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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. what makes you think they want to party with you? i don't see you toting a pootchie lately
  2. i'm going to LL on saturday and i'm going to make all my old club friends go with me; it'll be my last night before a three-week break from the city
  3. if you're coming from TO, can you bring me some quality meth, jip, or whatever you call it?
  4. post your pictures, penis dimensions, and travel budgets
  5. you don't go to the meat market if you want filet mignon you don't look in the tuna aisle if you're looking for quality pussy
  6. hey, i thought black tar is another form of opium and heroin is the refined form. well, either way, i like the tar stuff, and whatever it was, it was worth it
  7. if they hot, they don't need to be lookin' on a messageboard for dates when you get here, check the back of the village voice for what you're looking for
  8. i have a good grinder for getting a refined powder. i also have a mortar and pestle you shouldn't cook kettamina in the microwave; it'll splash and you'll yield less
  9. it's a metaphor for a round, cavernous vessel who are you people?
  10. if you play "for an angel" backwards, the lyrics say "kill candykids... kill candykids..."
  11. mine was the tar. is the crystalized supposed to be better? i heard otherwise we smoked it by itself (no one had weed) and a couple kids were fucked up, but my friend and i just felt mellowed out. not very potent or intoxicating, but nice: something very functional. smelled like, yeah, we were just smoking incence
  12. i have no idea who you're talking about if you remember a post of mine a looooong time ago, schwingy, fuck the aluminum foil and chronic bronchitis; get yourself a classy glass piece. or just get a test tube and blowtorch a hole in the end
  13. from what i remember, there's kinda a big social and maturity difference between 15 and 20 that's nowhere near legal
  14. congrats! i'm also interested in why you want to go to school in boston over NYU. there are some better schools in the boston area, but even if NYU were absolutely shitty i couldn't leave the city just yet
  15. there's this new DRUG out now, that rich, white kids take, at their RAVE PARTIES, while listening to ELECTRONIC DRUG MUSIC. it's NEW, so if we can stop people from ever trying it, they won't DIE from DRINKING TOO MUCH WATER
  16. i'm asian, but i don't do asian meetups
  17. i think it's a common misconception among visitors that good fake ID's are easy to come by in NYC. i know a lot of people who have been living in NYC for years and know many people and places, and still haven't been able to find a reliable ID. the truth is, making fake ID's can get a person into trouble. and the better the ID's they make are, the more the makers are looked for big brother is watching
  18. is that product distributed by red bull? sounds kinda cool. must be liquid crack
  19. excuse me, is this the newbie thread? i hope i'm in the right place and not just wandering aimlessly in glowball's mom's vagina is there anybody OUT THERE
  20. already got my own, thanks a small bottle lasts for freakin ever! ------------------ aka kludgio
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