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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. i love you all. i really do. either in a familiar way (my ichi!) or in some way you may never know i didn't write this to be elitist, nor personal. consider it more a sociological perspective. i have likened clubbing to extravagant luxury: this, many people consider an insult to those for whom extravagant luxury is unattainable rustednutts knows me too well. what i wrote was inflammatory and insulting, but perhaps more people would have agreed with me if i used words with a different connotation: "the average clubber is society's vanguard: in constant pursuit of the highest level" to whomever is pissed at me: aw, pobrebitch. why? to whomever can justify themselves to me: great to whomever realizes they don't need to justify themselves to me: there you go PLUR
  2. HAHAHA! no one knows what you're talking about
  3. testimony that blister is a great party i'll definitely be at filter on thursday, will be there tuesday if energy permits
  4. haha, chill, kids i really didn't mean to personally offend anyone. i could easily be classified as a clubber, and i have followed the stereotype in many ways: blowing money, participating in illicit activities, made superficial friendships, etc. i was simply stating what i believe to be the truth. it's not something that should make anyone feel defensive. we are rich, spoiled people who can go clubbing and be conspicuously obnoxious don't take offense in what i say; rather, take awareness in it. not everyone in the world can do the fun things we do
  5. i applaud you and your high-achieving circle i meant that the average clubber is worthless in their pursuit of activities within the club scene. that is obvious, isn't it? the activities are hedonistic, socially irresponsible, vain, often illegal and immoral, and obnoxious celebrations of what a person can do of course people must have some value outside the club scene. how else would they support the activities?
  6. you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers? have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing? have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?
  7. i heard: Costco sent an alert out to the FBI for two Middle-Eastern-looking men who bought $5,000 of candy shopping malls are a target on 10/31 any crowded place is a target on 10/31 my crack dealer is a target on 10/31 protect those you love Juan, i'll save you! *disclaimer: not meaning to instigate any panic or offense. just bored and curious as to the stories circulating
  8. "hey, baby. i know where the root servers are"
  9. yeah, that about sums up everything i remember
  10. made lots of friends, got a good shafting, what more can you ask for?
  11. was great. filter 14 is one of the few places i like to go out to now
  12. terrorists don't have to do much when there are people like usa and bxbomb to speak
  13. the people who particularly hate diet drinks and say they taste bitter or leave a bad aftertaste probably have the recessive gene that detects phenylalanines (aspartame is one) with an acrid or bitter taste. most other people will detect it as sweet
  14. xpander, you get that flyer from NB or elsewhere?
  15. DUDE!! I GOT THAT TOO! my friend and i were amazed, and i went to show it to several people. they were apathetic. fuckers didn't understand
  16. you are soooo tough! wow, getting into fights and beating up the bullies and being friends of societal trash, that's great and no, i don't want to fight you
  17. in light of DaVe's thread http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=62281 , does anyone else think that there would be less terrorism if our government didn't pursue such busts in a nazi manner? what makes me mad is that ecstacy has not been detrimental to society nor to people's health in any significant way. the way the government pursues some restrictions of drug usage (i.e. shutting down clubs) is oppressive here's a question: anyone know of any terrorism in the Netherlands?
  18. ICHI!! MUGZ!! going to Lush tonight??
  19. i've had some of the coolest cabbies. bumped with a couple. discussed the meaning of life with some. one guy drove back to where he dropped me off because i had left my wallet in his cab. another guy drove my friend and i all the way home in a big rainstorm even though i told him i only had 4 dollars on me
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