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Everything posted by rose1722

  1. The following is an actual excerpt from Forbes' Magazine: A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo, and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole is maintained or even improved by the regular culling of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can operate only as fast as the slowest brain cells through which the electrical signals pass. Recent epidemiological studies have shown that while excessive intake of alcohol kills off brain cells, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. Thus, regular consumption of beer helps eliminate the weaker cells, constantly making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. The result of this in-depth study verifies and validates the causal link between all-weekend parties and job related performance. It also explains why, after a few short years of leaving a university and getting married, most professionals cannot keep up with the performance of the new graduates. Only those few that stick to the strict regimen of voracious alcoholic consumption can maintain the intellectual levels that they achieve during their college years. So, this is a call to arms. As our country is losing its technological edge, we must not shudder in our homes. Get back into the bars. Quaff that pint. Your company and country need you to be at your peak, and you shouldn't deny yourself the career that you could have. Take life by the bottle and be all that you can be. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The End~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Yep gotta luv us "humans" who always cover our flaws.. and try to make ourselves feel better =) Tomochan I hope I made some of u guys feel better =) have a great weekend~!
  2. gimme the time and place at Exit.. I'll be there with a big Tomochan
  3. Kodak moment =) =P Ah~ don't think about what may have happened to ya... just thank god. Cause I heard about people who were caught and god.... u really don't wanna know.... Tomochan
  4. positive outlook on ANYHTHING like.. cup is half FULL... partly SUNNY... will help u out =) That's what I think.... people need to be more optimistic~! Life would be even better and greater... Rather than saying "life sucks!!" like "duh~" learn from it and move on... WTF?? y am I talking about life now~? must be the medication I'm on =P ahh~ I'm out~!!!! PeAce~ Tomochan
  5. I would choose to be fooled rather than fool some1... I would rather give than to receive (ofcourse there's nothing wrong receiving =P) Is the cup half full.. or half empty? Is it partly sunny? or partly cloudy? Tomochan This is to prove how bored I am... and I am soo sick right now.... going out soon.... but...... sick.. =(
  6. B2B thanks~! <3 <3 I hate the wigs that LOOK SOOO fake.. but the ones I get they're great. I would luv to wear it to a club.. but it gets too hot... and start annoying me after awhile =) Tomochan
  7. alexz- damn u lucky~!! While rolling? haha... I would have been freaking out.. heart attack.. etc haha... Tomochan
  8. As some1 said already it's about how u look too.. I guess I look "innocent" so they don't pat me down hard or even look at my purse. My way is to... as soon as it's u're turn.. start pulling out what u have in u're pockets... like show them that u don't care if they look inside or not... like take the motive to show them what u got... "hey take it look =) I got nothing to hide" kinda attitude helps a lot. Since they don't wanna go through all u're stuff while there's people lined up behind ya I even open my cig pack for them so they can take a look inside... be nice and they'll be nice. Tomochan <3
  9. rose1722


    haha thanks.. just checking Tomochan
  10. TOP 10 SIGNS THAT YOU KNOW IT'S TIME TO JOIN E-MAILERS ANONYMOUS 10. You wake up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom, and check your email on the way back to bed. 9. Your firstborn is named dotcom. 8. You turn off your modem and are suddenly filled with a feeling of emptiness, as if you just pulled the plug on a loved one. 7. You spend half of a plane trip with you laptop in your lap...and your child in the overhead compartment. 6. You decide to stay in college for an additional year or two, just for the free Internet access. 5. You find yourself typing "com" after every period.com 4. You refer to going to the bathroom as downloading. 3. You move into a new home and decide to Netscape before you landscape. 2. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. DRUM ROLL PLEASE AND THE NO. 1 SIGN THAT YOU KNOW IT'S TIME TO JOIN E-MAILERS ANONYMOUS: 1. Immediately after reading this list, you email it to someone.
  11. yeah lets have a meet up... haha sorry I was suppose to go at the coat check last fri at 1am but I was occupied I think it'll be my last time going there in August so I wanna see what u guys look like.. and have a REAL conversation Tomochan
  12. If u're a girl it'll be okay. But they started to pat down even more after the incident at "twilo". I'm a girl and they pat me down at Exit. What surprised me was they even kinda ran their hands underneath my bra and stuff... They also started to check the inside of u're cig. pack too for GIRLS and they never done that b4. Oh wellz I always get my "shit" in there just fine If u're careful u won't get caught.. be clever haha... Tomochan
  13. Hey~ cool.. I'll be in Legas from 25-29th =) Staying at Luxor... Yeah BaBy~!!!! Is it 21 +?? Tomochan
  14. rose1722


    hey u know the stereotype where the guys r the ones who r tired after sex? just wanna go to sleep?? don't wanna cuddle..? (u know...) Well I feel like the guy cause I'm like that after sex.. and I'm a girl??? something wrong with mee? haha.. and my bf wants to cuddle.. come close... etc.. hmmm... I guess I'm weird Just wondering if any of u ladies experience this. Oh and I luv my bf to death and might I add.. a great lover Tomochan
  15. Exit tomorrow? or.... not? Tomochan
  16. Brandie - me 2. I trust my bf 100%... I just don't trust the "girls" that comes around... hmmmm... Tomochan
  17. Vj - One of my best friend is Indian. And she tells me about her customs and eveything. When she first told me about "arrange marriage" it shocked me. Anywayz she has so much respect for herself and others that it's unbelieveable. Haha maybe I should "hook" u guys up Tomochan
  18. One Word.. hmm ***FUNNY*** making others **SMILE** as much as I can <3 Tomochan
  19. Cholo u r a cutie~! <3 <3 I'm on the right. Tomochan
  20. I want a roommate in the city... If it's a reasonable amount of $ I wanna live there~! But hell.. it's expensive I'll be going to Hunter this fall so I don't wanna commute from Westchester!! WHat a pain.... Tomochan
  21. rose1722


    Oh the first time was OkAy... it hurt, but he was so gentle with me that I felt fine. It was just "okay" b/c I didn't really love him. It just "happened". Believe it or not I made love with him on our first date. I knew of him b/c my friend hooked us up.. and b4 we met we talked on the phone for hours.. and hours... and when we met he stayed over at my house that night. I don't think that was a "good" idea... but hey~ I'm with him now for 2 yrs... I would deifnately wait until the right person comes along.. any1 can f*ck.. but not every1 can WAIT. U'll be glad u waited when u meet the person u really like. Tomochan
  22. rose1722


    Yeah I definately agree with u guys. I was 16 when I lost my virginity with my bf. I'm 18 not and still with him =) He's 21 now and was experience b4 I met him. I'm just glad that he was my first cause I feel so pure to him. To all of u guys complaining about not having "sex" for 30hrs.. 11 dayz.. etc. Well I haven't had sex for a long time since my bf was sent to Korea (he's in the US Military) for a YEAR~! Well ofcourse he came back to the states 2 times. In March and in June for a little bit. Well he'll be back on August 17th cause the YEAR is finally over~! But he'll be stationed in Washington DC and I'll be here in NY for another yr and a half Haha at least he's in the states now right? ahh~ long distance relationship is real real hard but if there's love.... everything is alright =) Now how many of u guys can wait for a guy/gal for a yr? When u're young.. (I'm 18) It's real hard Tomochan
  23. haha I know that it's best to just get the SS# and birth certificate from my sis and go to DMV but I want one when I'm with her~ Gonna go to Las Vegas with my family and bf but can't get into the casino when I'm only 18. I'm sure the fake ID works cause my younger friend uses his all the time. Thanks a bunch for helping me =) Much appreciated <3 Tomochan
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