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Everything posted by e-tarded

  1. First of all, both SSRI's (Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors )(This includes Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and the like, and no, there really isn't any difference between them for our purposes here) and Ecstasy both have affinity (Meaning they will interact with and affect) the brain's seratonin reuptake transporters. Seratonin has an extremely important role in brain chemistry, as we all know, and regulates all sorts of things. SSRI's work by stopping the seratonin reuptake in the brain. The idea is for those that are depressed is that by reducing the amount of seratonin reabsorbed back into one's neurochemical system (and thereby increasing the amount of seratonin present), an increased amount of seratonin will help people feel better (With the help of therapy, of course. Very rarely will SSRI's work without the will and help of both the user and his/her doctor.) Okay, now for the role of Ecstasy. Ecstasy works by flooding the synapse in the brain with seratonin. (again, as we all know.) Because Ecstasy uses the actual reputake transporter mechanism to cause serotonin release, obviously any sort of chemical (Like an SSRI) blocking that mechanism (Which SSRI's do,) with a higher affinity for it (Like Ecstasy) will severely reduce or completely eliminate the affects of the Ecstasy. Ecstasy (beyond the threshold dose of ~40-60mg) without the presence of SSRI's generally drains a large amount of the brain's seratonin for 12-24 hours, and the brain has generally not reached full seratonin levels for up to a week afterwards. SSRI's "downregulate" (inhibit the efficiency & the ability) of seratonin reuptake transporters. This means SSRI's affect your brain's seratonin system in a negative way as well as a positive way; the idea is that the positive effects outweigh the negative i.e. higher seratonin levels outweight the fact that your brain isn't using it as efficiently. Basically this means that even for MONTHS after one quits taking an SSRI, the brain is less efficient at using seratonin. Those who go off SSRI's and take E, even MONTHS later, will most likely have a REDUCED roll, regardless of the amount of E you take. Essentially, your brain's maximum of seratonin concentration (what makes rolling feel good) goes DOWN. So taking more only excacerbates the OTHER affects, like the dopaminergic (feeling speedy)and side-effects (like jaw-clenching). Because SSRI's (prescribed for depression, as opposed to premature ejaculation, for example, because, yes, SSRI's almost always reduce ability to reach orgasm) are prescribed to help people assumed to have seratonin imbalances, most people on SSRI's (prescribed for depression) DO HAVE some sort of seratonin imbalance, tapering one's SSRI's (regardless of the time period, from cold turkey to a month or so) to do Ecstasy is A VERY DANGEROUS THING. It will often lead to an incredible low of depression. I'm talking absolute hell. I'm NOT trying to be anti at all, but I am speaking from my experience and the experience of many people I've talked with. It's just so dangerous for those predisposed to clinical depression (I'm not talking about being sad because your dog got hit by a car, I'm talking diagnosed by a doctor), and those predisposed or suffering clinical depression are often on SSRI's. Quick Summary: 1. SSRI's (all of 'em) inhibit or prevent rolling 2. Those taking SSRI's for depression generally have seratonin imbalance issues 3. Taking E really fucks up your seratonin for a while. 4. For many, this isn't a problem 5. BUT, for those on SSRI's, it may very well be a VERY serious problem. 6. Rolling after being on SSRI's for any significant amount of time will most likely be reduced. 7. Think AT LEAST twice about it Some warning signs you may be more likely to have a problem when you take E after being on SSRI's (collected from experience) 1. After missing doses (1 day-several days-week-whenever) you go through a withdrawal (i.e. nauseau, "brain bounce"->electro-shock sensations in your head when you move suddenly, or vertigo->feeling like you don't have balance or are "falling up" or sideways. 2. You were/are on a relatively high dose of your med 3. You were/are prone to anxiety attacks associated with your depression ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  2. Recently...a postmortum study of a brain of am MDMA user showed 50%-80% decrease in 5HT markers....but "he" was a polydrug user.... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=10908909&dopt=Abstract "The authors found that striatal levels of serotonin and those of its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were severely depleted by 50 to 80% in brain of a chronic user of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) whereas concentrations of dopamine were within the normal control range. Our data suggest that MDMA exposure in the human can cause decreased tissue stores of serotonin and therefore some of the behavioral effects of this drug of abuse could be caused by massive release and depletion of brain serotonin". ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-14-2000).]
  3. I dont have any problems. Well actually the only problem I have is I can't reach an orgasm. Then again I guess that isnt a problem. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  4. Please Let Us Rave, Peace Love Unity Respect, Peace Love Unity Respect and Responsibility ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  5. Well if it's any consolation I like the cat also. He's cute doesn't look like every other single cat. . ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  6. Came home at like 2 in the morning I was fifteen years old at the time, and i decided to go watch tv, while i was rolling. so i am sitting there in front of the tv thinking it is on. when my mom comes in and asks whats so funny. i was like saturday night live is on. she goes to me the tv is off. i was like no its not, mom go back to bed. i realized when she said that that is was actually off. i am so glad i didnt get grounded ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  7. It is possible to roll the next day, but it wont be as nice as the night before. most of your serotonin will be depleted, and 5-HTP isnt going to help you really enough. Also by doing this you build up a tolerance to mdma. it takes anywhere from a wk to 2 wks for the serotonin to be completely replenished ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  8. MDA lasts about 12 hrs, and produces audio/visual hallucinations. the loved up feeling is not as powerful. its the trippier of the 3. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-13-2000).]
  9. Good Luck trying it at Twilo, they laughed at my friend went he got to the door. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  10. I went to Brookdale in Lincroft NY, Then went to school overseas. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  11. raver first then clubber ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  12. mexico they have 2 and the candian border they have one ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  13. Yeah sure why not you get a star. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  14. Actually it is B6 that helps with the whole process of converting 5-HTP to serotonin, Niacin helps with absorbtion. You were pretty close. Vitamin C is though to help protect against neurotoxicity. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  15. It's pretty safe to carry it, since there are only 3 drug sniffing dogs that can detect ecstasy in the US. Just mix them with a bottle of aspirin, and put the aspirin in your carry on bag. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  16. You just have to try them all, since its always changing. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  17. I have a few gigs of storage on a dedicated server, if you need the space. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  18. I hate twilo, but I have never had a bad time. I love the music and the people there. I would rather party with 18 yr old asians then you anytime. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-10-2000).]
  19. If there was such a test, the cost of it would far outway the use of it. MDMA is detectable in the urine for up too 72hrs. After that the only way to detect it any longer is through a hair sample ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  20. I would consider what they play to be hard progressive trance. All I can say it was definitely worth missing PVD to goto GateCrasher. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-10-2000).]
  21. That was Junglist914 who got that shit, alot of people got prank called. It was for the bluelight whistle meetup ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  22. Info for those who don't know and are wondering some more. Nevertheless, the idea that certain antidepressants may defend against ecstasy's toxic effects is gaining some credibility with scientists and ravers alike. The theory goes something like this: Ecstasy launches serotonin from special storage cells known as axons. As a result, a tidal wave of chemicals washes over your brain. You feel very, very good. After a while, these feelings start to fade, which means that your axons have probably pumped out all the serotonin that they can. "From a logical point of view, that would be the point when the toxic insult might occur," says Nichols. With all the serotonin dumped out, the axons are now vulnerable to trouble. Receptors on the cell try to vacuum up the happy-go-lucky chemicals, but in doing so, they may also suck in toxic substances -- either from the ecstasy itself or other brain chemicals like dopamine. The effort involved in pumping these toxins into the axon generates oxygen-free radicals that might damage the cells for good. Prozac, Zoloft or another SSRI can cover the receptor like a blanket, blocking these dangerous substances until they dissipate. Salon.Com Article ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-09-2000).]
  23. A MAO Inhibitor ("MAO" is pronounced like "cow") is a type of prescription antidepressant. Some of the more common ones include Nardil, Parnate and Marplan. These drugs are very dangerous to combine with MDMA and can result in a potentially fatal condition known as "serotonin syndrome." A number of people have died after consuming Ecstasy while currently taking a prescription MAO Inhibitor. If you are currently taking a MOA Inhibitor you would probably know (MAO Inhibitors are usually prescribed for depression that also has accompanying anxiety). If for any reason you are unsure, find out before you decide to take ecstasy. If you know you are taking a MAO Inhibitor and you want to take ecstasy at some point, you should quit the MAO Inhibitor for at least two weeks prior to the ecstasy. Note: MAO Inhibitors are different from SSRIs.. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft do not interact dangerously with MDMA. However, MDMA use may interfere with the effectiveness of SSRI medications. [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-09-2000).]
  24. They have to make up the money they lose on alcohol some how. Since they know so many people are on drugs and will only be buying water, also some people dont drink at all. They need to make up the money they use for improvements somehow. Plus we all know for most clubs it's a money game. Then you have to pay staff, the djs and everything else. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  25. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-09-2000).]
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