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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. ok fellas, for the sake of science.......drop trou!!! cathy...break out the ruler!! what a fun experiment! i prob. would done better at hs science if they'd had experiments like this! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  2. that's funny.... i like your sig! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  3. ha ha, jeffery nicola!! now i'm a boy!! in college the professor was always looking for a boy the first day of class.....i'd never raise my hand until the last name had been called just in the event there was a jeff or geoff in the class..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  4. well hmmm, i think there's a lot to be said for the hand size thing.....this one guy, he had short stubby fingers and a short stubby wee-wee to match,,,,,,it was so freaky...... cathyo, i think we should conduct an experiment!! now all we need are some test subjects! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  5. and pigs have wings, ha ha....unless you've been holding out on me all this time!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  6. well maybe it wasn't that bad but rob wasn't laughing (at first) and andy made fun of me for the rest of the morning but oh well.....i've done worse but i'm not telling on this board!! speaking of bonking ladybirds - one summer down the jersey shore there was an influx of them, don't know why but they were everywhere......swarms of them. just so happened i had on a bikini with different colored ladybirds all over it and i guess the real ones were digging it. i had to go home and change b/c they were ALL over me....trying to boff my bathing suit, maybe.... ick ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  7. well you know what they say, if at first you don't succeed.......... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  8. ok, so i'll tell b/c you guys embarrassed yourselves just as bad as i did, i'm still feeling kind've dumb about the whole thing!! this weekend after twilo friday, joe (j303j), andy (aztec), mikey (tyco) and i went back to rob's (roby's) for some more festivites. they decided to drink screwdrivers but i wanted a mimosa b/c i'd brought a bottle of bubbly over....thing is i'd put it in the freezer to make it cold quickly and forgotten to take it out before we went out. so i'm sitting on the couch and take off the wire thingy and the bottle errupts all over the place.......oh god, there was champagne and ice EVERYWHERE, it just wouldn't stop....... i'm talking it covered his whole apt......i can't even describe it! thank god it didn't stain or damage anything....... well as dumb as i feel, no-one tried to stop me....i think we were all co'd....... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  9. i come up with the most original, creative, inspirational, lifechanging ideas when i've smoked.......thing is, the whole world would have to be stoned to agree with me...... did you ever read the book of questions when you're high?? it's really fun if you're with a bunch of people,,,,honest.... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  10. I eat everything in sight, get the doctors to rub my shoulders in between surgeries.....read this board, shop on-line...... thing is i have a lot to do but i can't get into work mode this week. dis sux!! ps: i totally forgot about the tv...watch the soaps and talkshows or read people magazine!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com [This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 01-23-2001).]
  11. I found all that candy!! I have a bunch of Lemonheads, Ferrero Rocher and chocolate covered cherries. No-one here will eat them (well when i got desperate i ate the chocolate off 3 of the cherries and spit the cherries out....)so let me know if you guys are gonna be at the meetup!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  12. one cup o joe after my shower while i'm getting ready for work,,,,one cup o tea as soon as i get to work. in the afternoon i have some form of green tea......today i had to have another cup of coffee after the morning tea b/c i thought i was gonna fall asleep sitting up.....i think my weekend finally caught up with me!!!! i'm more of a tea drinker than coffee, though.....it's the english way!! extra strong teabags from marks and spencer's......available at your local king's supermarket!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  13. i'd prob. stay too just b/c of all that's been invested in the relationship. i'm just not sure i'd be able to forgive or forget. i can't even imagine how i'd feel if my husband were a public figure and the whole world knew about his indiscretions.....ugh, i feel for her too! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  14. or what if one of his daughters is raped and becomes pregnant as a result??? i feel sick.... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  15. So now Jesse Jackson has a love child.....38 years of marriage....if you were his wife would you be able to forgive him??? I just don't know what the hell I'd do. I had a problem forgiving my ex. when he cheated on me...tried to make it work but I just couldn't get over what he'd done. How do you get past something like this and move on??? ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  16. i wasn't laughing either, what bastards............ ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  17. um, i'm becoming suspicious......codpiece you say??? he "tried" to borrow it or did??? b/c the moment i knew it was love was when he was wearing those maroon pants with the puple polka dots, the ones that make his butt look so, um, rotund, and....well, let's just say no wonder he wouldn't let me get to third base........ ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  18. can i get an amen!!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  19. oops, forgot i'm dog sitting on feb. 2....i can leave the dogs but not alllllll night long, so this fri may be better for me but whatever is decided i'll figure something out....i'll just not go out afterwards if it's next fri. need to calm down a bit anyway!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  20. word of advice, don't drink too much and end up married!! ya never know mario!! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  21. i'm feeling ya, i'm feeling ya (up)...... i love Cadbury's choc...esp. the mini eggs at easter....yyyuuuummmmmyyyyyy! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  22. Sariman, Romy and Orchid......i think i have lemonheads (the big ones), chocolate-covered cherries and ferrero rocher at my office......yep, i'm pretty sure...if i do and you're going to the meetup i'll bring the stash...... as for my favorite candy, well it's all English stuff like maltesers, flakes, minstrels, smarties...i could go on forever, but anything chocolate and i love swedish fish too (only red)..... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  23. someone has spring fever!!! me too, me too b/c i HATE winter and cold......the bunny doesn't want to be a snow bunny anymore.... ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  24. and if you forget i'll bite 'em for ya! ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
  25. I suspect it was coxwingin....rich wouldn't be caught dead in those pants and i'm sure he wouldn't let me try to get to third......maybe i don't love coxwingin...... the codpiece is a whore ------------------ Boink like a snow bunny!!! uknj@aol.com
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