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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. that'd be great! we can teach everyone to dance like that guy. can you imagine, everyone in Twilo dancing like him i don't remember anything from "kids" but sex and dick slapping noises ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  2. how benevolent do you think we are? just read here for replies ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  3. i spilled water on mine and half the keys don't work, so i'm using my roommate's laptop for aim and such. but to use programs on my own computer, i have to IM my own computer (that's why i'm signed on on two names, if anyone notices), then cut and paste the IM into the program i'm using. it's a real pain in the ass ugh; programs and papers to write too. i need a natural keyboard. anyone know what place sells them? i tried the wiz yesterday, but they don't have it thanks note: do not spill water on your keyboard ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  4. what the hell is horizontally challenged? skinny?? ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  5. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! THAT WAS MY SIG!! "REAL FUCKING HIGH"!!! i swear it was! someone can vouch for me! aw, why'd i take it off the week before my Nicky boy?? (i had an AIM away message that said "imma have Nick Warren's crackbabies." my mom saw it though; yeah, she uses aim) yo, i love Fluke's Bullet (Cannonball). love that satanic voice (even if i can't figure out what it says altogether) ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  6. love IS in the air! i've just heard fun and wonderful things going on for two of the most awesome girls i know and i'm so happy for them! *sigh* now where's my lovin', damnit? ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  7. oh i get it. nm ignore me ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  8. clubhead32, i have a paper that was assigned at the beginning of the semester. now, i didn't do anything all spring break and the damn thing is due tomorrow. write it for me and i'll pay for you to get into one of the parties, plus party favors btw, you CANNOT miss Nick Warren and Sander. that'd be an act of a very stupid person who will have much to regret can't miss Danny and Digweed either well, i wouldn't miss Sasha either you're fucked. write my paper ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  9. schwingep, you crack me up brandie, i have a tripod. for the loan of it, i get some time too ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  10. NY missed you, cracksmokah in answer to your sig, i fuck better than i dance. hm, j/k. i don't do either ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  11. um, i dun get it. why aren't i in? I WANNA BE IN I WANNA BE IN I WANNA BE IN GRRRRRRRRR ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  12. courtesy of the awesome shadowchaser and because none of you bastards would help me before, i'm not sharing ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  13. few days ago. i tried blowdrying it. but no, i think it's shot. umm, thanks but i don't think canal would have keyboards, especially natural keyboards. it's more like car stereo systems. but hey, they do have some places with dj and music production equipment, tyco, since you said you're looking thanks, executress. for some reason i didn't even think of staples even though i pass by two different ones everyday. natural keyboards are awesome. so much more comfortable ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  14. again, impressive, tyco. there are parts i really like and parts i don't like. i could give you my bit-by-bit analysis, but i dunno if you care to hear have an awesome time at wmc! you're going to miss Nick Warren (unless you're going to the Ultra party); i'll be sure to rub it in when i see you at my first S&D ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! omg, that's hilarious thanks for bringing some laughter to my day, rachel1997 the funniest thing about it isn't so much the way he dances, but the fact that he's teaching people... ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  16. my roommate has just started dating this guy who drives a bmw (she doesn't know what series). she went on and on to me for maybe five minutes about how it feels like to ride in one (silly, i drove one for a few years). i just thought it was rather disgusting how a car could impress her so much profession, i really don't care much. i'm not associating myself with illegal business however ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 03-20-2001).]
  17. i'll be sure to go by sometime this week. i was trying to think of where to go to dinner with a friend this week anyway. probably not today or tomorrow, as i'm currently dying. i'll post the info as soon as i get it. and at the same time, i'll report on how their regular menu (non-dim sum) is ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  18. wat about the DJ? wat's he doing? and how the hell do you know everything? oooooh, i know! i saw that hot main actor writing his phone number down for you. hehehe... ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  19. hehehehe... who are you people who look up nutritional contents online?? ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  20. i'd be interested in meeting, if they wanted to meet me: exit2heaven, cazz926, gonzojournalist, mugwump, rudeboyyouth, keshiki, and twilogoddess, among others ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  21. Trent? who's Trent?? Ooana? Trent Reznor, Trent from Daria? am i completely clueless here?? ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  22. duckets, p00h, it's www.virtualcrack.com. but if you want a more real image, check my thread about a potato for another idea. you can also just come over and we'll smoke the damn things, say before Warren/Sander? WAIT WAIT WAIT!! WHO THE HELL SAID I WANTED TO LEARN ANYTHING?? i'm perfectly fine going through life completely ignorant and i'm all about instant gratification ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  23. when it's fresh out of the oven, split it open and cut out chunks. now stare at the glory of it looks just like a huge block of fresh crystal meth, doesn't it ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  24. BIOTCH! WHO YOU CALLING A CYNICAL ASSHOLE?? SEE YOU AT THE POWERBAR, AT 3 ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
  25. az-tec, i'm really sorry about this weekend. i've been dying a slow, very painful death while everyone was vacationing. hope everything worked out. ttys. gimme a call sometime soon, if you want. we'll be at Warren/Sander ------------------ got crack? IM: schnobium
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