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Everything posted by e-tarded

  1. My sisters boyfriends, cousins roommates uncles roommate heard from a friend that he did sign a multi million dollar deal. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  2. Ok I guess that was mean of me, since it isnt aprils fools day. From what I have heard from my friends over in the UK its a hoax, that has been circling around a while for now. I know I am going to get flamed for this post. So Flame away, but it shows how gullible most people are. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  3. Are you sure, I got it from pretty good resources. I am getting ready to call up Gatecrasher now about it. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  4. I am emailing the production company and GateCrasher to see what the deal is. I got this from a friend of mine, so we shall soon see. If it is, it's going to be one hell of a party. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  5. December 31 (Sunday) – Chain Reaction by Orginproductions and Gatecrasher New York We invite you to the biggest millenium party, this event will be at a safe indoor location. Located in New York City. Capacity of 30,000 people!!!! Tickets will go on sale a month prior to the event date. Tickets will start at $35 and go upto $50. Ticket locations will be announced in Ocober. Phone lines and website will be ready in october. Look out for our flyers in October. Feel free to e-mail. In Area 1 we Have a super blooming trance line up!!!!!!!! Paul Oaknfold (NY), Paul Van Dyk (Germany), BT (UK), John Kelly (moonshine), Kimbill Collins (ICU Records), Sandra Collins (Trnceport 3), Christophore Lawrence (Moonshine,Hook, LA), and New York very own Micro (Moonshine). Area 2 brought to u By Gatecrasher Tall Paul (Gatecrasher), Pete Tong (Gatecrasher), Carl Cox (Moonshine), Westbam (Germany), Kenny Glasgow (Toronto), Messenger (Flip Side Records Austria), DJ CHRISTOS (hOLLAND), and a closing set by SASHA & DIGWEED (Gatecrasher UK) Area 3 We present Domestic DJ’s with Ultimate beats!!!!!! DJ DAN (Moonshine), Frankie Bones (Sonic), DJ Sneak (Chicago), Bad Boy Bill (Chicago), Donald Glaude (Funky TTT), Richard Humpty Vission (LA), and a closing set by the chicago house legend Derrick Carter (Chicago); Area 4 Ed Rush & Optical, Mix Master Mike, Q-Bert and more TBA ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  6. I like Jules also ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  7. You have more info on that ? ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  8. I wish I could raise the limits on my credit cards to get over to creamfields. They are all maxed out, and when I try to use my amex card the machine just laughs at me. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  9. Well at the Javits center on New Years Eve is Greek Orthodox Holiday Party. So if there was truth to it, it isnt going to be there. Madison Square Garden Radio City Christmas Spectacular and A Christmas Carol are going to be there. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 08-18-2000).]
  10. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. There is a massive amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain. As a result, many people are overweight, crave sugar and other carbohydrates, experience bouts of depression, get frequent headaches, and have vague muscle aches and pain. All of these maladies are correctable by raising brain serotonin levels. The primary therapeutic applications for 5-HTP are low serotonin states as listed in Table 1. Table 1. Conditions associated with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP Depression Obesity Carbohydrate craving Bulimia Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep apnea Migraine headaches Tension headaches Chronic daily headaches Premenstrual syndrome Fibromyalgia Although 5-HTP may be relatively new to the United States health food industry, it has been available through pharmacies for several years and has been intensely researched for the past three decades. It has been available in several European countries as a medicine since the 1970s. 2. What advantages does 5-HTP have over L-tryptophan? There are many advantages of 5-HTP over L-tryptophan. First of all, because it is one step closer to serotonin, 5-HTP is more effective than L-tryptophan. 5-HTP is also inherently safer. Although L-tryptophan is safe if properly prepared and free of the contaminants linked to severe allergic reaction known as eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS), L-tryptophan is still produced with the help of bacterial fermentation (a situation that lends itself to contamination). In contrast, 5-HTP is isolated from a natural source - a seed from an African plant (Griffonia simplicifolia). Also it takes about 5 hrs or so for the body to convert 5-htp for use. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 08-18-2000).]
  11. I guess I am the only one here who likes Pete Tong. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  12. No apologies needed. You were just expressing your opinion. Hey you might like some djs that I think are crap its all good. If we all liked the same dj it would be a little scary. :-) ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  13. Someone asked what is mdma, heres some info on it: Very long post. Thanks to the chemists, there are about a dozen different chemical nomenclatures for MDMA. Other chemicals have similar nomenclature difficulties, but since this is an MDMA I'm only going to be concerned with MDMA. The following is a fairly comprehensive list which includes DEA and Chemical Abstracts numerology for MDMA: MDMA MDM (older references) N-methyl-MDA 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine N,alpha-dimethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamine (Pre-1972, Chem Abs.) N,alpha-dimethyl-1,3-benzodioxole-5-ethanamide (Current, Chem Abs.) N,alpha-dimethyl-homopiperonylamine (Archaic, Chem Abs.) N-methyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-propanamine (occasionally) 2-methylamino-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-propane (uncommon) N-methyl-beta-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-isopropylamine (uncommon) N,alpha-dimethyl-beta-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-ethylamine (uncommon) Considering MDMA the prototype, then MDA tends to be more psychedelic with more of a tendency to induce visual hallucinations. MDA is also more 'speedy' with more jaw-clenching and other side-effects. MDA also takes about 1.5 times as long to hit and to come down off of as MDMA. MDE has a similar chronology to MDMA (perhaps shorter), but is somewhat more stoning than MDMA, but has equal or less side-effects as MDMA. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  14. Tilt, Carl Cox, Paul Van Dyk, Sasha, Judge Jules ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  15. Paul Van Dyk's style of playing is totally different then any of the GU cd's I have heard so far. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  16. I love most british comedies, I guess it goes with being english, I think they have something that american comedies dont have. League of Gentleman, I think is better then abfab, but they both have there moments. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  17. I wasnt bragging at all. I was just stating a simple fact. Also I am not into Boris's style, not to say he isnt a good DJ, so to answer your question of course I want a medal. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 08-16-2000).]
  18. My sisters boss, is Boris's girlfriend. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  19. B2B, my mother was born in england, my father in germany. I was born here, but we moved to england when I was about 6 months old and stayed till I was a bout 5 or 6 and then we moved back to the states. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  20. Good luck b2b, I couldnt get anything from anyone over in the UK. Hopefully you will have better luck then me. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  21. Was the pill actually heart shaped or stamped with a heart. If it was heart shaped then it was most likely speed. Its always good to know your dealer, and even better to have a test kit. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  22. For women: Applying lip gloss Basting the tuna Brushing the beaver Burying the knuckle Butterin' the muffin Checking my oil Checking the foxhole Checking the status of the I/O port Circling the knoll Cleaning my fur coat Cleaning your fingers Creamin' the pie Digging for my keys Digitating Doing my nails Doing something for my chapped lips Doing the Two Finger Slot Rumba Drinking from the fountain of youth (for us contortionists) Drooling Dusting the endtable Entering the ring of fire Fare un ditolino (Italian: to do a little finger) Finger blasting Finger fuck Finger pie Flicking the bean Flossing the cat Frigging Getting a stain out of my carpet Going Mining Gusset typing Hula-hooping Itching the ditch JocelynEldering Killing off Licking my lips (for us contortionists) Looking for Waldo & his dog (*** , spot, there you are!) Makin' waves for the man-in-the-boat Making soup Nulling the void Paddling the pink canoe Parting the red sea Petting Snoopy Playing solitare Playing The Silent Trombone Playing the beaver Pokin' the pucker Polishing the wedding ring Preheating the oven Producing whore moans (hormones, get it? ;^) Pussy poking Riding the waterslide Rolling the dough Rubbin' the nubbin Scratching the patch Secret vice Shooting hoops Shooting the rapids Slapping the Mackerel Snatching Soaking in Palmolive Spelunking Stiffening my upper lip Stirring it up Stoking the furnace Strumming the banjo Surfin' the channel Taking a dip The two fingered tango Tickling the taco Toggling the bit Unclogging the drain Visiting Niagra Falls Visiting your safety deposit box Whipping your nest Working in the garden -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for Men: A big date with Rosy Palms Adjusting your set Applying the hand brake Attacking the one-eyed purple-headed warrior Auditioning the finger puppets Auditioning your hand puppet Backstroke roulette Bashing the Bishop Bashing the candle Beating off Beating the balogna Beating the bed flute Beating the Bishop Beating the dummy Beating the old man Beating the pud Beating the stick Beating your meat Beef-stroke-it-off Being a virtuoso of the skin flute Being your own best friend Biffing off Bleed the weed Blowing the load Blowing your own horn Bludgeoning the beefsteak Bobbing your boloney Bopping Richard Bopping the bishop Bopping the bolgney Bopping the Bonzo Boxing the bald champ Boxing the clown Boxing the jesuit and getting cockroaches Boxing with Richard Buffin' the bishop Buffing the banana Buffing the rifle Buggering your hand Burping the baby Burping the worm Buttering the corn Caning the vandal Capturing the bishop Charming the snake Checking for testicular cancer Cheesing off Choking Kojak Choking the bald guy until he pukes Choking the chicken Choking the sheriff and waiting for the posse to come Churning your butter Clamping the pipe Cleaning your rifle Clearing the snorkel Climbin the tree Climbing Mount Baldy Clobbering the Kleenex Closet Frisbee Clubbing the clam Coating Prince William Sound with love oil Coming into your own Coming to grips with yourself Cooking the cream of cock Corralling the tadpoles Couch hockey for one Cranking the love pump Cranking the monkey Cranking the shank Crimping the wire Crowning the king Cuddlin' the Kielbasa Cuffing the carrot Dancing with Johnnie One-Eye Dating Miss Michigan (think geography) Dating Rosie Palm and her five sisters Decongesting the weasel Defrosting the fridge Diddling Digging for change Digitally oscillating one's penis Doin' The Solitary Rhumba Doing a hand job Doing battle with the Purple Helmeted Warrior of Love Doing handiwork Doing It Your Way Doing the five-knuckle shuffle Doing the human version of AUTOEXEC.BAT Doing the janitor thing Doing the knuckle shuffle on the ol' piss pump Doing the pork sword jiggle Doing the White Knuckler Doing your own thing Downing at the club (for members only) Draining the monster Draining the poisons from the building Driving the skin bus Dry humping the ottoman Dundering the devil-dolphin Electing the president Engaging in safe sex Escorting the one-eyed postal worker out of its denim cell Faxing Jimmy Dean Faxing the Pope Feeding the ducks Firing the flesh musket Firing the Surgeon General Fishing for zipper trout Fist fucking Fisting your mister Five-finger solo Five-knuckle-shuffle on the old piss pump Five on one Flick on over the thumb Flapping Takkie (South African) Flaying the Emperor Flicking the bic Flipping the Bishop Flogging the bishop Flogging the dog Flogging the dolphin Flogging the dong Flogging the frog Flogging the hog Flogging the log Flogging the mule Flogging the salami Flogging your dumber brother Flute solo Fly fishing Fondling the fig Freeing Willy Friggit Frosting the pastries Galloping the antelope Galloping the old lizard Genitalic stimulation via phallengetic motion Getting a date with Slick Mittens Getting a grip on things Getting a stiffy Getting chafed Getting off Getting the German soldier marching Getting the glue stick Getting to know yourself Getting your palm read by Mister Softee Getting your palm red Getting your pole varnished Giving it a tug Giving yourself a low five Glazing the donut Gluing the lady's eye's shut Going a couple of rounds with ol' josh Going blind Going on a date with Handrea and Palmela Going on a date with Rosey Palm and the five daughters Going on Peewee's little adventure Going the blow Grappling the gorilla Greasing the pipe Gripping the pencil Hacking the hog Han Solo Hand job Hand Shandy Handy work Hanging the old man Hard labor Having a ball Having a conversation with the one-eyed trouser snake Having a date with Fisty Palmer Having a date with Rosie Palm and her five sisters Having a ham shank Having a J. Arthur (British special, after J. Arthur Rank, it's rhyming slang) Having a one-night-stand with yourself Having a Sherman (British) Having a tug Having a tug-of-war with the cyclops Having an arm-wrestle with your one-eyed vessel Having dinner Having it off Having sex with someone you love Hitchhiking to heaven Hitchhiking underneath the big top Holding my own Holding the sausage hostage Honing the cone Hugging the hog Humping the hose Ironing some wrinkles Jack hammering Jacking off Jazzing yourself Jerkin' the gherkin Jerking Jamby Jerking off Jerking the turkey Jerking yanking daisy-chaining Jizzlobbing Juggling the coullions Just jerkin' it Kicking seamen Kicking your roommate out for five to ten minutes to "call your parents" Killing it Kneading my knockwurst. Knuckle shuffle on the ol' piss pump Knuckling the bone La veuve poignet (French) Launching the hand shuttle Looking for ticks Loping the mule Loves labors lost Loving the muppet Lubing the Tube Making a foreskin cone Making friends with Big Ed Making instant pudding Making the bald man puke Making the scene with the magazine Making vanilla jism shakes Making yourself at home Mangling the midget Manipulating the mango Manning the cockpit Manual labor Manual override Master bacon Meeting Mary Palm and her five sisters Meeting Rosie Hancock Meeting with Mother Thumb and her four daughters Milking one's self Milking the bull Milking the cow Milking the lizard Milking the moose Milking the weasel Minding my own business Molesting the mole Mounting a corporal and four Much goo about nothing My sex life! Nerking your throbber Oiling the glove Onan's Olympics Onanism One gun salute One man show One off the wrist Packing your palm Paddling the pickle Painting the ceiling Painting the pickle Painting the walls Palming the calm Peelin' some chiles Peeling the banana Peeling the carrot Performing a self-test Performing diagnostics on your ManTool Perling the oyster Petting the lizard Phoning the czar Pipping the pumpkin Playing a little five-on-one Playing a one-stringed guitar Playing in a one-man show Playing Peek-A-Boo With Mr. Johnson Playing peekaboo Playing pocket pinball Playing pocket pool Playing tag with the pink torpedo Playing the flesh flute Playing the one-stringed melody Playing the skin flute Playing tug-o-war with the cyclops Playing Uno Playing with the spitting llama Playing with your turtle (for uncircumcised guys?) Pleasing your pisser Plunking your twanger Pocket pinball Pocket pool Pole vaulting Polishing Percy in your palm Polishing the beak Polishing the family jewels Polishing the helmet Polishing the rocket Polishing the sword Popping a nut Popping the cork Pounding off Pounding the bald-headed moose Pounding the pud Pounding your flounder Preparing the carrot Priming the pump Pud wrestling Pulling off Pulling rank Pulling the bologna pony Pulling the carrot Pulling the Colonel Sanders Heimleich Manuever Pulling the cord Pulling the five-knuckle shuffle Pulling the goalie Pulling the handbrake Pulling the pole Pulling the Pope Pulling the weed Pulling the wire Pulling your goalie Pulling your own leg Pulling your prick Pulling your pud Pulling your taffy Pummeling the priest Pumping cream Pumping the electric goo gun Pumping the gas at the self-service island Pumping the python Pumping the stump Punchin' the munchkin Punching the clown Punching the munchin Punishing Percy in the palm Punishing the Pope Qualifying in the testicular time trial Raising the mainsail Ramming the ham Rapid one arm pull-ups Reading poetry Relieving tension Riding the great white knuckler Rolling your own Romancing the bone Romeo and Himself Roping the pony Roping the Pope Roughing up the suspect Rubbing off Rubbing one out Rubbing the magic one-eyed wonder weasel Rubbing the pink eraser Rubbing the rod Running off a batch by hand Running the cheeta Sacrificing sperm to the god of lonely nights Safest sex Sanding wood Saying a private prayer in the Church of the First Holy Monkey Schnauzer Shuffleboard Scouring the tower of power Scraping your horn Scratchin the itch Se branler (French) Se crosser (French) Se faire les cinq doigts de la main (French) Se passer un poignet (French) Secret handshake Self abuse Self-induced penile regurgitation Self-inflicted intercourse Sex with someone you really love Shagging Shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln Shaking hands with Jack McNasty Shaking hands with Mr. Happy Shaking Hands with Mr. President Shaking hands with the general Shaking hands with the midget Shaking hands with the unemployed Shaking hands with the wife's best friend Shaking hands with your John Thomas Shaking hands with your wife's best friend Shaking hands with Yul Brenner Shaking the bottle Shaking the dice Shaking the hand of the self-employed Shaking the sauce Shaking the sausage Shaking the snake Shanking Shellacking the shellaleigh Shemping the hog Shifting gears Shining the helmet Shining the pork sword Shining your pole Shoot skeet (pull...shoot) Shooting flies Shooting for the moon Shooting putty at the moon Shooting tadpoles at the moon (from the movie "Totally Fucked up) Shooting your wad Shuck The Corn Shucking your corn Slaking the bacon Slamming the ham Slamming the hammer Slamming the salami Slamming the salmon Slamming the spam Slapping the big-nosed Rasta man Slappin the purple headed yogurt pistol Slapping high fives with Yul Brynner Slapping it Slapping pappy Slapping the carrot Slapping the clown Slapping the donkey Slapping the FleshGopher Slapping the pud Slapping the salami Slinging the jelly Smacking the oompa loompa Smacking the salami Smacking the weasel Smacking-off Snapping one off Snapping the carrot Snapping the monkey Snapping the rubber Snapping the whip Solo flight Solo marathon Solo sex Spanking Cheetah Spanking Elvis Spanking Frank Spanking the bishop Spanking the monkey Spanking the salami Spanking the wank Spit-polishing the purple helmet Spunking Squeezing the cheese Squeezing the cream from the flesh Twinkie Squeezing the juice Squeezing the lemon Squeezing the weasel Squeezing your cheese-dog Stinky pinky Stirring the batter Stirring the yogurt Strainin' the main vein Strangling the Serpent Striking the pink match Stroking it Stroking off Stroking the dog Stroking the lizard Stroking the mole Stroking the one-eyed burping gecko Stroking the satin-headed serpent Stroking the squirmin' German Stroking the wiener Stroking your poker Stroking your twinkie Taking a nap Taking a shake break Taking Herman to the circus Taking matters into your own hands Taking ol' one eye through the fly Taking part in population control Taking some time off Taking the Jocelyn Elders Midterm Taking the monster for a one-armed ride Talking quietly to yourself Taming the shrew Taunting the one-eyed weasel Teasing the weasel Teasing the weenie Tenderizing the meat Tenderizing the tube steak Testicular tensile strength test Testing the testicles Testing your batteries That crazy hand jive The art of Unisex The Colonel Sanders Heimleich Maneuver The five knuckle shuffle on the old piss pipe The serta solo Thrapping Throwing Throwing one Thumping the pump Ticklewigglejigglepickle Tickling my fancy Tickling the ivory Tickling the one-eyed weasel Tickling the pickle Tonking Torkin' the fork Torturing the tentacle Tossing off Tossing the salad Tossing the snag Tossing the turkey Tossing yogurt Treating yourself right Trouser snake CPR Tugging the slug Tugging the tapioca tube Tuning my horn Turning Japanese Twanging the wire Tweaking your twinkie Twisting your crank Twisting your tool Unloadinging the gun Using the Force on Darth Vader Varnishing the flagpole Violating the hedge-hog Visiting Rosy Palm and her five daughters Wacking off Wacking the one-eyed worm Wacking the weasel Wacking the willie Waking the dead Waking Wee Willie Wonka Walking the dog Walking the plank Walking the snake Waltzing with Willy Wanking Wanking with the one-eyed wonder weasel Washing the meat Waving the Magic Wand Waxing the car Waxing the carrot Waxing the dolphin Waxing your surfboard Whackin the weasel Whacking it Whacking off Whacking Willy Whipping off Whipping the bishop Whipping the dummy Whipping the one-eyed trouser snake Whipping the rat Whipping the stiff Whipping the wire Whipping up some sour cream Whipping willy the one-eyed wonder-worm Whipping your dripper White-water wristing Whittling the stick Whizzing jism Windsurfing on Mount Baldy Wonking your conker Wonking your donk Workin' out a stiff joint Working off Working off a batch Wrestling the eel Wrestling the one-eyed monster Wrestling the purple headed warrior Wrestling with the bald champ Wringing out your rope Wrist aerobics Yanking off Yanking the crank Yanking the yoyo Yanking your plank ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  23. GHB Health Concerns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Every individual reacts differently to every substance. * Be mindful at every step. * Know your body. Know your mind. Know your source. When taken occasionally as a prescribed sleep aid, GHB is a fairly mild, low toxicity chemical. When taken as a recreational intoxicant, it can be very dangerous. Accidental ingestions, accidental overdoses, idiosyncratic reactions, and mixing GHB with other depressants can lead to vomiting, convulsions, unconsciousness ("GHB coma"), serious hangovers, and sometimes death. Regular use of GHB or equivalents can cause marked physical addiction. With 4-6 uses per week (single dose per use) at 'normal' dosages, people report finding that they need to increase their dose somewhat to get the same level of intoxication and many also report that they often feel like they need a little GHB to feel normal. With very heavy use (one or more doses per day), many people report very serious physical addiction. Stopping cold turkey results in anxiety, inability to sleep, feeling like the heart is arrhythmic (irregular), and often very unpleasant and potentially dangerous effects. Many heavy users report being able to taper off their use to zero by reducing their intake slowly over 2-3 weeks. When taken infrequently with carefully measured doses and no chance of accidental Overdose (this is nearly impossible to guarantee), many people find GHB to be a pleasant alcohol replacement. Unfortunately because its often kept as a clear liquid and even in drinking-water bottles, accidental ingestions are somewhat common. Also, because GHB is generally available as a liquid, it is impossible to know the concentration and thus accidental Overdoses are also common. GHB's effects last only a few hours during which it metabolizes into CO2 and H2O leaving no toxic metabolites [Vickers, 1969, Laborit, 1972]. GHB can no longer be detected in urine 4-5 hours after taken by injection [Laborit, 1964]. But its likely that it is detectable for 10-20 hours when taken orally. As a sleep aid, GHB induces sleep. The sleep induced by normal doses of GHB is fairly safe when it has not been mixed with other chemicals, but be aware that it's hard to convince anyone of this if you fall asleep in public and are unable to be awakened. Bar owners, police, and emergency personel need to be educated about the effects of GHB in order to reduce the problems caused by misinformation. GHB by itself can be fatal. MEDICAL USES : Treatment of Insomnia Treatment of Sleep Disorders (narcolepsy) Treatment of Alcoholism WARNINGS : Be safe...avoid mixing GHB with alcohol. GHB can be dangerous when used improperly or when mixed with other depressants. Combining a normal GHB dose with alcohol can trigger the overdose reaction of temporarily unrouseable sleep. GHB has been associated with 60 deaths in the US, according to the DEA, though most have involved other drugs (most commonly, alcohol) or high doses. GHB may dangerously depress breathing in some people, at very high doses, or in combination with other drugs (primarily alcohol). GHB can also cause vomiting in combination with unconsciousness, which can be a fatal combination. It has also been known to cause breathing similar to Cheynes-Stokes Breathing. GHB has been associated with 60 deaths in the US as of Jan 2000, according to the DEA, though only ~20 have been confirmed as GHB-only deaths. Be extremely careful with your GHB dose. Just as you don't want to drink 4x the amount of alcohol needed to get you intoxicated, you don't want to ingest more than a single dose of GHB. As with other substances, start low and work up slowly to find your own, individual level. If you take a double dose of GHB you may FALL UNCONSCIOUS and be UNROUSEABLE for up to 4 or 5 hours. If you take 3 - 4 times your Personal Threshold Dose, you may find yourself Unconscious and Vomiting. If you take more than 3-4 times your PTD, there is risk of death. If you take GHB, make sure your friends know about its sleep inducing characteristics. One of the most common dangers of a mild GHB overdose is being taken to a hospital and treated as if you have OD'd on a depressant. This include stomach pumps, breathing tubes and IV's, not to mention huge hospital bills. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  24. Well then dont do it, its that simple if you are worried bout the consequences. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  25. Yeah you can say that again. I lost my job back in July, damn internet startups. So I guess you could say I have too much time on my hands. Yeah I do ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
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