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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. now he looks like a little boy ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  2. pfloyd, i'll whip your ass for that "especiallystern" comment. fuck that; i've been watching my stern friends do JACK SHIT and complain about having to do POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS and bullshit like that. give me a break, already. i know what the hell you guys do; they tell you how to dress and whether or not to dim the lights for a presentation. give me a fucking break, already. you guys still don't know how to dress and you SHOULD dim the lights because YOU'RE ALL UGLY. and don't give me any bullshit about a stern curve, either. sure, i believe that it's competitive. it's also competitive for 1,000 monkeys fighting for 10 bananas ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  3. i wish i could go ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  4. now that just sounds stupid. hoochies would tear their tight clothes on it and drugged out juiceheads would break it. they already have a barbeque joint or whatever it is. are they trying to make exit into a carnival or something? ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  5. j303j seems to have a lot of conditions that require drugs. sick, injured, generally stupid, etc. j/k. i love you, j303j. you and your chicken ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  6. no, i don't hold a grudge on you for that episode. my being bitchy in this thread is because you posted on a public message board that i sell drugs you're somewhat new here, so maybe you haven't figured out that you should keep some things on the dl, such as your own drug use, actual names, where you obtain your drugs and where you do them, etc. it may sound paranoid, but it's not as you would not want to say who you actually get drugs from, you also don't want to say you get drugs from someone who you actually don't try to use some common sense ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  7. we tend to get paranoid when your rational good friends 86 us ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  8. no, i think you're just the only one who can't find any relief with your breath ranking of goat dick ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  9. get down on your knees and say you love me ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  10. you fucking idiot. they wouldn't look for you, they'd look for me because you said i sell drugs, WHICH I DON'T i would, however, give you a free present ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  11. yeah, it said attention bitch, attend to your school girlies so where is pfloyd40? ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  12. i remember whoever who got the "best sportsmanship" award was also the unnamed "most disposable" player ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  13. verification ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  14. oh, and loch also amuses me in some perverse way ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  15. hey, i don't go for unnecessary drama i'm just curious as to how misskittie is in any position to judge my posts as below a standard of quality ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  16. p00h and cazz ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img] [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 04-23-2001).]
  17. i've yet to come across a situation that wasn't improved by twitching ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  18. carbohydrates are critical for the production and release of serotonin that's why when you're taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) and increase your receptors' exposure to serotonin and other related neurotransmitters, you have less desire to consume carbs ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  19. how about 2-CB instead? ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  20. you know, i really don't give a fuck if you believe me because i don't even know you. "xtraspecial" is just a name on a message board. as is "deanna11". i don't consider my person to be deanna11. the people who do know me, the people i party with and who see me at Twilo all the time, know who and how i really am there are people who go on a message board, claim to be clean, and drop three pills every weekend. there are also some who write about doing drugs and refrain. you can hardly take someone's word as true without knowing them so if you'll excuse me now, i'm too fucked up to continute typingaeal;jr dani ealjrsenf asnrea naive dumbshit ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  21. glad to see you're back, eggmok. we missed you ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  22. are you talking about daily use or for clubbing? i used to wear foundation for clubbing, but i quickly realized it all comes off in five minutes. i don't take makeup with me clubbing, but i'd think the best would be a tiny compact of powder or those oil-soaking papers i'm a bad person to ask about nice, clean looks though; i rub rivers of sweat off my face with my clothes ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  23. quit your bitchin'. you barely remembered me --ms. crackorn ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  24. even if i don't get comped every weekend, i still have my twilocard hey... what happened to yours? ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
  25. Brandie, that's awesome of you to have done what you did for that woman. a lot of other people probably saw, and either were too scared to be confrontational or else too apathetic to move a hand for someone in need. you're one of very few REAL people. i love you. you know that want me to regulate on clone-wannabe down the hall for you? poor girl doesn't realize that her attempts are in vain. but you have to give her credit for having high aspirations ------------------ [img]http://glowballsig.gif|/img]
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