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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. there's no catch,,,,,how big is dong?? i mean dog? bong, dog, dong, ha ha....we live on south st. right next to king's supermarket so if we ever get snowed in we can still buy food and alcohol.... well i guess the only catch is that you clean up your dishes eventually (meaning don't leave them for four weeks to grow mold)...... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  2. yep, i like these too.....and boys named eggmok ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  3. uh-oh, now your PooHper is gonna git it!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  4. cuz i'm in a grabby mood todayyyy!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  5. i've reserved a spot for you at Betty Ford for when you're "ready"........ signed faithful ho (used my, um, earnings for a deposit) ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  6. it makes you wonder doesn't it??? um, is that a vw they treated that way??? sacrilege..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  7. there's bologna in uranus???? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  8. a good goddess will display her cameltoe with pride, don't forget!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  9. i hope you did all the driving after that incident!! ok, what's a flowbee?? it's one of those items sold on tv....advertised with an informercial about 2hours long.....it's an attachment you use on your vacuum cleaner to cut your hair.......you know i'm all for these gadgets (remember my fondness of the autohammer) but i don't want some freaky-ass guy whipping out his flowbee to use on me!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  10. Tina's bbbaaadddd news.....I know many men who have fallen under her spell, and women too for that matter!!! Bad news can be fun, though.....just be careful! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  11. swear to god about the flowbee...i had really long hair back then and he kept swearing it worked really good, then he broke the thing out and was trying to demonstrate how it worked but he was freaking me out.....this is why i don't date anymore......beware all men who want to show you their flowbees! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  12. WOO-HOO!! New hair AND a club god......go get 'em tiger!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  13. it's friday, i'm finally awake for the first time this week (miraculous recovery just in time for digweed...) and i feel the need to share a little dating horror story! i met this guy from alabama who had transferred up to jersey for work. really nice guy, talked on the phone a lot and went on a couple of dates with him....then he asks me out to dinner so i say ok. he asks me if there's anything i don't like to eat so i tell him seafood because 1) i just don't like it and 2) i've had a couple of allergic reactions when i've tried it......it was a pretty long conversation and he keeps on telling me i don't know what i'm missing (b/c he's from the south and loves cajun and creole cooking....) but i keep stressing there's stuff i'm allergic to! the night of the date he calls me to say there's been a change in plan and he's cooked me a dinner (which i thought was a little odd but i went with it anyway)....when i got to his house it smelled really good so i ask him what we're having.....the answer?? chicken stuffed with crawfish and crab, shrimp something or other and cornbread.....needless to say i sat there and watched him eat. he said i was an ungrateful girl for not even trying his cooking!! (he later said he thought he'd be able to change my mind would be one thing if i hadn't told him i'm allergic to the stuff!!) then there was the guy who wanted to cut my hair with his flowbee and i'm not even kidding........... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  14. can we have a bump......we do not discriminate against the opposite sex....... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  15. ha ha, that's funny, we just got rid of one like that.... thanks melissa (blueskygirl)..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  16. ps: building is rent controlled and there's a train station (direct line to manhattan) a five minute walk away.......hmm, how else can i sell this???? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  17. few months??? ha ha ha, that's cute!!! i don't want to hear it!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  18. Yay, the slob is moving out......i'm jumping for joy!! If anyone knows a person looking for a cheap place to live in the Morristown area plz. pm me. It's a four bedroom, 2 bathroom apt...HUGE. We pretty much keep to ourselves, I barely ever see my roommmates. Rent is 430 a month and utilites run about 20 a month so it's dirt cheap. The only thing expected of anyone who moves in is that they clean up after themselves, meaning don't leave a pot sitting on the stove for 5 weeks and then get in a hissy when I ask you to please wash it. That's about it. Thanks! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  19. ask joe, he may know, he lives in the town next door....i think ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  20. mememememememememememe! ugh, this is the most terrible, awful, no-good, very-bad week and i can't stop sleeping. guess my body knows what's coming up!! see ya friday al! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  21. ohthankgoditsoktograbpoohsass ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  22. 1)have sex with coxwingin 2)see some cocks swingin' ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  23. ooooh, i wanna come and i'm willing to break out my private jet for the occasion. yay! party in the poconos!!! as for cooking, this is something i'm really good at!! (tooting own horn) ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  24. doing laundry, shrinking up a pair of cotton pants hoping they will display cameltoe to the best of their ability..........thinking of luigi!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  25. who's the biggest whore of all????? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
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