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Posts posted by dzadza

  1. Originally posted by vejita:

    My dad and I used to play a lot when I was still in grade school...... I don't think I was ever a contender, though. smile.gif

    Now backgammon..... there's a fun game! Or Scrabble.... one of my all-time faves!

    Backgammon... YESSS!!!! I love it. Vejita - wanna set up a tournament sometimes?


    Don't forget to fly...

  2. I play chess fairly well, although haven't practiced for a long time. My little brother can woop some major ass in chess. He's a small prodigy, was playing chess since he was 5, became a master at the age of 10 (would beat the hell out of me and anyone else that I know). He's 12 now, stopped practicing chess a year ago (chess after all is a very narrow profession), and is preparing for the international math olympiad now (already won the one in my country) smile.gif


    Don't forget to fly...

  3. I got into a fight with some juicehead (not exactly my weight category) at SF a month or so ago, when they had the thong party. I still don't know what his problem was, the music was too loud and he was too fucked up to understand what he's mumbling. It didn't go far though (just a punch or two, he probably looked like this the next day cwm3.gif ) I had a lot of people with me and so did he, and some of his friends happened to have a head on their shoulders, so we got pulled apart fairly quickly. What was funny I didn't see no bouncers whatsoever... Still sucked, I was bummed for the rest of the night, and left early.


    Don't forget to fly...

    [This message has been edited by dzadza (edited 11-03-2000).]

  4. Well, it was my worst night at SF. I didn't like the crowd at all, especially after some STONED (he could barely walk) pumped up idiot tried to pick a fight with me. I still can't get what his problem was, never had such a bad incident. Fuckin' ridiculous... cwm21.gif


    I came, I saw... I saw, I came...

  5. Well, although I just read a couple of pretty dumb and ignorant comments about "hip-hop retards" and "immigrant juiceheads", I won't get into that, it's not worth it. But since I've been there a couple of times, I'll try to answer some other questions...

    ezdreamer - you're right, it's not an afterhours place, it clears out around 5.

    blueskygirl - they do get good trance djs lately, Taucher spinned there twice I think and will be there again Sep. 29.

    I enjoyed the place those couple of times I've been there cause I didn't go there for thwe crowd... to be a "regular" or hang out with my crew... I like epic trance and Webster Hall is one of the few places in the city I was able to find it. Now a lot of people find trance cheesy, but hey, to each their own. But if you're into that, definitely check it out.


    I came, I saw... I saw, I came...

  6. I d'man... that sounds more like it wink.gif I've only seen Taucher when he played at Webster Hall. Just got his live CD from there, it's really good, check it out if you get hold of it. There's a 10 min video clip on the CD that they recorded that night, and they even show me on it for a couple of seconds... hehehe cwm32.gif


    I came, I saw... I saw, I came...

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