up, Scrambles up. Scramble a bit dazed, on the apron, sticks a boot up as buck comes to the ropes and it connects with buck's head. Now Smokee and Scramble give each other the eye, its time people. This match is almost over!! The tag made to scramble. In comes Scramble, and they both dance!!!! They grab buck up and set him up for their double finisher, the C and C connection, (a double suplex) And they hit it!! Scramble grabs buck once more pulling him into the center of the ring, goes up to the top rope and stands there, the Crowd is on there feet banging there chairs they all want to see the most electrifying move in all of wrestling history, the DELICIOUSDEMOLITION! (A moonsault off the tope rope) AND HE DOES IT! He hooks the leg, 1-2-3 this match is over!!!! Your winner! SCRAMBLE AND SMOKEE!!! This has been a mangledmess production, goodnight everyone. DVN: oh my head got a lude???? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
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