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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. i don't like quotes. i wish everyone would just shut up ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  2. noisey, where've ya been?? i miss you! if i give it back, i get yours ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  3. i'm borrowing it from mattyparsons ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  4. they are the laziest, most incompetent, worthless, apathetic people ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  5. god says you will go to hell for doing drugs ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  6. 30 more hours ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  7. sitting at one computer in my dorm room while writing a paper on freakin neanderthals on another computer i hate neanderthals and there is absolutely no fawkin logical reason why i should be writing this ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  8. but what if technically he's just great and you are able to sever all emotional ties? (very unlikely for most people, but possible) could it then be finished business and just sex? damn, i want some more exes ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  9. you have a store on canal street, huh ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  10. that was entirely my suitemate's fault ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  11. i love this thread ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  12. ok, clubhead32. this is your last chance. my paper was due yesterday. of course i'm starting the research now. write it for me in time for my class this afternoon and i will pay for this friday and next for you, and supply your synthetic fuels for both nights. chop chop oh, and if you write a java program for me, i'll cover you for the sixth anniversary party too ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  13. damn, why is there such a big deal about the performance of one song?? it's not even that great of a song. and all these SF and Exit heads are packing a place to hear this ONE song ya know wat? Nick Warren will be spinning SEVERAL songs. yeah, that's right ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  14. hehe, i think i might be pms'ing now, but i get weird when i do. i get all hyper and giddy and i can't stop laughing and running around oh, pms?? i thought you said smoking crack ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I'M SORRY, MATTY! I REALLY AM ooooohh, but i'm gonna be more than ready for Nick. i've been ready for so long and I WANT IT NOW ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  16. Ooana, i haven't seen you forever. we will definitely have to hang out tomorrow night! i miss you! love ya! ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU GUYS CRACK ME UP!!! hey...crack... THANK YOU EVERYONE!! i couldn't have done it without you guys. it's taken months of long, hard procrastination and non-productivity to get me where i am today. sometimes it was tough, and i'd be posting all by myself at messed up hours of the dark morning, and i thought i'd be old school legend forever; but with all your encouragement, support, and great posting, i persevered against all odds (sleep, responsibilities, homework) and made it! all achievement requires some sacrifice (my college education), but in the end, we can have what we work for join me and all my AWESOME friends (i love you guys!) this friday for some NICK WARREN and SANDER KLEINENBERG WAAAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! we will tear apart the dance floor and i will vow my singular, eternal love and devotion to my Nick again, thank you, everyone on this board who made it possible. *sniff* and thank you, clubplanet, my dealers, Twilo, napster, drug couriers from amsterdam, stupid ass class requirements that assign way too much for a stupid worthless waste of time that has nothing to do with my major or anything i give a crap about, stacker 2s, AIM, and everyone else--you know who you are! i love you all, man! WE'RE HERE FOR THE LONG RUN, THE PARTY, AND THE FAWKING CRACK WAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  18. sharon's not asian. ... is she? ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  19. hm, why do you have to put a label on everything? just leave it as it is, whatever it is SOME GREAT FUCKING!! ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  20. wut... i'm not a good enough friend for you to remember...? ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  21. and if you don't believe they have do me a favor take all your albums, tapes, CDs, and burn them 'cuz you know what the musicians that have made that great music that has enhanced your lives throughout the years... REAL FUCKING HIGH ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right
  22. werd. cleanest speediness. the jungleheads have got it right also, if i get tired in a club, sometimes i'll just take a nap. curl up in a corner and doze off, then wake up all good to go. tiredness is simply a state of mind ------------------ it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through some errors happen they won't go away won't make us men in marked today it has best considered as the greatest yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun as those who had not yet begun to get it right ain't nothing wrong everything all right [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 03-21-2001).]
  23. if any sense of hearing lasts as long as my heart, i'd be glad. i figure i'll die of heart failure way before my hearing goes, say 34 if i don't stop jumping around ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  24. with a $30 transmitter, he needs to be within probably 50 feet. hm, that could be more disturbing for blueskygirl ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  25. *sigh* ok, ok, you caught me. i lied too. it wasn't water i spilled on my keyboard. i was running a "cold" synthesis of methamphetamine. i was k'ed out at the time and i spilled the aqueous ephedrine solution when trying to pour in the potassium permanganate. so if you run some hydrochloric acid over my keyboard, you can get out some good crystals anyone?? where do you buy a natural keyboard in manhattan?? preferrably downtown so i don't have to wander all around, sick and tripped out? oh yeah, and joeydollaz, that's what the sig is for. in case i ever forget for some sober reason ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 03-20-2001).]
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