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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. how rude...!!! like you didn't love it.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  2. what's with the "tommy" this and "tommy" that?? is that your name? never could figure that out.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  3. call me!! whenever! *boink* ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  4. should we leave the freakiness home too?? ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  5. every day, dude!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  6. i've decided it would be in my best interest to plead the fifth! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  7. them's no rumors.....the wine made me do it.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  8. ha ha!! all i know is i was coooooked!! well done, fried!!! i love that place! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  9. no, sorry, t'was not me!!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  10. but roxy was always so dressy.....how can one dance all night in high heels??? ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  11. holy good god....i actually saw that on that website...ha ha, we were sooooo gonzo by that point.... where's RISA06??? look, there's gary!! i'm cracking up..... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  12. these are the most recent i have...taken in miami, wmc.....i'm in green ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  13. well that may be true for most girls...and some guys but i don't want kids...this i know for sure, so that's not the problem here....i'm just screwed up in the head... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  14. well i think it's funny too...maybe it's a european thing?? we must have a diff. sense of humor! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  15. you only just figured that out??? ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  16. me, thirty something and single....and always freaking out when i meet someone who shows a teeny bit of interest in me....on one hand i want the relationship then on the other i don't...it's much easier when you're twenty something...... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  17. ugh, gimme a break!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  18. ok, i can understand that but i'm not so anal and i'm not a big fan of back yard bbq anyway so this thing rules as far as i'm concerned. i just finished eating my london broil and it was deeeelicious...!! it beats frying shit in a pan...!! yay, i will fully support the george foreman grill...!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  19. i'm quite the asshole...i never realized this little grill could make a steak or chicken like an actual grill....until my roomie told me...so i went out and bought a blue one to match the kitchen and tonight i'm grilling with my new lean mean grilling machined! it only cost me twenty bucks too! gotta love a george foreman bargain...now if only he could hook me up with a cheap meineke muffler.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  20. ha ha, dis be know as de "booze bruise"....i get 'em all the time, surprise surprise....get ready to add some more to your collection this weekend.... ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  21. aw, thanks guys...she was the best, she really was and it just from the turn-out at the service today i can see she touched many many people. i know everyone deals with situations such as this...i happen to have been very fortunate so far and i haven't felt a lot of losses as i know many of you have but this woman was amazing. everything about her was positive and i know she'll be missed by many. it's better that she's finally at rest now...i'm lucky i got to know her for the time i did and i'll never ever forget her! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  22. a woman i used to work with passed away on sunday from cancer. she was in her early 40's and left behind a husband, 14 year old son, mother, five sisters and more friends than you can count. i only had the privilege of knowing her for a year. when she came to work for our surgery center she was doing ok (she'd had a brain tumor removed and had battled the cancer for a couple of years at this point but was given a clean bill of health to go back to work...) she was one of the most positive people i've ever had the pleasure of knowing and she taught me (unknowingly) that i really have nothing to complain about in life b/c she fought this disease tooth and nail without ever a complaint. i won't forget the day she told me the cancer was back, this time in her lungs....later she found out she had another tumor in her brain and then eventually it spread to her bones....i just want to say that i loved her even though i only knew her for a year. she was truly one of the most loving, kind, selfless people i've ever met. tonight i went to her wake and tomorrow i'll attend her cremation. i just want to say that i'll never forget her as long as i live and i'd give anything to have her here with us. life is soooo unfair sometimes. it's always the good ones that get taken from us and i just don't get it. i really don't.....but at least i can say she taught me how to be a better person. thank you, theresa. ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  23. ha ha ha....cats...who said tuna??? where's risa06 and littled??? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! TUNA!! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  24. my roommate may but she's in bed right now...i just e-mailed her and i'll let ya know! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
  25. love da wine...never leave home without it...ha ha! actually i hate white zin but love everything else! ------------------ Boink like a bunny! uknj@aol.com
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