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Everything posted by highmay

  1. you konw that would scare me if it were true...then I SHOULD be the one scared about hAvINg a StALkeR...
  2. haha..nah...you dont know me...im just a fan of the Be Yourself DJs...but I'll come and say hi and we'll talk to music ...
  3. you mean you're the one to the left?
  4. Holy shit!! Rich Woods!! Good luck with everything!! I'll be at the MetroTech party...can't wait to hear you!!
  5. you dont want me under your wing...remember, I'm a complete joke!
  6. Mr. Groove, with the lineup you have in store for this party...NYC definitely has a home before 6 Hubert Street.
  7. I might swing by for a few...and shall we say..TENAGLIA AFTERHOURS??
  8. Wow, really? So THAT is what they call "good house music"... Sorry if I'm slow, but I have to learn these things, since I'm completely clueless about the scene...
  9. joe...close out SF on a theme night sober....then we'll talk about stamina...
  10. I wonder how much fuckin time it takes you to type up posts WheN EvErY OtHeR wORd iS tYpEd oUt LIkE tHiS...
  11. SUBLIMINALDG and i concur...until next time...MuThAFuCkiNHiGhMaY signing off...
  12. you really dont care?? it must have bothered you since you took the time out to discuss me and who I know or dont know, or what hypocritical statements I've made in the past...and im really sure the people that talked jive about me are qualified to and know me inside out I never involved myself in the scene here in NYC because if I do get involved, I would want to be here full time to do the best job i can do, and that can't happen because I'm in Philly for school... and what points have i missed?? cmon, now...stop with trying to put me down...itll go nowhere because itll just end up being your word against mine... I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I were you...but hey...if you shut me up and throw some kickass parties...who would benefit: the minor victory of your affirmation of some worthless negative opinions said about me, or the scene in general? riiiiiiight...so please stop tryin to show me up... all im sayin is that being more professional with your comments SINCE YOU ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE NOW is probably the best thing to do since you are still pretty new to the scene...but then again, you probably wont listen to me, and comeback with some shit like "you dont anyone highmay!! you're worthless!! you're a joke!!" so, fine...:shrugs: go right ahead with what you think of me...
  13. highmay


  14. whoa...looks like I'm gonna see you everyday of the week nice...we got to talk my friend...
  15. way to go andy and steve!! its all about PQM...
  16. Aight, here we go: Ms. "DiNascosto": you perfectly exemplified what I depicted of you. I commented on your sorry ass statement about what you think of your employer (or former employer, whichever; but mind you, isn't professional...unless you want to call THAT a joke too). But of course, like any amateur, you decide to attack my credibility and personal experience, which isn't a good thing considering the fact that you don't know me all that well. Nowhere and at any time did I ever say that I knew everything about the scene, or even knew half of it. What I say are merely the conclusions drawn from my expieriences. Yes, I was at Exit with Draper. Yes, I was dancing to JP at Factory @ 3 on a Sunday afternoon. Shall we also mentioned that I've always realized that there WERE other clubs? OTHER parties? OTHER types of music? Now, you're gonna say that I'm absolutly clueless because I PREFERRED those spots over the scenes I checked out, but didn't appreciate until just recently? Personal attacks against my character and past expeiriences aren't the way to go when trying to comeback against my comments, especially when you know YOURSELF that they aren't true. You're gonna say I'm clueless about the inner workings of the scene? Well yeah, you're right. During my useless drivel I spewed to you, I never said anything that would even suggest that I knew how they worked. I always voice my opinion on what I saw and some of the people we've mutually dealt with, but let's not mention the fact that you agreed with a few of my assessments of the people we spoke of, right? Saying that the my expeiriences in the industry only emcompass 2 failed weeks at promoting: that's a little incomplete. I promoted for a club in Philly once, and stopped because it was pointless for me to promote for a party I wasn't even able to enter. Add the fact that I was only paid $1 a head (ONE FUCKING DOLLAR) and made $15 that night, compared to what I could have made with the same amount of people at Exit (at the time I did that party, I believe payouts at Exit were $10 a head), and to top that off, I didn't even like the damn party (not my type of crowd or music), it just didn't make sense for me to keep promoting that party. So I stopped. Let me ask you: how are you so sure that I've never dealt with people in the industry here? How are you so sure that some of the things I told you were from very credible or uncredible sources? HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY I'M CLUELESS ABOUT THE SCENE? Last time I checked, I never recalled entirely telling you who is close to me and who I've met and dealt with during my experiences clubbing in NYC. You think I just went to dance and smile at the DJ? Cmon now hun...I keep who I deal with to myself. You could go say what you want about Spa. That's entirely your opinion. You could call it souless and forgot about how it had a great run for about a year and a half as THE hottest club in the city. You wanna diss the people who used to run Life for what they've done? Right. I'm pretty sure Mr. Blair knows who he's dealing with. Saying that Marvisi is gonna fuck Limelight up, considering the given accomplishments of Mr. Blair, and considering the possibility the you might deal with him in the future, you really don't sound that smart. No need to reply if you don't want to. I'm attacking how you go about spewing shit when you're in the position you're in now. Remember: YOU wanted to be involved in the business. YOU wanted to put your name out and help in throwing parties. YOUR WORK is as open for opinion as any other in the industry. Who the fuck are you to predict what might happen in the future of the scene you have had such little experience with? If you notice something, I never once personally attacked you. I consider myself classier than going on the internet and spewing personal items about you and personal convos we've had. That just isn't me. You could call me insecure or whatever name you want, but I back up my opinions with facts. Please prove me otherwise, instead of attacking my character with skewed emotions and unfounded credibility. You should feel proud that you're in the scene for whatever reason. You can't deny the fact that you're still fairly new. In my opinion, the names on the flyer mean less than they did about 5 years ago, what with 3 week parties and subpar music now the norm in NYC. I only hope that in a few years, your name on the flyer gets associated with quality, and not a tired joke in the scene.
  17. youre another one who needs to shut the fuck up...please start gettin your stories from other sources...clubplanet isnt the bible to NYC nightlife, ok sweetie?? About 7 or 8 investors bought LL, John Blair is the majority stakeholder...it's rumored (and probably true) that marvisi gave Blair the $$ to buy it...Blair runs the show, marvisi just has an investment set up... and why are you lifting your head up??? go back down and keep sucking draper's dick..
  18. REALLY stupid fucking comment... aly, you're starting to sound like the amateur you really are... check this: david marvisi might be the one with the money, but JOHN BLAIR is running the show...last time i checked and dyed my hair brown, JOHN BLAIR is one of the most, if not THE MOST, successful gay promoters in nyc nightlife history...he ran sundays @ LL which i had the privalage of checking out and it had an incredible vibe...he also did Tuesdays @ XL and maybe im just THAT stupid, but XL is one of the most beautiful venues ive ever seen...and oh yeah, he also has this little known party called ROXY SATURDAYS!!! the point is this: marvisi isnt just going to give his money out to just anybody...he deals with very smart people...last time i checked, SPA runs some of the most successful upscale dance parties in the city, and doesnt MARVISI OWN IT??? John Blair is running the club the way he wants to, not marvisi...and as you can tell by the venues i mentioned, blair's club will fit blair's crowd..he isnt going to give a night to some shitty exit promoters (ahem) that'll have their boys DJ the party...no, he deals with COMPETENT people that'll throw an upscale party to a music saavy crowd...and guess what, ms. "dinascosto", THEY DO EXIST... now please shut the fuck up until you get yourself educated on the NYC nightlife scene...this aint DC...in my eyes, you havent earned your name on those flyers, and your ignorant and unfounded comments are starting to show it...
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