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Posts posted by dzadza

  1. Originally posted by blueangel:

    Okay . . .that's kinda like the kettle calling the tea pot black (or is it the other way around?). You can't say that you're playing a game and have no intention of hurting anyone. That's so ridiculous!! When the whole purpose of the game is that there MUST be a winner and a loser, right??

    How about this . . . games ALWAYS have an ending . . . relationships don't always have to have one . . . an ending, I mean. But don't say that the dogs made you who you are . . . you had a lot to do with it too.


    BlueAngel - you're the best smile.gif


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  2. Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

    I just have to say...

    I think you kats are somewhat silly.

    One of the main problems in this world is that people give into temptation, gluttony, and never seemingly be satisfied. The old world of honor and romance are gone and replaced with this sense of 'image is everything' phase.

    I suppose its hard to explain on the way I see it.

    Humans are just that, Human. They are susceptible(sp?) to the negative, to the sin, to whatever you want to call it. The majority of us just do not seem to want to learn from mistakes, learn to accept, and learn to be satisfied... WE TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED. Nobodys perfect, that's for sure. But people who strive to learn and admit their mistakes in the past are a hell of a lot closer then people who just sit their in a vat of falsehood.

    Me for example... I'm farrrrrrrrr from perfect in everyway. The one thing I have though, which I can say is... when my life is involved with a single woman, its not just mine, but ours. Loyalty and honor is key. Several times in my past have I been stabbed in the back and thus nowadays... I'm single, for awhile now (Heh, Casey... wondering why?) ... This whole taking for granted things comes into play because of my ex's tried coming back, twice... and both times I just turned her away. If you can't trust someone you love/loved... who can you trust?

    very well said.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  3. Well, I hear all the time men with good intentions comlaining that when they treat women with respect, women lose their interest. Yet most women complain that the men they are with turn out to be assholes. Could this be because women USUALLY are not attracted to "nice guys"? I think this is very close to what's happening, natural selection is the driving force.


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  4. Originally posted by technobunny:

    So happy to see some fellow Tiesto fans here on the board!!!!!

    I've been lurking for a while, but it's taken this to get me to post!

    Anyone know where I could get hard copies of the magik collection in NYC? I won't be back in Amsterdam for a while, and I'd rather not wait the year to get it on CD...

    I'd love your help on this one guys... smile.gif

    You can order them at www.black-hole.nl


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

  5. I was at Twilo and LimeLight... Kinda pissed off that I missed both meetups, but the music was too much for me to think of anything else... See you around next time!


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

    [This message has been edited by dzadza (edited 09-11-2000).]

  6. The line sux, but I think it's well worth it. Especially if you haven't seen PVD before... He's not playing here every week-end ya know...


    May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

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