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Everything posted by scramble

  1. bad question to ask me of course i am gonna say nothing but. 1. if your dark skin, the white looks real hot, and if your light skinned,the nude sheer color looks good.i am gonna see if i can make it, i have prior engagments already( i have a seaside house, only 2 more weeekends left) but i would def love to go to the Lingerie party although i hate events at sf, can you say TOO HOT AND MUCH MUCH MUCH TOO CROWDED!!yuck... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  2. Yes i did hear about a stable burning down that was a few months ago right? I am 25 and yourself? i know, I know i look 16, its all good though.. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  3. listen fucko i had abouts all i canss stands and iss cants stands no more!!! wheres my spinach?? bro your just a plain duckbill platypus! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  4. thats funny, i grew up on avenue O and ralph ave... Sorry i type as if i was speaking. Its a very bad habit. were do you live now?? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  5. august 26th!! whatcha wearin?;-) ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  6. AND ME!!! THAT FUCKIN GUY POX ALL HE DOES IS POST AND POST AND POST THAT FUCKING GUY IS SUCH A... OH SHIT Hi Jack i was just saying how much i LOVE YA! whats the matter punk no more shore house??????? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  7. where in mill basin do you know??? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  8. yo princess funny shit you look exactly like my ex girlfriend!! too funny... your name doesn't happen to be Stephanie does it?? lmao!! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  9. hi sorry I was stuffing my face! i live in bensonhurst, but grew up in mill basin. How do you get/recieve these personal message jammies?? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  10. defintley Stoli Raspberry and 7 up..!!!! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  11. Very well put Glow!!! To be honest I re-read my post, and i did come off sounding ostentatious, my apologies. I understand completely what you are trying to say, I too stay with a lot of dancers some Professional some just street dancers so I would never say I am the best because i know thats not the truth. Some of these guys/girls are so talented that it pushes me in a good way to strive to be better. Because as we all know there is always room for improvement. As far as break dancing is concerned, shit call me a bit envious because those guys can do shit that i can only dream of, (i don't think my spine can bend like that without snapping)(the only breaking i could do is probably breaking my head!)those guys are truly talented, what i was saying though was that i am not (just my opinion) too into the older type of house, jungle, breakbeats. As far as attitude goes not everyone in SF has a bad attitude granted there are you typical bunch of rejects from the juicejungle, and plastic barbies that think there the shit, but not all of us are like that! i promise. so I do apologize if i came off nasty that wasn't my intention.. and any time you want to dance give me a hollah!! actually right now i am out of comish for a bit got a real bad case of shin splints!!! ouchhhhhhhhhhh!!! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  12. Maaaa... Check your email... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  13. FYI the womb is Miami (south beaches) radio station, when i went down there for vacation i was listening to it alot, its fuckin sick all day long trance,house, breakbeats, goa. everyday all day. then they have shows with newyork house, european trance. real phat shit, check it out one night just click on real player and click on alternative then the womb, it gives you live stream. something different to listen to. Now you would think New York being a trendsetter in music would have its own electronic radio station? the closest (and this doesn't even come in range of being good) is ktu? i know i said it someone slap me. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  15. SORRY THATS ME WITH BLUE EYES AND BLACK SPIKEY HAIR, MY COUSIN IS A GIRL. LOL YOU HAVE A PIC OF YOURSELF?? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  16. which Bally's my cousin used to work at one so would stop by from time to time. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  17. I need to disagree with you on this, weren't you the one saying how 90% of most people in clubs can't dance? I have been going to Factory for about 3 years now and you talk about attitude? Attitude lives at Exit. A bunch of Juiceheads that just got into the scene because its "cool" right now. Secondly the guys in the basement are real good i am not in any way shape or form saying there not, though sorry to say but break dancing is old and played out. if it wasn't Peters would be in the basement spinning and Cleveland would be on the main dance floor. And to speak on your last comment, Its not just people at SF that "think" they can dance its people all over, and there is nothing wrong with people having confidence in there ability to dance. it happens to be a talent. There is a difference between knowing you good, and telling everyone your good. let your actions show. Besides you saying 90% of a club can't dance is pretty much putting yourself in a very judgemental postion don't you think? I personally would never say i am better or hes better, a style is a style. A lot of my friends happen to be Profesional dancers, be it in a studio or at clubs (cheetah,surfclub,strippers) usually the best dancers are the most humble too. as far as a battle goes, anytime.... ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  18. thank you, quick question. by any chance are you friends witha girl that lives in brooklyn by the name of adelina? I thought i met a girl that said she posted under China girl about 6 months ago??? if not sorry. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  19. empire gym in brooklyn, ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  20. so so so so true!!!! lmao!!! its really true they stand around flexing for the girls, then i will ge on the dance floor and start rippin,(i got an very agressive style too) and they get all freaked out, first they will most of the time make a stupid coment but after the girls that they were just trying to hit on start to watch you dance they go away... so so true. good one.. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  21. whats up little biotch! long time no speak? how was "church" on sat/sunday? whats up???? going to the lingerie party?? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  22. Don't let looks fool ya, you would be suprised at who can dance and who can't, i have a friend who is a lawyer and you would never guess but the boy can move, and another one of my boys is 6'4" 220lbs and could rip shit up. then you have those thatthink they can move and really can't but hey ya gotta give them credit for trying. i hate it though when those freaks try to battle you, one night i was dancing in a circle of my friends and 2 kids started dancing on the out skirts of the circle(juiceheads mind you) well i am doing my thing and they start to invade the circle dancin like they had 2 left feet. now mind you i am not one to boast but any one on this board who knows me well knows (well here goes) I rip shit up. but i try never to judge another persons style its all about expression not about competition.. ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  23. ok here goes, guys that need to make themselves that BIG usually have a low self esteem, i am not saying all, but alot of them feel inadeqaute be it, small brains, small dick, whatever. So many times do i see these juicebrains in Factory or what ever other club, and all they do is take up space. Me i goto dance not to pick up(if it happens thats an added plus) but dancing is my main thing. to listen to sick music and go off. one thing i hate is how they stand around flexing there lats! why your not supposed to stand like that, didn't you mom ever scold you to STAND UP STRAIGHT??? Also if your not gonna dance why the fuck are you on the dance floor? your just taking up precious space that I can be using.. and most of them are so tight from working out and you never see any of them stretch at all. (make no mistake i am in the gym 4-5 times a week, but no juice for me, a good body can be accomplished without juice, you won;t be freaky big, but you can put on a lot of size naturally its just that most of them are lazy, besides only barbie girls really like the big juiced out freaks who can't get an erection if pam anderson was naked in front of them) Most guys that are that big have no agility and finesse when they walk let alone on the dance floor, imagine how they must be in bed? just something to ponder... P.s. why do they all do that same bop and usually let out some neatherthal yell with it?? ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  24. why thank you. :-) Your a cutie.....so are your friends I might add! ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
  25. thats gene tweedledee420 and Primo tweedledumdum! shhh don't tell him i said that... Chris, who are the other two characters in the pic.? ...haha ------------------ I take my problems to the dancefloor...
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