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Everything posted by momadance

  1. I dont thinki he is a loser, and if he is, thats besides the point, pills still dont last long enough ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  2. What the hell are you people talking about??? ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  3. it is a pretty cool place. I have been there a few times before twilo. its a hell of a lot better meeting spot than anywhere inside. peace michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  4. Peper steak. its just beef, onions, and green peppers. By the way, the best chinese food for low price in the city is at jade mountian, on second ave between 12 & 13th. Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  5. Postmaster Bill: The days of the disgrunal postal employes went out with the macarena. Principal Skinner : I'm just glad i work in an elementry school. A little sick, but it funny ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  6. 23 here ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  7. I had a hunch that he just created a new user name to ask questions. funny thing it actually was that way. I didnt even know there was anything going on at centro-fly that night, hes probobly just trying to start some hype for a kick. well kick it some where else kid, you be found out. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  8. Thats no excuse, Centro fly 2 times in a week is no problem. Night there are different from one another. I have been thursdays, then again on saturdays lots of times. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  9. By the way, OG poster, you have a super-dank name!!! Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  10. Its because girls flock to them anyway, they dont have to be good looking. Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  11. Its because girls flock to them anyway, they dont have to be good looking. Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  12. my fav simpsons charcter is Homer, my fav non-simpsons character is without a doubt Ralph Wiggum. "My cats breath smells like cat food" Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  13. Its 420 over here already on the east side. G-13 style!!! ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  14. Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. - Homer My doctor says I wouldn't get so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger out of there. - Ralph Wiggum Homer, lighten up! You're making an ironic mockery of happy hour. - Moe But I got these cool Alf pogs. Remember Alf? He's back. In pog form. - Milhouse Patty: On some days we don't let the line move at all." Selma: "Yeah, we call those 'weekdays'. Heyyy Kids! Today we're going to talk about Krusty's expensive new suit. His sexual harrasment suit! - Krusty the Klown Mmmm ... Play Doh. - Homer Love, love from my son and daughter need. Yes, a little LSD is all I need. - Marge There are so many others, but thats enough to get this one started.... Plus, how long have you guys been watching simpsons on a (at least)daily basis for? for me, its over 5 years. Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  15. I think thats phat artwork! It took me a half a second, but then I was like, Oh my god, an empty vial, thats sick!! the molly strand is pretty cool too. Keep on rockin & rollin' Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  16. I dont think she was talking about dress, you can always go to twilo in cargo pants or whatever the hell you want. I think she was refering more to checking IDs, which has to be becaues they are being watched a lot closer now a days. Peace Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  17. After Paul, the only logical place to go is to Centro-Fly. By far the best weeknight party in NYC (and mabey even the best party alltogether) Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  18. She was only supposed to play 4 songs, dont be dissapointed, it was not a modonna concert, it was party that she threw for her fans. Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  19. I just got home from work, and me and my g-13 are joining the party as we speek!! keep it going round Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  20. This is one of the worst ideas Ive ever heard. First of all, you are wasting a good cigar, second of all, you would have to inhale, and hold in cigar tobbacco, whihch is not the same as cigarette tobacco. third of all, you will be wating your weed that you can smoke many many different better ways. If you are plannig on donig this, please stop and give your weed to me. ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  21. I was up in Vermomt this weekend, and it started to snow at 9 in the am. by the time we were heading back to the city at 1, it had snowed an ince and a half. there was snow all half the way home (to about the top of the taconic parkway). It was really cool to see the colored leaves with snow, a rare combination. Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  22. Welcome to the wonderful world of Centro-Fly Thursdays!!! Im my opinion, the best weekly party in NYC. I havent been for the last 2 weeks, but it is usualy a just throw you hands in the air, feal good and dance type of thing. No bulshit, just good times. Hope to see you there again Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  23. In college my girlfriend & I would frequent the local sex shop where we would get all sorts of toys, including what I think you are talking about. It is a small vibe attached to a waist band and thin leg straps madt to be worn hands free, and the control (which was only a simple on-off) was remote and worked well upto about 40 feet away. It was one of our most favroit toys, she would wear it out to the bars or clubs, and I would hit her up with a little zzzz at my discresion. If you cant find them by doing webserches and stuff, then your local sex shop should have them, or be able to order one for you. good luck kidz!! Michael NYC ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  24. What your 'friend' has are not ludes. What your friend has are called lemons. they are a lot like ludes, but not exactly the same thing. they dont knok you out as much, but dont take that as meaning they dont knok you out because they do my friend, they do. If you are drinking also, take just a half at first, you will thank me. I went to college in Arizona, 45 min from mexico, we would go get pills all the time, its something I know a lot about. Peace, Michael ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
  25. 1) old school moons (like 1994) 2) the original mitsu's (1995) 3) X flies (1999) ------------------ "Puff, Puff, Pass"
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