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Everything posted by highmay

  1. this will be my only post on this thread: im sorry, danwilson...but i dont explain myself to people with zero credibility such as yourself... time and again you've proven yourself to be a worthless sideshow here on CP...so you'll recieve no explanation from me... goodnight...
  2. im sorry...but intelligent people can care less about your opinion...
  3. i never get sick of my old 60's and 70's porn soundtracks...
  4. i feel bad for the tiesto fans that have to bear that disgusting and tasteless roxy friday crowd....
  5. http://www.dtourism.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=3689
  6. you could have used that time to make a better website than the shit you put up...
  7. and you're hot....your point?
  8. and your website blows...your point?
  9. fuck you and go buy me a pie from Grimaldi's...
  10. dont have enough time to respond to all of them...so really quick: quoth: fuck you glowschmucknyc: fuck you djqwest: fuck you johnnyutah: fuck you somebitch: fuck you
  11. exactly... exactly... EXACTLY!!! Good luck tomorrow night!! Remember: THINK DEATH!!!
  12. that was as weak as your jumpshot... in through with you...now kill yourself...
  13. only plebeians such as yourself dont care... others who wish to establish a connection with the possibility of special individual interest, on the other hand, do...
  14. if you were behind the scaffold...that was probably my group...i was the dude with the bandana and windbreaker on...
  15. what an amazingly moronic statement...people, this is the exact reason why i hate verbally attacking people on CP: it's way too easy to comeback on them... look you retarted little ravechick: i have this real stupid thing in my life called PRIORITY, which doesnt enable me to spend ungodly hours on the computer making immature and naive mosaics of all the CP members...so if i respond an hour later, it means im doing something IMPORTANT, such as having a life... keep smoking weed...by the time the day is over, you wont even remember having this argument... and how the fuck could i NOT look @ you making a fool of yourself??!! you took up the entire space behind the scaffold...you fucking psycho... and if you knew spanish, you would konw what my s/n means... once again, your attempts at a comeback are futile, which is probably why you're waving the white flag and calling for peace... fuck you and everything you stand for...
  16. ok idiot, by the time of me replying to this thread, there were 37 views...which is why it's considered an OPEN FORUM!! maybe youre too fucking high while trying to communicate with justin since there are other SMARTER options such as, among others, IM, email, phone, text messaging and talking to him person to person... and just like all haters trying to knock off michael jordan by pointing to his gambling, people try and expose my acne...guess what, NURSE?? Not only am I clear now, but smarter people already recognize that personal insults such as that are petty and make you look jealous and out of options to use anything more intelligent and obvious...if youre gonna try to insult me, at least make YOURSELF good at the same time... and I have all the balls in the world...which is why i tried introducing myself to you 3 TIMES @ exit when scot project spun but you didnt realize it until i had to stop you dead in your tracks, which is when i realized you were as high as a fuckin satellite...which is no big surprise as to why you blew me off in front of the hot girl i was with (real classy move, there) when went up to you...now stop creating big circles and pulling attention to youselves...people were there to see sasha, not for you and dR. Fl0w to go "hey everyone!! look at us!!" now run off to detox...or should i say: RuN oFF 2 dEEEt0X....
  17. huh?? shut the fuck up and shut the fuck up?? in the great (paraphrased) words of Jules Winnfield: it's called English, muthafucka...do you speak it?? and am I a "tuff" guy?? you're calling me a volcanic rock?? as I've said once before: www.m-w.com muthafucka...
  18. if youre referring to Mr. Echostar and his "complication" last night, then yes, I have my facts straight, thank you very much... I was asking you a question straight up, schmuck...but obviously, you're not too quick on the uptake...now, loosen up those huge fucking braids in your hair AND CHANGE YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES!!!
  19. hey why do they call him dR. fLoW??? is he a street pharmacist??
  20. oh..."whateva"...great counter-argument...bottom line is this should have been managed better, but MTV fucked it up... now fuck off and work on your website...
  21. please ...i blow mucous out of my nose bigger than you...
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