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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. not knowing you, i'm more inclined to think your paranoia may be a side effect of substance indulgement but if your ex is really that psycho, it's pretty easy. all he needs is tiny transmitter that can easily be inserted into the headset of most phones. however, transmitters this small are pretty expensive. in addition, he would have to be nearby, or have a recording receiver nearby. nearby, as in feet, not miles. the further the receiver can be, the more expensive his equipment would have to be so unless he's really psycho, rich, and has a lot of spare time, i think you're just a little paranoid. besides, if he were psycho, rich, and had a lot of spare time, he's probably doing a lot of drugs and thinking YOU're tapping his phone ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  2. what'd you do?? i'd probably just bust out laughing, take the pic, and hope that someone would believe me when i tell them ("no, i'm serious, it was right before that one track, and you were sitting two feet away in a k-hole! then he smacked you across the face a few times with his gf!") ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  3. that's a great place. it's the huge one where they sometimes hold Chinese weddings, right? i think the name has "pearl" in it, like "pearl gate" or something. sorry, i sometimes know and right now i don't. it's pretty close to me though; when i'm able to move, i'll walk by it and grab a business card. blueangel, do you need to know very soon? ------------------
  4. um, a few people told me Daria. but i'm not white and i don't wear skirts. or study ------------------
  5. detachment disorder, insecurity, whatever reason? or would you say everyone is capable; some just have more formidable armor to overcome? duckets' thread (http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/025303.html) inspired me to ask ------------------
  6. after seeing how some people hurt, i oftentimes think that there is no way it can be worth whatever happiness they had. but hey, it must, because everyone keeps going back for more. the other great thing about love, i believe, is that you can always find it again ------------------
  7. i'm here, i'm dying, and i physically can't call the doctor hope i made you feel better, blueangel. sorry if i'm just a downer. trust me, i'd rather be in the company of uppers myself. lots of them. mmm... uppers... :: ------------------
  8. here's a silly thought that came to me: you know the sandwiches "fluffer nutter"? they're peanut butter and marshmallow cream. i'm trying to remember if i ever actually ate one in my childhood, but anyway, that's unimportant. i just realized there can be a freudian translation of "fluffer nutter" and the words have gender suggestions get it?? uhm, maybe i'll just go to bed now oh yeah, i do like justin and kayla. kewl names by themselves, kewl together ------------------
  9. if there is a five-minute slow down point at 3, i might be there. otherwise, i'll be hopping around ------------------
  10. too bad a shark didn't help you with some cosmetic surgery to those not in the know, mattyparsons looks like spud mackenzie's ass immediately after he got neutered then killed in some stunt act for bud ------------------
  11. by pimping out your mom ------------------
  12. i don't get it. someone want to say how Danny Howells was??
  13. if i had a clubbing option back in HS, i would've skipped the prom ------------------
  14. no, but i've been tempted many times to get a gun and SHOOTSOMESTUPIDMUTHAFUCKASWHOWOULDN'TLEAVEMEDAHELLALONE ------------------
  15. crack jack's safe ------------------
  16. you're probably not going to take me seriously, but hey, i'm trying to help here. something that works like a charm is some good anhydrous crystal methamphetamine. if stimulants make your jaws clench, just chew some gum trust me, works like a charm or else, cold turkey
  17. yes, i would like to molest some little kids that are young enough to be my own
  18. sounds kewl! we'll have some tag-team dancing every friday at twilo, say to the right of the dj booth. hm, i wonder if it will look like there's a difference between tag-team dancing and battling ('cuz i dun battle)
  19. YAY!! a ray of sunshine in my miserable hazy day of pain
  20. not meaning to criticize anyone's definition of a true friend, but friendship cannot be defined by what that person can do for you
  21. mattyparsons got his ear pierced like oakenfold because he has this really weird obsession with him. not particularly his music, but something about little, middle-aged trolls
  22. christian slater i've always liked a bad boy with sexy eyes. especially liked his character in heathers
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