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Posts posted by dzadza

  1. A friend of mine got arrested dead-drunk with a DWI in CT a couple of months ago. He hit a lightpoll, took it down, almost got fried with the fireworks the blast created. Two blocks had no electricity. Went to court without a lawyer and got off fairly easy, 3 month license suspension and a fine a bit less than a grand. I think he got EXTREMELY lucky.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  2. Originally posted by cathyo:

    Originally posted by shadowchaser:

    Yeah but they aren't all with cool guys. You just have to wait for the guy to screw up. Timing is everything!

    Cathy - it's not a question of them being taken. That really isn't the problem. I've come to believe (unfortunately) that animalistic, "survival-of-strongest" insticts are too strong in us. And heart really has no room in this.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  3. Originally posted by cathyo:

    Awwww! This may sound wrong but nothing is sweeter (or sadder) than a man that has had his heart broken. At least you know he has one then.

    Most likely not any more cathy... He HAD one.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  4. Originally posted by back2basics:

    Leasing a BMW Z3 @ the moment, it's off back soon though just dont need it around here.

    McLaren F1 are street legal noth the Formular 1 cars they have a single seat road version... i think there about $300,000.

    McLaren F1 runs for $1,000,000. But it is street legal and can compete with Formula 1's. The seat is in the middle of the car, kinda funny...


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  5. For me it's the originality. Pick most of the early songs by Prodigy - say Out of Space. Produced back in early 90's I think it's one of the best techno songs ever released. If someone showed me the instruments in that song each by itself - I'd say there is no way to put a good songs out of it. But somehow they put it together so well that I still love it after listening to it a zillion times.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  6. Anyone knows other logic puzzles? I've got interviews coming up on Thu. and Fri. and need to exercise a bit. I know this is not the right board for this shit (I'm looking on other sites too), but some of the problems on this thread were pretty good.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  7. I always liked break beats and would love to see it make a comeback. Any fans of Music Instructor on this board? And trance... well it never really made it big in US, but it's definitely not dying. And I don't even want to reply to "is that even music"... grrr.....



    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  8. Originally posted by blueangel:

    Okay, Mandy . . . let's really look at what you were saying.

    It's one thing to tell people to give constructive criticism or don't give one at all, but of you're going to run out here and start yelling about how SF is the ONLY hard core clubber's club in NYC . . . well that's just plain stupidity. They way you came out is no better than how some of the other members make harsh comments about SF. If you want to defend your club then defend it intelligently. Cause if you come out here like a stupid bitch rambling on and on incoherently then that just confirms what others are saying about SF. Get it? Got it? Good, now try again! rolleyes.gif


    hehe... well said. wink.gif


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  9. Originally posted by alpha:

    its funny you talk about dreams. ..because just last night I dreamed of a scenario where I had you and rachel nursing my two jawbreakers like barnacles stuck to the ass of the titanic, while glowgirl was sputtering nonsensical gibberish about JP or someshit while phoenix laid atop a sling trying to suck his own cock, watching sgbrooklyn coordinate a trip from her buttocks to tranza's penis all the meantime listening to IHY spin some ill tracks... .. .just a dream tho! tongue.gif

    fuckin' hilarious... LMAO... (no offense)


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

    [This message has been edited by dzadza (edited 08-25-2000).]

  10. Repplies to topics created before the split don't work. Getting an error msg:

    We cannot post this because the Forum Name being submitted does not match the forum name we have listed in our records. Use your back button to try again.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

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