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Everything posted by themoo

  1. Trewguy you need some reading comprehension classes. EXAMPLE - do you know what that is? I'm no teen idol nor did I ever say that. I used teen idols as an example. Read before you type. I should expect that from you though. Do you understand the example?
  2. Are you kidding me?, It is just an example. Who the hell would want to be a teen idol? Imagine all those 13 year old girls screaming. That would be so annoying. I'm just trying to say that all the ball busting is not going to make or break me, so it doesn't bother me anymore. Most of the people on this board that have met me don't bust my balls anymore. EX: stacked and donkeyboy. They are cool guys. But as far as the teen idol goes, it is an example of people trying to bring someone down. Are you too stupid to realize that?
  3. I think I'll set up a boardwalk stand to sell them.. LOL Can you imagine the ball busting if it went on the wrong person? Geez it could be brutal.
  4. I thought the midget tossing thing was funny too. I think it takes a lot of balls to wear the shirt. You got to be crazy and/or really confident to wear a shirt like that. That is why you will see me wear the shirt. Here is a little lecture for my haters. A male teen idol emerges; all of the teenage females are in love with him. The average guys that usually hang out with the girls are jealous so they start saying "he's gay" or "he is really short in real life" or "he has a disease" they try desperately to destroy the image of the idol. The teenage girls don't believe what is said and don't seem to care, because they know what the boys motives are. The boys on the other hand, are trying desperately to make the girls think that the idol is not better than them but they don't succeed. The idol knows that these people exist, but he doesn't care because he knows that their numbers are insignificant to his success. On occasion, the idol will answer these haters, but he will only make them look stupid and will make the ladies love him more. Now do you understand how I feel about the haters on CP? You are insignificant to my success or failure, so keep your jealous remarks to yourselves because the people out there know what you are trying to do. They know the reason for your antics and comments and they also laugh at your insignificance. Most of all they laugh at your desperation. This is not aimed at anyone in particular. But if you fit the description, apply it to yourself. A smart ass reply won't do, because it will show that this is how you really feel and that you are one of those people.
  5. nina thats funny too. I'll consider it.
  6. That is funny.You guys should be obsessed with women rather than me. Unless of course, women aren't your thing. Bus, you should ban yourself from every club and go join priesthood where you can hide your obsession with me. GO BUY THE NEW NJGUIDO T SHIRT
  7. I know the feeling, damn shore house is like another car payment every month. We got the house directly behind Tempts. When someone gets thrown out the back door, they are in our back yard practically.
  8. Look at the madness at Deko on Saturday. Sergio you throw one hell of a party. http://www.njguido.com See the pics Click to see more pics See the pics
  9. HAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donkey go back to walking the seaside boardwalk at night. Celebs is my house and I don't DJ there every week. I DJ there a couple times a month or once a month. But it is much different from the original celebs and the music is great on saturday nights, ask someone who was there. Actually you should go and check it out on a night that you feel like not going to a big crazy club, it is a great place to get your drink on. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - d -doodie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I just said it had a good vibe, come on a saturday night, the music is different and the crowd is different than the weekday college crowd. I'm just talking about saturdays. I don't mean to be playing it up, I would just like everyone to see the dramatic change from the old celebs. And I should know, I dj'd there every saturday for 2 years. I spun the night before it burnt down. But don't get me wrong I am just trying to say that the place has a great relaxed feel (vibe). And Misk I agree when you say it is not a place to drive out of your way for. It is a great alternative to the big clubs for people in the area.
  11. Understandable, and I would agree but you have no idea what it looks like inside now. Double the size and a beautiful lounge area. Chairs are in form of musical notes. Saturday nights brings the underground crowd. During the week it is usually a college crowd but sat nights is another story. It's like all of the people that don't feel like getting all done up and just want to go somewhere local and hear good music and get the biggest, cheapest drinks around. I recommend you come out on a saturday to check it out. Your opinion will change. I went in to DJ and didn't even recognize the place, it is like night and day. In my right mind I would never critique a place until I experience it, so I say go check it out and then form your opinion.
  12. All I got to say was it was amazing. The place used to be a hole in the wall and now it is gorgeous and has a great underground vibe. Check it out next saturday.
  13. When's the bench a thon? Remember 200 a rep of 275, I wont even have to save for south beach
  14. foodidoo that spiderman sig is hysterical, what is that dance from?
  15. Oh and for those who seperated us from the rest....Thanks!! You know why we started and thats the important thing.
  16. Without getting too analytical, think about what you are complaining about. Sit back and realize that the internet is not run by geeks and nerds anymore. Ask yourself this, do you enjoy going on the sites regardless of the people who run them? They serve as good entertainment in an industry that needs an after effect such as web sites during the week. In a sense, these sites prolong the weekend. In saying this, I speak for NJGUIDO alone. If you believe we are geeks running this site than fine. But what most people don't understand is that NJGUIDO.com was started without the intention to become an internet monster. We were just looking for an easier way to share our weekend pics from our shore house with our friends. I was pretty into the industry before NJGUIDO. I was already hitting Tempts every Saturday and Sunday for 3 years. The rest of the world found us in about 1 month. What were we to do? Stop? Nah, we are now sharing that fun with the rest of NJ NY and the world. I respect your opinion and I wish the best of luck to the other sites. I just hope that for their own good, they realize that if it didn't come as a natural thing for them to do than it won't work. You have to love the scene and the people, the music and the lifestyle otherwise the people in the scene will pick you out as an outsider or someone taking advantage of what was natural to others. If this is the case you are in the wrong business, because believe me, to make enough to survive without becoming a sellout is very difficult. Here's advice, stay away from nudity and adult content because it will eventually repel your advertisors and you will eventually end up like any other adult site on the net. Then you will see that you were in it for the money all along. EHD crew are good guys, I don't know about the rest. EHD - DONT SELL ME OUT OF THE BELMAR PICS!!! LOL I GOT A GUY UP IN BELMAR THIS SUMMER SO NO CAMERA FIGHTS!!!!! LOL
  17. OK stacked, I want 200 a rep, lets make a date for next week and I'm there. Tell me what day so I can work my schedule around it and come take your money. If I'm nice I'll only do it once so I don't send you into the poor house.
  18. I'm calling you out, come up to Axiom and I'll be happy to do it. I just don't have the time to drive around, I'll be nice enough to only take 50 from you if you come to Axiom. Besides I did chest yesterday and did 275 4 times at the end of my workout. Thats after doing 3 sets of 245 6 times each. This is such a bunch of shit, you doubt me then you come see otherwise don't waste your time, I'm not coming to your gym. Like I said, I can care less what you think of me, so believe me, I am not going out of my way to prove anything. You wanna see, come to Axiom or have someone from up around here watch me at Axiom and report it back to you. Thats as easy as I am going to make it. And also, you can't just decide on a day and say come now, I do have a routine. I actually did chest yesterday and I am not going to give you guys any advantage. So let me make the call. Come to Axiom in Fairfield 6:30pm next tuesday and I will be happy to do 275 (easily) for you.
  19. Come to Axiom today and watch me do it. I am not going to drive to someones gym to prove myself to a bunch of people I can care less about. But on side of all of this, bus you are right, meathead is not the right word, juicemonkey is more like it. And I never pointed anyone in particular out, I was generalizing. And I am not going to come on here and tell you about all my ex girlfriends and how much ass I get, thats my business and I am too much of a man to brag about it. You wanna see me throw up 275 (kiddie weight) come to Axiom, Until then don't bother harassing me about a bench off because I can care less about proving myself to you. Now if you are all going to put up some real money, I might reconsider and i would be happy to take it from you. If this ever happens you will lose, I can't remember a time that I couldn't bench 275.
  20. Size or looks, I say whatever works. I'm happy.
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