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Everything posted by e-tarded

  1. ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ As the Christians of the earth believe in the final judgment of mankind, so do I believe in the Judgment Day of the underground. I believe there will come a day when each and every raver of the earth shall face their judgment. Before entering the Golden Gates of Euphoria, each and every raver shall fall to their knees in fear and awe of the uniting Force that is Music. And the Music will ask... My child did you know me? Or did you mockingly recite my lyrics? And the Music will ask... My child did you dance? Or were you still as if heavy stones were in your shoes and thus not grooving? And the Music will ask... My child were you faithful? Or were you easily swayed into the mainstream river of sin? And the Music will ask... My Child did you support your DJ's whom I sent to show you the way? Or did you bash their playing with an unclean tongue? And the Music will ask... My child did your heart pound to my beat? Or was it slowed by the hate that taints the scene? And the Music will ask... My child did you use the drugs to uplift me? Or did you abuse them to the point where you were motionless? And lastly my child, did you love your family as if by blood? Or did you drown in the drama and cause hurt to your scene? And the raver shall answer all of the above honestly, for the music knows the truth. And if the answers are the good of the two the golden gates will open and the eyes will be delighted at the sight of an enormous city with not walls made of stone but towering speakers larger than mountains encrusted with gold and rubies and emeralds, and pounding with a number of watts unthinkable to man. And the dance floors are so inviting as they are made of pearl and call to your feet, and the sound is crystal clear as it never stops. This party never ends as its attendants never grow tired, and their thirsts are quenched by a cold sparkling river who's water runs free and untainted, and the glowsticks never die as the night sky is always dark with thousands of silver stars and no sun will rise to cancel it in all it's glory. And the DJs all wear halos as they bring the music which brings the vibe that fills each raver with peace and love and respect for one another, for those are the elements that make this party eternal. And all those who fall short of the glory of the music will be sentenced to the world where the music will no longer be heard and the people will no longer dance. ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  2. www.passyourdrugtest.com ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  3. I like Strings, but dislike Exit ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  4. definitely not a super model, I would want someone intelligent, funny, outgoing, and of course pretty. I cant think of any names tho. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  5. Acid or Soundforge, are both really good programs. Cakewalk I think is the best but a little bit of a pain to learn. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  6. Hello ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  7. Theres nothing to make fun of you about. Like everyone else said, another beautiful person added to the board. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  8. I used to be a VP of Marketing for an Internet company. Until they decided they didnt need or couldnt afford one. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  9. Try www.dancesafe.org or www.pillreports.com . I also think its a good idea to keep a pill book at home, since so many people like to sell fake pills. I know my book has saved many a friends from hospital trips or even worse. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  10. I said if the first one did, it doesnt always, but serotonin is depleted by the use of mdma, and if you notice after a while a certain amount of pills begins to do nothing. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  11. I would show up at 11pm. Thats the time I usually show up there. It starts to get crowded around 12 - 1. Then again at 5 everyone starts to clear out when the djs really start to get good. So if you have the stamina go early stay late. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 08-14-2000).]
  12. well i am 23, but i still feel alot younger then most of the people on here, except for a few. then again age is just a number. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  13. goto http://www.pillreports.com ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  14. MDMA doesnt produce visuals, mda does.. The differences from MDMA are striking: MDA is more hallucinogenic with noticeable closed eye imagery, is a much greater aesthetic enhancer, especially of people and of music; is more euphoric; more "drug-like", a heavier and more obviously body-involved trip. Tactile sensation is more powerful, erotic and noticeable on MDA. Physical effects are more up-front: gastric upset, pupil dilation, water retention, limbic arousal. On the whole, MDA is a more enjoyable and interesting trip; longer lasting and more sexual/sensual. One favorite characteristic is that one retains an interesting psychedelic ideation on MDA, rather then the feeling-oriented, but rather idealess thinking of MDMA. One last thing mda is synthesized in almost the exact same method as mdma. MDA is a few steps short from MDMA ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 08-12-2000).]
  15. Onset 1-2.5 hours Coming Up 5-30 minutes Plateau 5-7 hours Coming Down 1-2 hours After Effects 1-2 hours POSITIVE sense of well-being (enhanced lucidity, sense of inner peace) emotional opening significant closed and open eye visuals increased appreciation of music NEUTRAL general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives) pupil dilation change in perception of time visual hallucinations aural hallucinations NEGATIVE nausea and vomiting muscle tension irritating body load memory loss at higher doses delerium at higher doses (potentially dangerous) 2C-T-7 is a phenethylamine somewhat similar in effects to 2C-B. It is generally available as powder, though it has in the past been available in tablet form. Some people appear to be significantly more sensitive to 2C-T-7 than others. Be careful with starting doses if you don't know your sensitivity. It is generally taken orally. Oral 2C-T-7 Dosage Threshold ~5 mg Light 10-20 mg Common 15-30 mg Strong 20 - 50 mg Heavy 40 - 60 mg ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  16. MDMA Neuropharmacology MDMA is primarily a seritonergic (5-HTergic) drug. Serotonin (5-hydroxytrytamine, 5-HT) is one of the major neurotransmitters in the brain, and is synthesized from tryptophan through the intermediate 5-hydroxytryptophan. It is synthesized in 5-HT neurons, and stored in synaptic vesicles. These vesicles release their 5-HT into the synaptic cleft in response to the firing of the 5-HT neurons. In the synaptic cleft the 5-HT neurotransmitter excerts its action on both pre- and post- synaptic receptor sites (sites on the 5-HT neuron itself, and on the neuron which it is communicating with.) 5-HT is then taken back into the 5-HT neuron via the synaptic membrane 5-HT transporter (aka "reuptake pump"), where it is again stored in the synaptic vesicles. 5-HT is metabolized primarily by monoamine oxidase (MAO) into 5-hydroxyindileacetic acid (5-HIAA). Serotonin is thought to be responsible for many psychological (and physiological) states including mood and sleep. It has been particularly associated with major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, and drugs to treat these disorders tend to effect 5-HT (although things are not quite clear-cut). MDMA blocks the reuptake of 5-HT, similarly to SSRI (serotonin specific reuptake inhibiting) anti-depressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline, and paroxetine. Unlike those drugs, however, MDMA appears to enter the neuron, either through passive diffusion or directly through the reuptake transporter, and causes the release of 5-HT. This release is calcium-independent (i.e. independent of the firing of the 5-HT neuron) and appears to come from cytoplasmic stores rather than from synaptic vesicles. The released 5-HT then enters the synaptic cleft through the 5-HT transporter. MDMA thus acts on 5-HT similarly to the way amphetamines act on dopamine. It is thought that this efflux of 5-HT into the synaptic cleft, and the subsequent action of this 5-HT on pre- and post- synaptic binding sites is central to MDMA's neuropharmacology. MDMA, however, ha ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  17. Tunnel saturday nights isnt that Kurfew ? I think most of the clubs saturday nights is mainly gay/lesbian, but there is always a good mix and the vibe is always great. If you are a homophobe though I dont know what to tell you. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  18. Yep Thats For An Angel ( E-Werx ReMix ) ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  19. The three eyed turtle :-) anyone else know what that one is ? ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  20. I dont know there is way to many, There are however a few good ones from the karma sutra, but damn you both need to be flexible. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  21. The energy you get from the crowd is better then any fucking drug out there. I have seen djs play 7hrs one set and then play half way across the country the next day. Yes I flew over to CA to see him again. Theres nothing better then seeing a crowd whipped up into a frenzy and dancing their asses off. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  22. Twilo, Timo Maas and Deep Dish are both excellent. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  23. I know I do ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  24. It sucks that someone lost there life, but we all take risks when we decide to do drugs. We know we can go out one night and never come home. If you dont realize that then you shouldnt being doing drugs in the first place. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  25. From what I have heard they arent releasing any info, till the last week before the tour starts. They know that they will build up a bigger reaction by doing this, and will have people in a frenzy. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
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