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Everything posted by highmay

  1. this guy's a genius... look up "fact" in the dictionary, buddy...
  2. :steps on marci's head as if stepping on an empty soda can: uhmmm, of course you knew i didnt mean ALL women, you schmuck... but whatever... no matter what, youre still fuckin stupid...now go finger yourself and leave the rest of the competent world alone...
  3. if women know what they want, they always make the first move... they do it a little more subtley than men, though... it kinda makes them feel less of a dork if the guy is too pussy to react or if the guy really isnt that interested to begin with...
  4. You fucking idiots want an answer?? Plain and simple: if you get tired of the opposite sex when single, then you're obviously not finding them, and that's usually a personal flaw of your own... i couldnt start telling you how many times ive met women who didnt interest me past the first conversation...it wasnt because they didnt have anything to their personality (believe me, that comes a dime a dozen), but because there were certain parts of themselves which which were completely different with my interests...some examples are them being heavily into drugs, chain smokers, liking hard rock, not liking clubs, and some which give you the general sense that they dont know anything past their own little world, or more commonly referred to as BORING PEOPLE... marci: its very dangerous when making generalizations, because it makes you look ignorant, you ignorant piece of shit... a relationship definitely does has its perks, but being single definitely has its own as well...you cant stress over men being players and boring when women are also players and EXCRUTIATINGLY BORING... so fuck off with your pedestrian insight...
  5. Gonna celebrate my return TONIGHT @ SOMA and WEDNESDAY @ FLUID. I love for everyone to come out and enjoy a drink or 3 with me. Hopefully see some familiar faces tonight!! :D
  6. oh really?? wow!! i didnt come to that realization until you, an unidentified member of a MESSAGEBOARD, told me!! nice try, but you gotta come a little stronger to release my stranglehold on this board...fuckin rookie... stick to your day job you fucking creampuff...
  7. Ooops!! I forgot I was verbally attacking SOMEONE OF MY COMEBACKING CALIBER!! As if you gained the right to call out weak comebacks ... Now little girl...do me a favor and go keep your boyfriend distracted by making out with HotChikie5 all night long... besides, you and "your homegirl" hotchickie have the combined brain power of a fucking aardvark...
  8. MORON ALERT!!! fucking wacko... way to go marci...let's thank you for bringing womens' collective intelligence back 100 years... btw: i obviously disagree with your statement... now go cry yourself a fucking river...
  9. i avoided roxy cuz i knew you were gonna be there... go back to oslo or whereever the fuck youre working now at...
  10. ...now I'm back in Philly for my senior year of college, and I don't like it ONE FUCKING BIT. So what does that mean? RIGHT! I'm taking it out on you poor fucks!! So no more Mr. Nice Highmay from now until Thanksgiving break. Fuck each and everyone of you. If you think you're a friend of mine, you're not anymore you stupid piece of shit. Just come to the reservation that whatever ANY OF YOU say from now on CAN AND WILL BE verbally attacked by me. Your pitiful life will not avoid me on this board. Fuck Mr. Highmay...The One and Only MUTHAFUCKIN HIGHMAY has come to reclaim his throne!! I'm through with you. Fuck off...
  11. b-b-b-b-b-bump! SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!
  12. nooooooooooooooooooooo...youre kidding me
  13. if you emailed ARC, youre a little too late with Mr. Coe, since he DJed there last week... now if they repeat last NYE for this NYE, then Danny Howells will most likely be there spinning... and NYE 2001 was one of his best sets EVER.... hmmmmm....kinda makes you think what he might do this year... anyway, ARC will be your best bet for music an vibe and all that this coming NYE... hope you have fun...
  14. yes,hotbitches,im a rookie,hotbitches,i should respect my elders,hotbitches,you know me inside out,hotbitches,,hotbitches
  15. no, actually im lookin for someone who speaks english... who the hell says 5 across the eyes?? what the fuck are you, one of those fucking gay makeup artists for Loreal?? get real you fucking public high school cook...
  16. of course you cant you fucking retard... HOTBITCHES
  17. btw: johan this saturday AvB september 7th and marvo v sept 14th now THAT is a sick fucking lineup...i hope you guys can endure that venue a few times for those DJs...have fun for me....
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