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Everything posted by gene2k

  1. I work in Paramus, right off Route 17 North by the Paramus Park Mall.
  2. We'll definitely get together, I don't think we're going back to Factory until after Labor day but if you guys wanna check out the Jersey shore, drop me a line & I'll set something up. Talk to you soon, take care. Still Blinking.. P.S. Those things were a hit over in Jersey, everyone wanted to borrow them.
  3. Jeff, What ^ bro, Thanks for the info, this is gene, we met at Oakenfold, still got those lights bro, blinking away. Good to see you on here. Tell Danielle I said what ^!
  4. I have strange dreams after I roll as well, usually it's the events from the night before replayed in my head but all distorted & crazy, I also get sick cramps in my calves, not sure if it's from dancing for hours or from the pills.
  5. Used to live in Russia, then Brooklyn, the Staten Island, then Jersey, then back to Staten Island, now I'm in Union County New Jersey, on the weekends I'm at the Jersey shore during the summer, "off" season I reside at Sound Factory on the weekends.
  6. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - More than two million tablets of the dance party drug Ecstasy with a street value of about $40 million were seized in what U.S. authorities on Wednesday called the largest ever such haul in the country. The hallucinogenic drug, also known as MDMA, which users say makes them feel extraordinarily happy, was seized at Los Angeles airport on Saturday after arriving on an Air France plane from Paris in a 15-box shipment labeled pencils but which contained 2.1 million tablets. Officials at a press conference on Wednesday said the drug probably came from the Netherlands and that the seizure was the largest of haul of Ecstasy in U.S. history. Customs, FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials told a news conference they arrested three people from the Los Angeles area. They are also looking for a 26-year-old Los Angeles man alleged to be the leader of an international trafficking ring responsible for importing vast amounts of Ecstasy into both the United States and Europe. Los Angeles U.S. Attorney Alejandro Mayorkas called the ring ``a drug organization with tentacles throughout the world.'' The same ring is though to be behind imports of more than 1,000 pounds (2,200 kilos) of Ecstasy found in San Francisco, Germany, Italy and Los Angeles over the past seven months. The investigation was sparked by discovery in December last year of a shipment of about 100 pounds (220 kilos) of Ecstasy moving from a FedEx shipping facility in Memphis and addressed to a hair salon in Upland, Calif. The drugs were delivered and four suspects were arrested. DEA agent Mark Trouville said the various hauls of Ecstasy, first linked with mass dance ``raves'' popular in northern Europe, signaled ``a potentially explosive epidemic'' in the United States. Seizures of Ecstasy in the United States have increased dramatically over the past year. The Customs Service said it had seized nearly 8 million tablets over the last 10 months compared to 3.5 million tablets in 1999.
  7. Monday through Thursday I'm 29 then I become 22 again. I think I'm gonna stay young until I die. Or at least this lifestyle's not fun anymore.
  8. Sounds good to me, a combo of a Red one & a White one & I won't be seeing ZZZZZZZZZZZZ at least till September.
  9. Jack, Congrats, we'll celebrate this precious moment over the weekend over a Red Bull with a shoit of Absolut Citron.
  10. Sound Factory Saturday for afterhours. Go after 4am when all the drunks leave & the music gets real good.
  11. They have meters & paid parking lots up & down the strip so it's usually not a problem, warning though, there are A LOT of cops in Seaside & if you're planning on getting fuct up I would recommend getting a room for the weekend, there are DWI check points on some of the major roads leading from Seaside especially holiday weekends. Have a good time.
  12. And no one likes a quitter
  13. MOst of these places mentioned are in Seaside Heights on the main strip. Club XS, Tempts, Bermuda Club are all on the same street, a few blocks away from each other. Surf Club's in Ortley Beach, one town North of Seaside Heights & DJais is in Belmar.
  14. Blondeee, Your Nordic Track definitely gets me going especially after 9 hours of dancing. Keep it going & yes you can "Sweat the way you dance" !
  15. you may want to ask this on www.bluelight.nu in the pill report section.
  16. The "No names" or "White Clouds" from last year, also "White Doves" rom last year were all great.
  17. Once again I agree with Tranza, that song sucks almost as much as Zombie Nation.
  18. Once again I agree with Tranza, that song sucks almost as much as Zombie Nation.
  19. LOL...you guys are too much... My ssssiiieeeekkkk friend had 2 left feet on the beach on Sunday night right Blondeee ? Yo Scramble360, guess who's qoute this is :"I sweat the way I dance, no, I really do". See you guys Saturday.
  20. Very true, I was told that the cops in Seaside have a procedure that they pull random people off line at the clubs & search them. I also heard that if you voluntarily go with them it automatically gives them consent to search you, so if you're on line waiting to get in & a cop tells you "come with me I need to talk to you", you have the right to refuse if you're not doing anything wrong. Hope this helps. Fuck the police.
  21. I agree, Bermuda Club last Saturday every other person was an undercover. It's not a war on drugs it's a war on people. The drug laws in this country are ridiculous, thery're jailing people who aren't hurting anyone & meanwhile murderers & child molestors get probation cause the jails are over crowded with drug offenders. Our government's stupid. What ^ Dave by the way, sorrry got carried away for a minute.
  22. Brad, thanx for the hit. I think the vitamins do help your memory, it's Mary that kills it. See you soon.
  23. I'll definitly pass the message to Ally, glad to hear all's well. See you in the fall. If you're ever at the Jersey shore during the summer look us up. Take care.
  24. I agree with Tranza, moderation is THE key. People can't behave themselves & when Rudy comes & closes down the clubs everyone will forget what initially brought this on & bitch & cry about Giulliani being a fascist & all that other stuff. People need to educate themselves on what they're putting in their bodies & the possible risks. Tranza, what ^ by the way ! How the hell are ya ?
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