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Everything posted by xtreme-1

  1. depending upon your income and rent you more then likely can get medicaid for free. youd be surprised who can qualify for it, and it cover a lot!!
  2. YOOOO what up kokster!! how you been holden up?
  3. I'm thinking about droppin in this sat at avalonn, anyone familiar with these guys? what style do they spin? and crowd do they draw?
  4. I havent seen any other reviews, Did anyone else go besides me? Cause the place was empty...relativley speaking. I havent seen him since moving back from SoBe, and the man was really on. however there were 2 20 minute sessions of just back beat it was weird but gave me a chance to take a breather. he mostly played new stuff with some loops of older well known stuff. he came on earlier then planned Which was great for us older folks who cant go on forever ( BTW it was my 30 b-day, thats 10 years fo clubbing officially lol) Anyway loved him great nite loking forward to JP
  5. I have been trying to locate some of the merchadise that was sold in the SF boutique. Hat, t-shirts, rings Etc. Anyone got anything? Any information would be greatly appreciated Sanks
  6. Ive reach 360 post I guess that means Ive come full circle lol ok bored at work
  7. I went to spirit last weekend for JP B-day Its the frist time ive seen him in a very long time, at least a year, Is it me or hes not looking to healthy, kinda bloated and drawn out. Im affraid its starting to catch up with him ( effects of abuse/usage) is it me am i being to paranoid concerned? My friends said they noticed the same change on new years as well. what do you think? I love JP, pinacle of it
  8. Anyone listen to/ heard of wsi radio station? Supposedly there a set every wednesday from 10-12 of house music. I would like to listen via internet anyone got some info. The DJ is Dim from posh, ice etc
  9. xtreme-1

    Attn: SOBETON

    Whats the Damage at the door?
  10. I am familiar with dans and Hamptons, i was looking for the other one its a summer only one that you pickup at the counter at Cp's or neptunes its basically only adds. maybe called summers or something.. not the club lol usually has a nice model on the cover etc..
  11. Anyone remeber the name of the newspaper that you pick up in the hamptons thats has all the add/listings of places to go like Cp's and boardy's Etc. They also have a website and I cant remeber it, its driving me crazy lol !!
  12. Hey long time, how ya been?
  13. Has anyone seen the Six Flags commercial with the crazy dancin old guy to " We Like to Party" Venga Boys?? That commercial Rocks!! BTW was a similiar post already done?
  14. jammies really? what about some lingerie? and for the guys?
  15. For a Monday night where's a good party-- looking for house/ progressive & or Trance or tech preferbly loungy atmosphere, models and bottels type what are your recomendations
  16. Ok what are your suggestions for guys to wear that will be good for SF's pajama party?
  17. I need some suggestions as to what to wear for Marco V, its easy for the girls, but since its a pajama party what you all suggest guys wear???? I Cant wait!!!!!!!!!
  18. most likely Ill be there, Im allso going to check out Delft lounge as well
  19. I had a great time even though it was "Freekin frezzin in here Mr Bigglesworth" It was nice to see some old peeps to remind me how long id been doing this for and why I stopped, but it was an absolute delight to meet some of the new peeps The Miami Cp meetup still takes the best one yet, I have faith that Kat can beet em tho it seemed that there were more Vipers or that i dindt recognize most of em.. i dunno
  20. OMG I always wondered the same Thing LOL!!! I really liked the guy, he was a Factory boy as well. lol So funny I thought i was the only one who wondered what happened to the last good DJ ( no offese Dim and B-Man) He used to do the Level 5 on KTU and tag it with " Right about now your Jetting into the City, Dropping bombs getiing ready to set the City of NY on fire" Im sucha nerd LOL
  21. This is guarenteed to be an awsome night I wasa regular at SPACE and this guys is incredible!!! anyone have info on what time he goes on? Guestlist info?? I hope he packs it out !!! Who's goin?
  22. There is soooo much snow here that they cant keep up with the snow plowing!! Spirit is supposed to open tonight, im not sure im going to that one. Hit up OG defnitly wont be let down, shit be happy its not 22 degrees!!!!!!!!
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